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Pistorius And Girlfriend Were Planning A Future Together, Athlete's Uncle Says


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The defence is that he heard a noise in the bathroom, it was pitch black, he called out, got a gun, he didn't have his leg extensions on, felt vulnerable, thought it was a n intruder so fired the shots through the bathroom door even though his girlfriend was somewhere in the house.

And all his relatives are bawling their eyes out.

- BBC News

I think a "that ho was cheatin on me" defense would be a better route than that bs.

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Ballistic angle should be pretty easy to show whether he had his prosthetic legs. He is one dumb dude if he is lying about that detail as it will devastate whatever credibility he may have had. I doubt dude would have been chasing her around the house on his stumps . . . so that could feasibly support his story if true.

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His latest account does not pass the smell test.

What a bum!

Ballistic angle should be pretty easy to show whether he had his prosthetic legs. He is one dumb dude if he is lying about that detail as it will devastate whatever credibility he may have had. I doubt dude would have been chasing her around the house on his stumps . . . so that could feasibly support his story if true.

agreed on the ballistics.

still how do you wake up, walk around your bedroom, reach under the mattress to get your 9mm, and not notice your gf isn't there?

also you hear someone in the bathroom, so you decide to shoot?

lastly shooting once maybe accidental, or could be a warning. but 4 shots at close range is an attempt to kill.

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Pistorius has closer relatives than uncles, but his father and sibblings remain silent. His mother died several years ago. Her birth day and date of passing away are tattoed on his body. Alongside a quote from the bible, Corinthians or so. He's a very pious Christian. Had to look it up, didn't care much about him before. I believed he had no place running with able-bodied athletes because his blades gave him an advantage (except for the start), just look at his thighs and compare them to those of other short-distance runners, they're really skinny. The Cologne University figured out that he runs on 30% less energy than able-bodied athletes of the same body mass. But the world needed another poster boy overcoming a crippling disease and prejudice, just like Lance Armstrong. Bad choice again.

Seems Pistorius is quite a gun nut. "A reporter for the Daily Mail said that when he visited Pistorius at his home last year, a pistol was by his bed and a machine gun was propped up by a window." http://www.iol.co.za...52#.USOZKPKOs0p

I'm very wary of pious Christians.

His running action is very different from that of runners with legs. There's a video somewhere that shows both in contrast.

Let's not hang him before the Court's verdict. On the other hand, his story is rather odd. If he was in bed without his legs and had a gun handy, what was the rush to hobble to the bathroom door? He could fit is legs and be able to shoot if someone came into the bedroom in the meantime. Having established that someone was in the bathroom, is not the logical next step to check that the girlfriend is in bed and, perhaps, alert her to the fact that he may be about to blast an intruder to kingdom come? Why as his girlfriend sitting o the washbasin? Bang three shot into someone doing that and she would probably end up on the floor. We have only his word for that, anyway.

So far, I have the picture of a woman trying to escape a violent, angry man by locking herself in the bathroom. He, in his rage, acts like a psychopath and goes after her, shooting through the door. In Court, he weeps either for himself, for her or for the audience. We shall find out which later.

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I also think that Pistorius isn't telling the truth.

My guess is it is either premeditated murder or manslaughter.

Just something I want to ask. Suppose that in the end, it is decided by the judge that Pistorius was telling the truth and that he fired the shots, thinking that there was an intruder in the bathroom. What do SA laws say for that ? He gets away with it, with no jail time ??? Just curious.

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I also think that Pistorius isn't telling the truth.

My guess is it is either premeditated murder or manslaughter.

Just something I want to ask. Suppose that in the end, it is decided by the judge that Pistorius was telling the truth and that he fired the shots, thinking that there was an intruder in the bathroom. What do SA laws say for that ? He gets away with it, with no jail time ??? Just curious.

His defence seems to be, it cannot be murder because i thought i was shooting a black man. He will probably walk!
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"Witnesses heard "non-stop shouting" in the home of Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius shortly before his girlfriend was shot dead, the lead detective in the murder investigation said on Wednesday."

So the bum was lying and completely fab'd the story also.

I dont know why i'm so disappointed. :(

but i am.

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...and so it swings. In dramatic fashion, just before the lunch break. Botha, the investigating officer, has confirmed that the witness to the argument lives 600m away, the drugs they found were a herbal remedy, there were no signs of Steenkamp defending herself and she had an empty bladder which is consistent with her going to the toilet.

Apparently a junior prosecution aide was overheard saying "We're in trouble now" as they left for lunch.

This is either a sensational power play from the defence or there is something fishy going on behind closed doors.

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...and so it swings. In dramatic fashion, just before the lunch break. Botha, the investigating officer, has confirmed that the witness to the argument lives 600m away, the drugs they found were a herbal remedy, there were no signs of Steenkamp defending herself and she had an empty bladder which is consistent with her going to the toilet.

Apparently a junior prosecution aide was overheard saying "We're in trouble now" as they left for lunch.

This is either a sensational power play from the defence or there is something fishy going on behind closed doors.

They may have located O.J's jury.

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...and so it swings. In dramatic fashion, just before the lunch break. Botha, the investigating officer, has confirmed that the witness to the argument lives 600m away, the drugs they found were a herbal remedy, there were no signs of Steenkamp defending herself and she had an empty bladder which is consistent with her going to the toilet.

Apparently a junior prosecution aide was overheard saying "We're in trouble now" as they left for lunch.

This is either a sensational power play from the defence or there is something fishy going on behind closed doors.

Dead bodies usually empty their bowels and bladder. Apart from theat, she may not have had a full bladder when she locked herself in the bathroom. Do we usually lock the door when we go for a pee in the middle of the night? And how would she defend herself through a locked door?

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We cannot be sure of everything we've heard so far but it does strike me as strange that if you heard someone in the bathroom you wouldn't check to see if your girlfriend wasn't in bed with first before putting on your false legs and firing shots through the door, as he claimed in court.

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"Witnesses heard "non-stop shouting" in the home of Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius shortly before his girlfriend was shot dead, the lead detective in the murder investigation said on Wednesday."

So the bum was lying and completely fab'd the story also.

I dont know why i'm so disappointed. :(

but i am.

But if you heard what was said in court today that these "witnesses" were between 300-600 meters away from where the house was, so how could they even know who was shouting...

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"Witnesses heard "non-stop shouting" in the home of Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius shortly before his girlfriend was shot dead, the lead detective in the murder investigation said on Wednesday."

So the bum was lying and completely fab'd the story also.

I dont know why i'm so disappointed. sad.png

but i am.

But if you heard what was said in court today that these "witnesses" were between 300-600 meters away from where the house was, so how could they even know who was shouting...

Actually its the shouting thats the key. They were awake and not sleeping as claimed.

but this is a good point. the daily supposed "revelations" isnt going to help my constitution too much. So i'm going to let this issue go and let the legal process play out. Lessons learned from the OJ case, as some earlier poster pointed out. After the OJ case, i was so disappointed with the legal system, i had to take a sick day and let the disappointment pass.

Its just that i hated to see someone with so much potential to help others, crumble in real time, in front of our eyes, albeit via media. I have so much sympathy for his family and esp the family of the woman. I also am worried about those disabled that saw oscar as motivation. Now they will be rudderless until they find other motivations to guide them.

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OMG! the slime may walk! I'm officially not following this case anylonger!

Police add more confusion to Oscar Pistorius case


"The prosecution case against Oscar Pistorius began to unravel Wednesday with revelations of a series of police blunders and the lead investigator's admission that authorities have no evidence challenging the double-amputee Olympian's claim he killed his girlfriend accidentally................."


Why do i get the feeling that everyone wants this to just go away?

Everyone except the girls family that is.

Just very sad.

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