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Just Hit By The Music Scammers- But For Them It Was A Flop


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^^ I make of it that they're either unwilling to upset those higher up who are benefiting from the millions of baht these monkeys are pulling in, or they're in on it.

Ya... I know TIT, and we've all seen it happening before on different scales, but the level of pi$$ taking in this place really disappoints me sometimes.

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Confirming that they hit parts of Loi Kroh tonight, and the regular on site police were made aware of their presence, and ongoing activities. Make of that what you will...

Did the places that were hit, pay up or did they say NO....... Did they take anyone to the same police station?????

Two places said no, as they are staffed by some older, wiser heads. Another coughed up the dough. It was also mentioned by the business owners that the offenders prefer to target female staff only operations.

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They seem to mostly target businesses that have so little money that they can't afford to take defensive measures. Last week they hit a Burmese women with a very inexpensive restaurant who had saved all winter to visit her family back home and wiped out her meager savings right before she could go. They got her for a laptop computer that was not even turned on, but she was too afraid to stand up to them. These fake music "police" are real lowlives.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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They seem to mostly target businesses that have so little money that they can't afford to take defensive measures. Last week they hit a Burmese women with a very inexpensive restaurant who had saved all winter to visit her family back home and wiped out her meager savings right before she could go. They got her for a laptop computer that was not even turned on, but she was too afraid to stand up to them. These fake music "police" are real lowlives.

Very True.... actually lower than whale sh*t

Somehow me tinks it won't be long now...... just shortly after their protector starts to feel the heat from higher ups....

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Why dont all the bars in a designated area pitch in and hire some goons to knock some sense into these thugs when they try it on?

They need to be offed, but it is unlikely anyone would want to mess with them or would back-off when they realise they're 'connected'... the locals know how it works. A high-up needs to trump them or the law (laugh.png) should get off its a$$ and/or stop filling its boots.

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Confirming that they hit parts of Loi Kroh tonight, and the regular on site police were made aware of their presence, and ongoing activities. Make of that what you will...

no coppers coming to help..... there's a clue there, It was suggested the big boys make the money and the guys we photograph are just their goons.

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I hear that 3 of them got caught last night by police in huay kaew road

2 of them were being held this morning at city police station and a gang of local business people went to the station to see them

Edited by rikki
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I hear that 3 of them got caught last night by police in huay kaew road

2 of them were being held this morning at city police station and a gang of local business people went to the station to see them

Lets hope this turns out to be true.......and one of them is AD ....... if so maybe we can Subtract Ad, but what happened to number 3---- ?????

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Guest siamjourney

Two were apparently were arrested last night shortly after midnight on Huay Kaew. One was everyone's pal Ad. The others escaped I believe.

At least one was released on bail about 2AM after the usual woman involved posted bail at Ratchadamon police station. At least one person in the local community had filed a report about an incident at her massage place.

Anyone with a Thai girlfriend or wife should be very interested in this thread written in Thai:


The Bing and Google translations are confusing so maybe someone who understands Thai can read from this thread and update the (very concerned!) community.

Hope this helps.

PS: This link has pix and a link to a video that looks like a recent hit at the Night Bazaar. You don't have to speak Thai to understand these photos.

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Reading this thread really confuses me! Question: are they legit? Do they have any authority to even come to the premise?

I can understand they hit illegitimate places and rip off them. But then, if you have a legit place, why not give them a lesson?

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If you read the article in Chiang Mai News, you will note the normal obfuscation of the issue by the Phuping police. However, also note --- if the above posts are to be believed --- that they nailed the con artists. At least once!

My larger point is that speaking up strongly and persistently can eventually have some positive effect. Not always, and not immediately, but if sensible complaints are made and they persist on a problem (coupled with a responsive ear as well as a complaining voice), over time perhaps something can be achieved.

Edited by Mapguy
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Thanks to Pim of Citylife for becoming involved. This scam would have gone on forever otherwise. wai.gif

clap2.gif I'll second that!

Interestingly, the cm108 article linked to above mentions more than once (according to Google translate........ wink.png ) that these guys were arrested on a warrant issued on 14 March, the day after the Citynews article. To me, that implies someone took action (victim, music company or the powers that be), i.e. these arrests were pre-planned which deserves a big thumbsup.gif to someone in Chiang Mai's finest for finally doing something. Whether anything comes of it, like compensations, fines and jail time is of course another matter, but at least it should keep them from harrasing people for some time, and send a clear message to other potential gangsters. Well, maybe, TIT.....

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But released on bail, means you have been arrested and due to attend court at some forthcoming date.

so, what were they arrested for I wonder...and one bail release from 10 people (dont they call them accessories to the crime) is a start but to be honest quite pathetic.

we filed a written report the next day for assault, theft, tresspassing, harrassing, and customer invasion of privacy...cost us 10baht for a copy for ourselves.

for those of you who are "confused", the facts are clear enough if you read the thread, and the citylife story sets everything out as clear as it can get.;

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we filed a written report the next day for assault, theft, tresspassing, harrassing, and customer invasion of privacy...cost us 10baht for a copy for ourselves.

thumbsup.gifclap2.gif Good for you! Standing up to them is the only way this will be stopped.

In the cm108 article I was amused by the irony expressed by one Thai poster that Khun "Ad" is wearing a fake Manchester United shirt cheesy.gif

Also, there is another video posted on there, if you run to the end - the YouTube suggestions for more videos come up with several more videos of this gang in action.

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Its just too bad that the BIB and other civil servents do not have the sense of "what is right and wrong" as Pim has. Until those in authority who are involved in the scams are brought to task (jail time, lose of job/pension), this type of behavior will continue.

Bail seems to be granted for just about any criminal offense in this country, thus leading to those charged disappearing, intemidation of witnesses or worse, postponements, etc. If the multiple charges were filed against this bunch as mentioned, it brings several questions to mind. How many charges were actually presented for a bail request, are they residents of Chiang Mai, who granted bail, if 10 +_ were involved were they all ganted bail, etc.

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But released on bail, means you have been arrested and due to attend court at some forthcoming date.

so, what were they arrested for I wonder...and one bail release from 10 people (dont they call them accessories to the crime) is a start but to be honest quite pathetic.

we filed a written report the next day for assault, theft, tresspassing, harrassing, and customer invasion of privacy...cost us 10baht for a copy for ourselves.

for those of you who are "confused", the facts are clear enough if you read the thread, and the citylife story sets everything out as clear as it can get.;

Unless I greatly misinterpreted something, this group was arrested some time earlier and in Pattaya. they posted bail there, and from what I have read , did not have a court date set, or did not show up for court, or jumped bail. ...... and as we know from one of our recently infamous leaders, bail jumping is becoming almost an olympic sport in Thailand.

If they did get arrested here, and if they posted bail , and if they did in fact jump bail in Pattaya, who on earth would set bail for a previous bail jumper???

It was posted that 2 were arrested and one posted bail...... per chance could that one have been Kn. Ad???

Were there any new activities from this group last night or are they in hiding . >>> ???

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I'd guess that this scam doesn't kick much money back to the local police, probably not enough for them to really throw their weight behind the scammers. And it's probably a hassle for them to deal with, because business operators have many ways to resist, as the OP's story depicts. Anyway, it's this kind of nonsense--petty thuggery in the name of the law-- that keeps Thailand from evolving.

Petty Thuggery at a minimum of 10,000 and more usualy 20,000 to 30,000!

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They do represent a Thai music co and I really really wanted a License, and deep down I'm a lazy SOB.

Yes Ironic...but now I have one and I didn't have to make any effort.

7 grand is not as much as one stop wanted. smile.png

your experience differs radically from those of other who have chased these people off, yet you claim they are the same crew.

i personally would love to see this license, would you be so kind as to post a picture of it (with your details blacked out)?

piewarmer, given that the some of the perpetrators have been arrested, and you have not been forthcoming with an example of this license you procured, are you still convinced your 7,000 was well spent?

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We have been told and have read that some of this gang has been arrested..... but..... are they in jail or have they been bailed out and have they bailed out ,,,,, ala doing a Thaksin... Maybe like their situationj in Pattaya, they just moved on to greener pastures.

....and what of their local police escort?????

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Am new in Chiang Mai and they come into a bar in hang dong last week where i was having a quiet drink. As am new in Chiang Mai it did put me off being in Thailand. Am sure it was the same scammers,?

yes It was the same crew; but I sincerely hope these scumbags are not the reason that this particular bar is now up for sale.

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Am new in Chiang Mai and they come into a bar in hang dong last week where i was having a quiet drink. As am new in Chiang Mai it did put me off being in Thailand. Am sure it was the same scammers,?

yes It was the same crew; but I sincerely hope these scumbags are not the reason that this particular bar is now up for sale.

Am new in Chiang Mai and they come into a bar in hang dong last week where i was having a quiet drink. As am new in Chiang Mai it did put me off being in Thailand. Am sure it was the same scammers,?

yes It was the same crew; but I sincerely hope these scumbags are not the reason that this particular bar is now up for sale.

I still have not seen/heard as to the status of this group. Anyone have firm follow-up information??? Like how many were actually arrested and are they still in jail or have they been bailed out??

What about the status of the tag-a-long police officer involved, was he picked up also or was this just a guy that went to the rent-a-cop-uniform shop .

And some explanation how this violation of the law was permitted to go on for years.

And while we are at it , what is the disposition of the Pattaya arrest and bail out???

Be nice to be informed a bit more

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Am new in Chiang Mai and they come into a bar in hang dong last week where i was having a quiet drink. As am new in Chiang Mai it did put me off being in Thailand. Am sure it was the same scammers,?

yes It was the same crew; but I sincerely hope these scumbags are not the reason that this particular bar is now up for sale.

I still have not seen/heard as to the status of this group. Anyone have firm follow-up information??? Like how many were actually arrested and are they still in jail or have they been bailed out??

What about the status of the tag-a-long police officer involved, was he picked up also or was this just a guy that went to the rent-a-cop-uniform shop .

And some explanation how this violation of the law was permitted to go on for years.

And while we are at it , what is the disposition of the Pattaya arrest and bail out???

Be nice to be informed a bit more

The police officer was not in a rent-a-cop uniform. He is a senior police officer who is or was working at Hang Dong Police Station. We have spoken to him there on a previous occasion. He was very arrogant, wearing a sidearm, and tried to stop us (without success), videotaping him on phone camera. This has been or will be submitted to Phuping Police Station.

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