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I have had several Holidays in the LOS. And through them I met my wife of eight months who lives with me in the US. I come from a working class background and I have a decent job. But my retirement is 30 years away. Before I met my wife I could hardly stand to be away from Thailand and then when I met her it became worse. And now that she is here well I see my life through differn't eyes. So now Thailand seems more like home than my own.

I want to move but I still have to support my wife and my family, does anyone have some good suggestions. I am a electrician. And I know that is not to enterprising over there.

I just don't want this post to become a joke. Even though some of you may think it is.

So please only sincere helpful posts. :o

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Work as many hours as possible and live as cheaply as possible in the USA for 6 months a year, then live in Thailand the other 6 months, relaxing and maybe teaching English part time.

Work as many hours as possible and live as cheaply as possible in the USA for 6 months a year, then live in Thailand the other 6 months, relaxing and maybe teaching English part time.

Save your dough....look for investments that will give you a good return...not bars and not teaching,

market stalls and such like can be a useful supplement to the family income....


Work as many hours as possible and live as cheaply as possible in the USA for 6 months a year, then live in Thailand the other 6 months, relaxing and maybe teaching English part time.

Save your dough....look for investments that will give you a good return...not bars and not teaching,

market stalls and such like can be a useful supplement to the family income....

Burnsie mate - come on you know you can make a fortune teaching in Thailand!!! :o

Here we go again...


Yeah, if your wife is Thai *not specified, but implied*

then you might want to consider either somehting like gburns mentioned, or even open a bar in your wife's name.

Point being, if your wife is thai, you can put a business in her name, giving you far more options then if you were single.


Work on an Oilrig perhaps in the Arabian Gulf....flying/working up-and-down and leave the missus in LOS.

Good money and closer to LOS than US.


I have had several Holidays in the LOS. And through them I met my wife of eight months who lives with me in the US. I come from a working class background and I have a decent job. But my retirement is 30 years away. Before I met my wife I could hardly stand to be away from Thailand and then when I met her it became worse. And now that she is here well I see my life through differn't eyes. So now Thailand seems more like home than my own.

I want to move but I still have to support my wife and my family, does anyone have some good suggestions. I am a electrician. And I know that is not to enterprising over there.

I just don't want this post to become a joke. Even though some of you may think it is.

So please only sincere helpful posts. :o

One option......

If I were you this what I would do.... If you MUST move soon....

Stick around in the US for a year or two more - TOUGH IT OUT - because the housing construction is still doing quite ok but expecting a soft slow down soon. Because it's easier to make money in the US.

During these 2 years, either

1) Get your wife to work to help earn more money, but save as much as you can


2) Send your wife back to thailand hence saving more in living expenses for both, while save as much as you can while working alone

Once you have enough money to satisfy the income requirement for visa....plus enough saving to last you and mrs. in thailand for 5 years....plus a small amount enough to open a small business......then you can make THE MOVE!

If you're very determine to live in thailand with small saving and some skills you can do it. The fact is you must be very frugal while living in thailand! You should not have a HI-SO lifestyle on a somtum budget!

While in Thailand don't live in pricely tourist area...find somewhere in Esaan area where the rent is still affordable to you and in a good location for business too.

You should rent a house that can be double as business too. From this location you can open a small retail on the first floor selling basic electrical supplies and fittings (your skill is in electrical, isn't it?) , and if your wife has some cooking skills she can sell some take out foods too - that if there is room enough for her to do this - or whatever skills she has. She can also sell her food stuffs at the market too, by cooking at home and selling it in the late afternoon or evening. Evening is good because you can help her more after your store closed.

It's ok in helping her selling things at the market too even as being farang, don't be ashamed of it...you need to make a living!

Hey I bet you might get more customers curious enough who want to practice their english skills. Just smile alots...charming yourself away every evening!....It might be fun!

You can make it works on any budget if you have good plans, endurance, and self-determination. Though hard works from both of you.....you will see the fruits of your labor in couple years.

Just remember with little saving you will have, you wife has to help out in the family's earning too. While in Thailand cut down all expenses you don't need but only wanted....and do not support any of her family member at all at this time hence more saving in your part - at least until you two can stand up on your own feet anyway. Oh....and no baby during these first couple years at least.....Have a good family planning in place - explain to your wife about this as why.

This is just one of the option anyway....If you MUST...and VERY VERY wanted to move there

Good luck....and let's hope your "BIGMAN" electrical shop will continue to grow...and grow....in Thailand



PM me your qualifications if you are interested in oil field work I may be able to put you onto a few companies. With the oil field being so busy at the moment you may get lucky and get a start


Yes my wife is Thai. And I appreciate all of your suggestions. I would like to more about the oil rigs if anyone would like to give me the info. I am not how sure my wife would buy the idea about selling anything in Thailand she things that a Thai would not want to buy from us you Know Farang Khee nok

But thank anyway

Yes my wife is Thai. And I appreciate all of your suggestions. I would like to more about the oil rigs if anyone would like to give me the info. I am not how sure my wife would buy the idea about selling anything in Thailand she things that a Thai would not want to buy from us you Know Farang Khee nok

But thank anyway

Good excuse to kick her out of bed at 6:00am to work whilst you lay in, out of sight, the silent and snoozing partner. :o

I have had several Holidays in the LOS. And through them I met my wife of eight months who lives with me in the US. I come from a working class background and I have a decent job. But my retirement is 30 years away. Before I met my wife I could hardly stand to be away from Thailand and then when I met her it became worse. And now that she is here well I see my life through differn't eyes. So now Thailand seems more like home than my own.

I want to move but I still have to support my wife and my family, does anyone have some good suggestions. I am a electrician. And I know that is not to enterprising over there.

I just don't want this post to become a joke. Even though some of you may think it is.

So please only sincere helpful posts. :o

Cut out some of the luxuries in US - if you eat chicken instead of steak one time, what you save will feed you for a week in Thailand. (Ok, an exaggeration, but you get the point).


If only you could come to Thailand and teach the Thai electricians how to lay electrical cable properly.

How to wire a house neatly and how to set up market stalls without having electrical wiring all over the ground. :o

As you have a trade, my advice is to stay in the USA, start up your own business and when it is successful, move to Thailand if the desire is still there and let your staff run the business.

That way you will have a steady income.

You have only had "several holidays in LOS" so the novelty hasn't yet worn off. You are still that wide eyed kid in the candy store.

A holiday and a lifestyle are two different things. To turn your holiday into a lifestyle takes a lot of planning, a lot of money and some hard decisions.


Your feelings are mutual. Thousands and thousands farangs would like to do the same. I also like to live in Thailand now but I can't since I don't have enough money to live-on. I have several years to go for that. Meanwhile I'm saving alot in the States so that I can retire early with enough to live comfortably. It's best to make money at home and play in Thailand. That's what I have been doing for 13 years since I discovered Thailand.

I also wanted to move to Thailand than but my common sense and wisdom made me realize that I can't. Thailand is not fun without money and it's not a good place to make money. It's not a welfare country. And Thais don't want us without money either.

Remember, no money, no honey. :o


Yes you can teach english and make 30000/mo minus taxes. that wont get you anywhere. you will be broke and beaten. you have your wife there why not stay and make cash? it makes no sense to me to move here and try to survive on less than poverty wages and no benefits for 30 years. It sounds rightly insane

Yes you can teach english and make 30000/mo minus taxes.

Why oh why does it seem to be an almost automatic response that anyone who can speak English at even the lowest level (including those with the intelligence of a deceased dandelion) can get a job teaching English in Thailand?

A very sad state of affairs if it is true... :o



I am an american that is thinking the same as you. I plan to marry a Thai woman in December. I am still learning about Thailand laws and all i need to do to get married and become a reisdent there and if i get the one year visa does my time count with me working outside of Thailand. I am currently working in Iraq as a contractor so I am making an ok living but have wondered how much i need to start off there. Everyone has givin you some good advice but I never seen what people think is a good figure to start off in thailand. I am not talking about living in any of the tourist areas. I will be about 6 hours north west of Bangkok. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.



The easy answer is

Start begging from farangs in Bangkok :D

I believe it pays quite well :o


Only you can decide what is going to make you happy in life.

Money does not equate to happiness. However you need money to live.

Trick is to think long and hard to try and understand what it is that you want from your life. Untill you know the answer to that then you will never have it.

Everyone is different and what is right for you may not be right for the next person. Its all about personal lifestyle choice.

Think about it, make a decision or two and be happy whatever you decide to do.

The easy answer is

Start begging from farangs in Bangkok :D

I believe it pays quite well :o

Just because I thought the guy might be for real doesn't mean I want to take advantage of anyone.


The easy answer is

Start begging from farangs in Bangkok :D

I believe it pays quite well :o

Just because I thought the guy might be for real doesn't mean I want to take advantage of anyone.


Some people can not understand jokes :D

I wish him well and if he is serious he will find a way. :D:D

I have had several Holidays in the LOS. And through them I met my wife of eight months who lives with me in the US. I come from a working class background and I have a decent job. But my retirement is 30 years away. Before I met my wife I could hardly stand to be away from Thailand and then when I met her it became worse. And now that she is here well I see my life through differn't eyes. So now Thailand seems more like home than my own.

I want to move but I still have to support my wife and my family, does anyone have some good suggestions. I am a electrician. And I know that is not to enterprising over there.

I just don't want this post to become a joke. Even though some of you may think it is.

So please only sincere helpful posts. :D

Are your plans compatible with the plans of your wife?

You are writing about your family, does this mean you and your wife have (a) child(ren)??

You think Thailand is more "home" than your own. Why? Do you understand/speak Thai???

I can see 3 possibilities:

  • Make as much cash as fast as you can (bankrobbery comes to the mind...) in the US

  • Look for a (big) company send you working in Thailand

  • Come to Thailand and sell fake-warez over the internet :D
    Maybe you are just a little dissatisfied? :o


The easy answer is

Start begging from farangs in Bangkok :D

I believe it pays quite well :o

Just because I thought the guy might be for real doesn't mean I want to take advantage of anyone.


Some people can not understand jokes :D

I wish him well and if he is serious he will find a way. :D:D

Sorry :D

When I first started here it was a little hard to start posting which I am sure all of you understand.

So I thuoght you were reffering to a early post of mine where I said the guy might be real. :D


The easy answer is

Start begging from farangs in Bangkok :D

I believe it pays quite well :o

Just because I thought the guy might be for real doesn't mean I want to take advantage of anyone.

IT WAS A JOKE!!!! :burp:

Some people can not understand jokes :D

I wish him well and if he is serious he will find a way. :D:D

Sorry :D

When I first started here it was a little hard to start posting which I am sure all of you understand.

So I thuoght you were reffering to a early post of mine where I said the guy might be real. :D

No Problemo :D

Enjoy Thai Visas it can be fun :D


would agree with previous post(s) with regards to working on a rig.

you say you're an electrician? having a trade is a head start. If you work it properly, you can have the best of both worlds - make decent western wages offshore and spend your time off in Thailand. :o

I don't know the ins and outs of taxation and visas etc but I know of plenty people who live like that. :D

Yes you can teach english and make 30000/mo minus taxes. that wont get you anywhere. you will be broke and beaten. you have your wife there why not stay and make cash? it makes no sense to me to move here and try to survive on less than poverty wages and no benefits for 30 years. It sounds rightly insane

30000 bht/ mo is hardly "poverty wage", especially in Thailand. Many people are living confortable with that kind of money. You just need to adapt.

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