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Hospital To Do Pregnancy Test..little Complicated, Hope The Nurse Is In The Building :)


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Jan 1st had sex with a girl on the last day of her period.

Jan 2nd took girl to get morning after pill..postinor...girl took 1 pill in fron of me.

Girl promise to take other pill 24 hours later.

Girl promised me she took pill.

Feb 18th girl claims she went to Doctor on another topic, took urine test at clinic and doctor told her she was pregnant.

Feb 19th tells me, confesses she never took 2nd pill.

I show my utter disgust.

Feb 20th ...morning....phones me to tell me she is bleeding...a miscarriage she is sure.

.................evening...does preg test kit things....comes up negative.

But done on front of me on cam...even the peeing....she lives 3 hours away.

I dont trust a word she says now.

I want to make sure 100% she is not pregnant...she wants abortion if she is.

She lives in Saraburi...I am happy to go there...or get her to come to Bangkok...but she claims she is busy for another week.

Can a hospital tell me for sure if she is pregnant or not after the above events?

Is a Saraburi clinic as good as a Bangkok hospital for this task...as I fear I may have to go there?

Many thanks....and warning for others.....dont trust a girl...even one goes to church every week.

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Yes, the whole story does sound doubtful. Also the odds of becoming pregnant on the last day of a menstrual period even without taking a partial does of Postinor, is very low. Not zero, but very low. This of course assumes the part about last day of the period is true.

At what would now be at least 6 weeks pregnant, a home pregnancy test would be >95% accurate. So between the negative result you witnessed and the low risk to start with, there is very little chance she is pregnant (at least, pregnant by you). But to be completely sure get a blood test. Any hospital can do it. Not so sure about a clinic.

Also you probably need to directly supervise this as well. It is not hard to get faked lab results if one has friends in the lab and/or greases a few palms.

Moral of the story is that not using a condom, in addition to exposing you to disease risks, can lead either to an unwanted pregnancy or to being the victim of false claims of pregnancy.

Something very similar happened to my nephew. Girl (a serious GF, not BG, but they then broke up) assurred him there was "no need" to use protection and the idiot listened to her (Auntie had a few choice words for him on that score!). Next thing we know, she's trying to attribute a pregnancy that was later established to not possibly be his, on him to force a wedding....

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