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Leonardo Dicaprio Calls For Thai Govt And Yingluck To Ban Ivory Trade


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It's not banned in TL? blink.png

The more i know, the less I want to know sad.png

I was thinking the same thing. I thought there was an international ban on this barbaric business.

There is, but unfortunately Thailand's stance on most issues is "The UN is not my father".

It is illegal to trade ivory from African elephants in Thailand, but legal to trade ivory from Thai elephants. The result is of course that African ivory is smuggled into Thailand, where it is then claimed to originate from Thai elephants, and wupti, it all becomes legal.

Why it is legal to trade Thai ivory I think only Thais know - it may have to do with the infamous Thainess?

It has to do with many elephants in Thailand being domesticated animals. They know which ones have been privately born & raised. I know that many still won't understand this, even while they enjoy their steak.

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Wow, the guy who was in 'The Beach' is barking orders at the Thai PM. So he's an authority on animal rights too. So gifted.

Funny thing is, the Thai PM will probably ask for his autograph first.

well just in case you did not most others know about endangered species Tigers, Elephants, Rhino's etc. Think most kids in school grasped that one by now without being authorities on animal rights.

Pity more like him don't get up and focus on the issue, or the last dinosaur still living may well become extinct

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Being a jeweler for 40+ years and never selling ivory or coral or any organic jewelry except cultured pearls and amber. We have substitutes available that even age with the patina of ivory, and same with tusks and teeth and bone,etc. These are better and cheaper than the originals and nothing gets killed. Now that the wealth is shifting to Asia and the old Chinese beliefs that a Tokay Gecko can cure AIDS and Cancer etc, bear gall bladder, anything from our big Cats, Rhino horns, the list of stupidity goes on. I used to rip people a new one when they called our store asking for ivory in the USA. And i never liked them rattlesnake boots and ostrich belts either although i once had a real skunk cap! Time to save our Animals is now, Scorn the people who wear those ornaments of death!!!

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I, for one, applaud Mr. DiCaprio and his fellow celebrity friends for throwing their voice behind this worthwhile cause. Without action to save wildlife species from the practice of illegal wildlife trade extinction will be the result. People can slam him for his mode of transportation, his lifestyle, and what his status brings out in people, but the fact is, HE IS WILLING to take on such a righteous cause. Financially, this man is set for life and doesn’t have to do anything but just enjoy the fruits of his labor; he doesn’t need to help anyone or anything. But he has chosen to tackle a problem that impacts the world; not just himself. Mr. DiCaprio's, along with fellow peers, will hopefully lend a hand in enlightening people globally to what the consequences are in NOT taking action to stop the extinction of these endangered species. I say, “Kudos for all these people TRYING to make a difference instead of doing NOTHING”. Trashing people that are at least attempting to do positive action in this world is counter-productive and simply bad taste.

Indeed ,these are the new leaders in the fight against crimes of nature, and greed is central along with money. I applaud people like Leo, Bill Gates and the many others who are not sitting on their asses, but doing something other than stroking their egos. Their generosity of time and money and their conviction of justice make me want to do more.
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Leonardo needs to shut up and stop smoking. Then, and only then, can he preach about the sins of others.

It all depends on what you smoke. a girl once asked me if i smoked after sex and i commented that i have seen it steam but never smoke. Lighten up.
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Not sure this has been mentioned already.

Just read that the World Wildlife Funds will use the opportunity of the 16th Meeting of the Parties by CITES here in Bangkok (3 - 14 March) to hand a petition signed by 400,000 to PM Yingluck to ask her to stop trade in ivory. WWF and TRAFFIC also want sanctions against DR Congo, Nigeria and Thailand.


More on the CIRES meeting here


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Not sure this has been mentioned already.

Just read that the World Wildlife Funds will use the opportunity of the 16th Meeting of the Parties by CITES here in Bangkok (3 - 14 March) to hand a petition signed by 400,000 to PM Yingluck to ask her to stop trade in ivory. WWF and TRAFFIC also want sanctions against DR Congo, Nigeria and Thailand.


More on the CIRES meeting here


I predict our clone real PM will conviently arrange a high level meeting in a foreign country during this time and appoint DPM Sot to receive the petition whereby he will insure the ivory trade will be stopped within 90 days.
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I don't believe in negative predictions. The long time ago planned visit to Sweden and Belgium will surely leave a day where she's still here to accept the petition. It would be a good photo opportunity with some elephants from Surin, smile, thank you, rest assured my government will look into this. Hands the petition to the mahout for his elephant to have a look. Maybe the 3rd of March is a good day, elections, foreigners, elephants, a good mix.

"2013-02-21: The hospitals joining Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's mission to Sweden and Belgium next month hope to explore more markets in Europe for patients and retirees to come to Thailand for medical care as well as home stays."

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