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Thailand: ' Toilet Revolution' Targets Squat Stools


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Is it just me or does this toilet look all shewed and unlevel.

Has to be an optical illusion. I'm sure they used a laser plumb to insure accuracy.

Subsidence towards the canal since it was first built. The splash may be bigger than anticipated .

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The OP said:

"The proposal was raised out of concerns that squat toilets are to blame for a rise in osteoarthritis of the knee among Thais."

If there's been a recent rise in osteoarthritis of the knee surely it can't have anything to do with the squat toilet which has been in use ion Thailand/Siam for centuries?

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Squat toilets:

1) no contact of the buttocks or legs with any part of the toilet, therefore no chance of infection by bodily contact

2) no splashing, therefore no chance of infection via contact with the water

3) low risk of getting dirty because of no bodily contact and no splashing

4) bodily position is natural and healthy -- the human body is designed for squatting during defecation

Seat toilets:

the opposite of the above on every count

If you want to be healthy, you should be asking for squat toilets, not getting rid of them.

This is the usual Thai pandering to Western fashion and comforts, with ignorant farangs going along with it.

Wrong. The chance of getting an infection or transmittable disease from the seat is about…….ZERO.

You would have to sit down almost immediately after someone else. Both of you having an open sore on your butt, and maybe spit, shit, and pee on each other. Licking the toilet seat might increase your chances of getting sick.

In fact, no health organization considers toilet seats to be dangerous. The biology of bacteria and viruses make transmission of diseases highly unlikely.

Licking the toilet seat. Now that's a novel idea. Laughed so hard it brought tears. Thanks
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My Pop told me them squatters were to get the Asian women ready for child birth in the rice paddy's, squat and pop out a baby and keep on working the rice fields.

In the Phillipines,they would poke a finger through the 1 piece of toilet paper,wipe their bum with the finger and pull the toilet paper over the finger to clean it.

What a bunch of shit .

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I've always had a theory that Thai girls have the nicesest asses in the world due to all the "squats" they do from early childhood till death..squat to go to the bathroom, squat to sit, squat to eat..just look at those butts! Thai Butts Drive me Nuts!!!

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If everybody did the right things when going to a toilet it wouldn't be such an issue.

It's not the style of toilet but the people who make this a problem.

Hygiene is not something the Thais do well anyway plus farang in this country get a bit slack also.

Washing hands, flushing toilets, not leaking on the seats or floors for the matter.

Avoid using a hose to wash your a** cause they just never get cleaned, but then again

I would avoid public toilets all together, only if I really need to go do I ever use one.

I only ever use one if I have to go but then thats the only time most people use a loo.

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"The ministry also seeks to .... to manage household waste according to the international hygiene principles."

No way that this will ever work. Look at most Thais still throwing away plastic bottles, bags and other rubish ... they will need generations to learn about that.

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