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Thailand Tops Asean With Most Number Of Senior Citizens


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Mahidol: Thailand tops ASEAN with most number of senior citizens

BANGKOK, 19 February 2013 (NNT) – The Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, has indicated that Thailand has the most number of senior citizens in ASEAN, creating concerns for the economy in the future.


The Institute for Population and Social Research has compared the number of population in the ASEAN community over the past year and found that Thailand tops the list for having the highest number of senior citizens. There are 8.1 million people aged 60 and over in Thailand, accounting for 12% of all citizens. 800,000 of them are 80 years and over.

The institute also indicated that people are at the same time having fewer children, saying the percentage of the elderly to the whole population will continue to rise. It said this will create a problem of elderly dependency.

As a result, Thailand now has the highest elderly dependency rate in ASEAN at 12.8%. Most countries in ASEAN are also having increasing elderly dependency rate, except Vietnam and Laos.

Despite the troubling seniors’ number, Wellness City executive Boonchai Issarapisit, said the Thai society provides a great place for them to live. He stated the happiness index of the elderly in Thailand is the highest in ASEAN, explaining that good physical wellness, public facilities, society and environment are the factors for their happiness.


-- NNT 2013-02-19 footer_n.gif

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The last paragraph of the OP must be a joke - in very poor taste.

I do think that the term senior citizens is a misnomer. Senior implies a pecking order. Where would you place an old crone, worn out by hard work all her life, living in poor conditions and without access to education and acceptable medical facilities and care on the ladder? The forgotten generation (or two) would be more appropriate.

Senior citizens is yet another BS term not unlike the homily 'have a nice day' from somebody who couldn't give a rat's ass.

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Hardly a claim to fame. Highest ageing population in Asia. As if we needed one more population imbalance. Coping with the first one is hard enough ie: lot more females to males, and that's not even counting the other imbalance - from Thai males sowing eggs in several nests.

Edited by SparklingCascades
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Shouldn't the OP have credited the high percentage to us farang long-term residents, older citizens who apparently flock here, to enjoy the good life provided by Thai culture, all those temples & cute native dances & thrilling TV soap-operas & so on ? rolleyes.gif

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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

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thank god for the 12000 road accidents + thousands of people killed here ???

no just being cynnical

good for the government or tax payer that most of those pensionners don't have to cough up as much or more money than people are earning with working

in most western countries, people first get stolen 50% of their salary to taxes, 21% to VAT on everything they buy

end up working 40 years

and getting a small pension which does not even cover the cost of a retirement home

meanwhile ... illegal people, getting free housing, 800 euros in cash , medical and other stuff for free

latest news in belgium : illegal people get all the above + their 800 euros HIV medicine, all being illegal and the tax payer is coughing up all the money

so i guess, in this country, where most people do not pay any taxes, but free doctor's visits and medication, it is a good deal ...

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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

Why would they bother? Just continue to pay them 500 baht/month & the problem is solved!!!

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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

Why would they bother? Just continue to pay them 500 baht/month & the problem is solved!!!

They need the fdi to keep rolling and rolling and rolling to provide for the elderly. Long way to go.

That said, Thailand is in a much better position than China. They are ageing already, and still haven't reached the level of development of Thailand.

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This is the point. . . we can all wax on about this and that population and good at this and bad at that, etc etc et al but THIS is the point.

quote " Despite the troubling seniors’ number, Wellness City executive Boonchai Issarapisit, said the Thai society provides a great place for them to live. He stated the happiness index of the elderly in Thailand is the highest in ASEAN, explaining that good physical wellness, public facilities, society and environment are the factors for their happiness.

Rivalled only by the Balinese, in my experience, I would say . . . just casually . . . . and think about it those of us who have travelled the world much . . happiest people on earth?? . . certainly my Isaan family seem to give it a good shake from 5.30 am to 7 pm its laughter and rollicking good humour all day. . and my Thai wife is always on for a good practical joke.

Don't worry be happy. Live in Thailand . . . How come everybody is obsessed by the problems of it ageing population oh problem problem OMG lighten up everybody. This is such a great place. . .

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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

Why do today what you can put off for ever how long, before it comes to a disaster. Isnt that a Thai Motto? I am sure i saw it some where.
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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

Why do today what you can put off for ever how long, before it comes to a disaster. Isnt that a Thai Motto? I am sure i saw it some where.

Is there a Thai word for disaster? Surely it doesnt get worse than ubhateehaed, accident......

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Now if this was a forward thinking country, they would be busy pooping themselves about where to get all the money needed to provide for these people, and come up with some rather forward thinking idea to attract highly qualified people who can pay taxes, by giving them residency and tax breaks to open businesses.

But alas, no, they will just import minimum wage Cambodians.

Why do today what you can put off for ever how long, before it comes to a disaster. Isnt that a Thai Motto? I am sure i saw it some where.

Is there a Thai word for disaster? Surely it doesnt get worse than ubhateehaed, accident......

I am not sure.. I do know there are many countries around the world having the same problem, and not feeling to good about it, some say in a panic.
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One of the reasons Thailand has more elderly in ASEAN is because the people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were killed in the wars. Than in Cambodia we had the Khmer Rogue killing millions. In Malaysia during the 60's there was the communist rebellions, Burma is still having conflicts.

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This will only get worse. The fertility rate in Thailand is down to 1.6. In industrialised countries, 2.1 is needed to keep the population on the same level. In third world countries, 2.5 to 3.3 is needed due to higher mortality rates. Young people in urban Thailand are too busy buying cars and iPhones to make children.

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One of the reasons Thailand has more elderly in ASEAN is because the people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were killed in the wars. Than in Cambodia we had the Khmer Rogue killing millions. In Malaysia during the 60's there was the communist rebellions, Burma is still having conflicts.

Wars there and better healthcare in Thailand.

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