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Save Money And Live Better In Thailand.


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i save money by not flying business class no more ...

Sorry to hear that things are so tight for you.

My suggestion is stay away from the farang economy, stick to eating from and buying from Thai economy businesses, it's still unbelievably cheap, and as for the restaurants, the food can be quite superb. licklips.gif

I always fly economy but with back problems and being six foot odd i now always confirm when booking I must get an emergency door seat. Just as much leg room as business but every hour save 2500 baht.

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i save money by not flying business class no more ...

Sorry to hear that things are so tight for you.

My suggestion is stay away from the farang economy, stick to eating from and buying from Thai economy businesses, it's still unbelievably cheap, and as for the restaurants, the food can be quite superb. :licklips:

Totally confused where the OP wants to go with this. :unsure:

I am confused that you are confused.

Does it really have to have a destination? It is what it says on the tin, and there is a full explanation as to why it was inspired.

Like the member who posted about his 300 baht day out at the caves etc.... Sounds like an interesting and fulfilling day. Maybe he will get a few PMs asking where those caves are. Maybe he won't.

We all know the thread will go off on tangents, but don't they all? That is nothing to do with the thread and more to do with a minority of ill educated.

This thread could provide a good and valuable resource for farangs that don't have the reddies to live the way they want to every day. There is a thread on here that shows that is the case and they are in the majority from what I read.

I know that a lot of people who want to show everyone that they can afford to live here lavishly here will chirp in with irrelevant and unhelpful comments about 'if you can't afford to live here carefree, then go home'. People are in Thailand because of Thailand, and many have Thai wives and girlfriends. You can't just tell them to go home... Who is anyone to be able to say that to others?

I won't argue with anyone because it does the thread absolutely no good, and lets be honest, how many times have YOU got very good and helpful info from this website? I think to start trashing the threads and people's posts just for a bit of sport fishing is basically pissing on your own doorstep and everyone elses.

That's why it needs such a large amount of moderators to control the braindead.

I think the OP started a good post. I certainly have to and am trying to figure out how to save money in Thailand. Going back to my country may not be the best option, because in general, it is so much more expensive there.

Regarding motor bikes instead of cars - I walk before doing either if I can, get some exercise, and every baht adds up.

Regarding motorbikes... Apart from the fact that we drove about 120km yesterday, do you have a Thai partner ?? Like I said, getting her to sacrifice the use of the car was a major result. Asking her to walk is crossing the line :)

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I always thought migrating to other country was to improve your life style instead of worry 24/7 about it.

If on a pension, save money for what? To take it to the grave with you?

If just do not have any, go back home and earn enough to enjoy life .

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Slightly tangential to the topic but when I lived in Thailand I found it strange that the shops do not discount for bulk. By this I mean that in the west if you buy a large, for example bag of laundry powder it will usually be cheaper per gram then if you bought a smaller one. Same with things like bulk pacs of coke or beer; in Thailand you usually just pay the single can price times the amount of cans in the box, no discount for bulk. In fact I found several examples over the years where it was actually cheaper to buy multiple smalls pack rather than an equal amount in a larger pack.

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Correct klubex99, I negotiate every single day in life on behalf of myself and my business, I enjoy it, I love a bargain and I love the sport of a good negotiation. It get's to the point it's nothing to do with money, it's the enjoyment of the deal.

As a case in point, I witnessed one of my pals fight tooth and nail last week over 1 pence a square metre ( we're in the flooring trade ). He reckoned he would do 200,000 metres2 per annum on this carpet so that 1 pence represented £2000.00 of a saving.

Of course he loved saving £2000.00, but the buzz of fighting ( and winning ) over a penny was what make's him tick. Me too.

It's not the money, it's the buzz. :thumbsup:

If its not the money, just the buzz, feel free to send me the money saved! :-)


I'll put it towards teaching you how to use the new quote system. :coffee1:

That's not fair!

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Correct klubex99, I negotiate every single day in life on behalf of myself and my business, I enjoy it, I love a bargain and I love the sport of a good negotiation. It get's to the point it's nothing to do with money, it's the enjoyment of the deal.

As a case in point, I witnessed one of my pals fight tooth and nail last week over 1 pence a square metre ( we're in the flooring trade ). He reckoned he would do 200,000 metres2 per annum on this carpet so that 1 pence represented £2000.00 of a saving.

Of course he loved saving £2000.00, but the buzz of fighting ( and winning ) over a penny was what make's him tick. Me too.

It's not the money, it's the buzz. :thumbsup:

If its not the money, just the buzz, feel free to send me the money saved! :-)


I'll put it towards teaching you how to use the new quote system. :coffee1:

That's not fair!

Is that better? NOW GIVE ME MONEY!!

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I find lots of entertainment and drama riding the TEN BAHT buses of Pattaya!

JT ... if I remember right, there was some discussion about the cost.

Are they 10 or 20 baht and I support you 100% ... they are indeed 10 baht (a price which, when compared to other parts of Thailand is still expensive ... though I digress).

When you ride them, and I am presuming that you are a male.

Do you stand at the back on the step up extension?


I love doing that ...

Even if there is available seating ... I prefer to stand there.

Are you aware of the welding quality in Thailand? sad.png

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Don't leave the television on 24/7.

Don't leave your electronic appliances on if you are not in the room such as fans on in every room when you sit in one room. Same with the lights.

Tv's, set top boxes, dvd players on standby for example.

Why leave the water running when soaping yourself in the shower / shaving.

Yes Thai markets are a lot cheaper than supermarkets.

Also Macro French bread sticks 4 Baht cheaper than BigC, for example.

Boil 1 cup of water for 1 coffee / tea.

Using the motorbike instead of the car where you have the extra load on your engine with the air con on.

Many ways to save here and there that mount up at the end of the month / year.

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i save money by not flying business class no more ...

Sorry to hear that things are so tight for you.

My suggestion is stay away from the farang economy, stick to eating from and buying from Thai economy businesses, it's still unbelievably cheap, and as for the restaurants, the food can be quite superb. licklips.gif

Totally confused where the OP wants to go with this. unsure.png

I am confused that you are confused.

Does it really have to have a destination? It is what it says on the tin, and there is a full explanation as to why it was inspired.

Like the member who posted about his 300 baht day out at the caves etc.... Sounds like an interesting and fulfilling day. Maybe he will get a few PMs asking where those caves are. Maybe he won't.

We all know the thread will go off on tangents, but don't they all? That is nothing to do with the thread and more to do with a minority of ill educated.

This thread could provide a good and valuable resource for farangs that don't have the reddies to live the way they want to every day. There is a thread on here that shows that is the case and they are in the majority from what I read.

I know that a lot of people who want to show everyone that they can afford to live here lavishly here will chirp in with irrelevant and unhelpful comments about 'if you can't afford to live here carefree, then go home'. People are in Thailand because of Thailand, and many have Thai wives and girlfriends. You can't just tell them to go home... Who is anyone to be able to say that to others?

I won't argue with anyone because it does the thread absolutely no good, and lets be honest, how many times have YOU got very good and helpful info from this website? I think to start trashing the threads and people's posts just for a bit of sport fishing is basically pissing on your own doorstep and everyone elses.

That's why it needs such a large amount of moderators to control the braindead.

I think the OP started a good post. I certainly have to and am trying to figure out how to save money in Thailand. Going back to my country may not be the best option, because in general, it is so much more expensive there.

Regarding motor bikes instead of cars - I walk before doing either if I can, get some exercise, and every baht adds up.

Regarding motorbikes... Apart from the fact that we drove about 120km yesterday, do you have a Thai partner ?? Like I said, getting her to sacrifice the use of the car was a major result. Asking her to walk is crossing the line smile.png

I do have a Thai partner, and that is usually the time when I cannot walk, because like you said, she usually won't do it.

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