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Thai Police Are Investigating Toffee Maker's Claim Their Product Will Mask Alcohol Use


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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

Rubbish. Have the laws of chemistry changed? Drinking coffee actually can do a lot more damage because coffee dehydrates the body. The last thing a drunk needs is to lose more water. Do you understand that a hangover is caused by dehyration?

I'd really be keen to see a demonstration of coffee "naturally burning up alcohol".

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

Rubbish. Have the laws of chemistry changed? Drinking coffee actually can do a lot more damage because coffee dehydrates the body. The last thing a drunk needs is to lose more water. Do you understand that a hangover is caused by dehyration?

I'd really be keen to see a demonstration of coffee "naturally burning up alcohol".


you need to get out and read more. Laws of chemistry, thermodynamics. medicine and aerodynamics only apply in one particular dimension, here in the TV dimension any and all things are possible ;)

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Silly to claim your product does this.

No more silly than this stupid whitening cream, whitening deodorant, whitening viginal cream, whitening nose canal cream, on and on.

Rubbish, whitening creams do work by inhibiting melatonin production, thus reducing pigmentation in the skin. Different products, work differently and people react differently depending on how strong their pigmentation expression is, sun exposure etc etc. It's not some magical pseudoscience. Research goes into the actual brand name products (and cheap stuff is a copy of those).

Assuming the product does in fact work, though I am sceptical, surely reducing the alcohol level in the system is a good thing for drivers, as they will not legally be drunk and therefore not a danger to society. Assuming the breath analysis equipment is not faulty, you are either drunk or you aren't, regardless of the amount of alcohol or any remedy used to reduce alcohol levels. If the cop were to be talking about the potential health dangers inherent in attempting to influence the metabolic process and the potential for missuse he might be onto something.

Without injecting large amounts of something into the body, I can't possibly see how this works. UNLESS, it is a masking agent and somehow it absorbs the alcohol in your 'breath' thereby hoping to fool the instruments. In theory you could do this by having something react with the alcohol in the air inside your mouth, and 'may' work as there are various types of breathalyzers. Some just require you to just talk at the end of the instrument (maybe that type here?) Other's require an active breath for 10 seconds or so (like in Australia). I could see something that 'may' potentially work against the former, but the later can't be fooled, you wouldn't be able to reduce the amount that quickly.

Even if it is based on science, the amounts in the actual gum would be soooo small, that it won't actually work. There's no regulation on these types of products, and the government is rightly concerned it may encourage drink driving.

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

Rubbish. Have the laws of chemistry changed? Drinking coffee actually can do a lot more damage because coffee dehydrates the body. The last thing a drunk needs is to lose more water. Do you understand that a hangover is caused by dehyration?

I'd really be keen to see a demonstration of coffee "naturally burning up alcohol".

Indeed, I was going to say the same thing. All this myths on how to recover from a hangover.

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I am perplexed as to why the world currently has so many problems. Reading through all the threads on news, it doesn't make sense. We have so many experts here on everything that exists we have no more need of the second coming of a saviour.

You betcha Jim. There is an extreme amount of undiscovered talent on TVF. If the world only knew.

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

Rubbish. Have the laws of chemistry changed? Drinking coffee actually can do a lot more damage because coffee dehydrates the body. The last thing a drunk needs is to lose more water. Do you understand that a hangover is caused by dehyration?

I'd really be keen to see a demonstration of coffee "naturally burning up alcohol".

Indeed, I was going to say the same thing. All this myths on how to recover from a hangover.

Not myths. Vitamin B6 reduces the recovery time. That is what you are urinating out when you are drunk. The B6 helps process the alcohol in the liver. Don't believe me? Take about 50 milligrams before you go out. Put 50 milligrams in your pocket and drink with water about 4 hours later, and then another 50 when you get home about 4 hours later. If you really hate hangovers, this will help.

Dr. Jeff Wiese of the Tulane University Health Sciences Center says it is the only thing proven in a double-blind study the center conducted to help a hangover.

Happy drinking!

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

Rubbish. Have the laws of chemistry changed? Drinking coffee actually can do a lot more damage because coffee dehydrates the body. The last thing a drunk needs is to lose more water. Do you understand that a hangover is caused by dehyration?

I'd really be keen to see a demonstration of coffee "naturally burning up alcohol".

Indeed, I was going to say the same thing. All this myths on how to recover from a hangover.

Not myths. Vitamin B6 reduces the recovery time. That is what you are urinating out when you are drunk. The B6 helps process the alcohol in the liver. Don't believe me? Take about 50 milligrams before you go out. Put 50 milligrams in your pocket and drink with water about 4 hours later, and then another 50 when you get home about 4 hours later. If you really hate hangovers, this will help.

Vitamin B6, is not some Myth. I'm talking about the drink coffee, that type of stuff. Taking Vitamin B6 helps recovery as your body is depleted of many Vitamins after drinking. It doesn't help reduce your alcohol, only reduce the effects of alcohol on the body (ie the hangover). Same can be said for drinking fluids (water) etc after drinking and before sleeping. All your doing is replacing what has been depleted.

That's just common sense. :)

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Why doesn't everybody read the heading...... It will MASK alcoholol use.

Thats like sucking a peppermint to mask alcohol on the breath.

It doesn't say anything about reducing alcohol in the blood.

How stupid can people be...

My post on page 1 will tell posters the reality of the sweet .

It will only stop your bad breath a little, it cannot get into your system to do anything--Try looking at the Thai IN channel, 2days ago there was a piece about this sweet tablet. good profit making ad....only.

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Alcohol is in the blood-lungs, The candy mouth has nothing to do with neutralising the alcohol.

So blowing into a BIB tester will bring the alcohol up from the lungs, the Sweetner is a rip off, a business money maker, if your over the limit TIME is your only hope to get away with the offence,

Why do so many drivers FLEE the scene ???

exactly it comes from the lungs. it is transfered into the lungs via your blood that is why when you fail a breath test the charge will read "A blood alcohol concentration of 0.089% or what ever. Lost count of the the number of breath tests I have conducted on people. You can rinse your mouth out with as many detergents and the like you want it won't help. You can drink as much coffee as you want but it won't help your breath test.

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

shame they are selling toffee then, innit?

What about coffee toffee! Could be a winner me thinks.

Anyway, Chooka, how do you know nothing works, because if it did work they would be negative breath tests...eh !!!! And they won't say 'fooled ya! I was actually pissed but ate a pound of horse manure just down the road when i saw ya innit'. I have it on very good authority that eating any of the following will do the trick :- Lead, very small rocks, gravy, apples and Tiramisu..and of course horse manure (the latter two being difficult to distinguish between). Just think how many people got past you by chewing on that lot eh! I mean did you ever check for packets of Bisto, gravel, maybe bits of straw or a Granny Smaith, the smell of poo and also horse manure in the cars of people that passed the breath test?

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

shame they are selling toffee then, innit?

What about coffee toffee! Could be a winner me thinks.

Anyway, Chooka, how do you know nothing works, because if it did work they would be negative breath tests...eh !!!! And they won't say 'fooled ya! I was actually pissed but ate a pound of horse manure just down the road when i saw ya innit'. I have it on very good authority that eating any of the following will do the trick :- Lead, very small rocks, gravy, apples and Tiramisu..and of course horse manure (the latter two being difficult to distinguish between). Just think how many people got past you by chewing on that lot eh! I mean did you ever check for packets of Bisto, gravel, maybe bits of straw or a Granny Smaith, the smell of poo and also horse manure in the cars of people that passed the breath test?

If someone wants to carry around a bag of fresh horse shit in thier cars just in case the red and blue lights appear in thier rear view mirrors then good on them. If they want to shovel this fresh juicy horse manure down thier throats before the copper gets up to them then they deserve a free pass. The alcohol will still be in thier lungs tho.

My breath Analysing Instrument operators course (10 days) consisted of 7 days of theory and lectures from medical proffessionals and an assortment of experts in thier fields. It also consisted of 2 days hands on which included consuming alcohol and testing the effects on various people (sex body wieght etc) Volunteers of course. It also included testing all the various myths of how to get the alcohol out of your lungs. (Excluding eating horse manuresmile.png ) None of them worked.

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

This is totally untrue and an irrisponsible statement. Ok certain foods can speed up the metabolism, as can low temperatures. But the reality of a quick fix coffee or caffeine is that it produces a high and so gives the appearance of neutralising the alcohol. Sorry when the caffeine wears off ( is metabolised) then the alcohol reasserts itself. The body metabolises caffeine much faster than alcohol.

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coffee naturally burns up alcohol, try strong coffee after a knee bender, you recover a lot faster..

This is totally untrue and an irrisponsible statement. Ok certain foods can speed up the metabolism, as can low temperatures. But the reality of a quick fix coffee or caffeine is that it produces a high and so gives the appearance of neutralising the alcohol. Sorry when the caffeine wears off ( is metabolised) then the alcohol reasserts itself. The body metabolises caffeine much faster than alcohol.

Well it may be just me but when I have had too many Leos and want to sober up I eat three Anticill tablets. Thais call it Anticin. It works wonders for me.

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Do the police involved in this investigation have shares in this Toffee company by any chance?

Because before this police anouncement no one had heard about this product, now everyone wants it !!!

Someone should investigate the police involvement with this company. coffee1.gif

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Do the police involved in this investigation have shares in this Toffee company by any chance?

Because before this police anouncement no one had heard about this product, now everyone wants it !!!

Someone should investigate the police involvement with this company. coffee1.gif

Good idea - what have you found out?

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According to the manufacture you need to use it before you drink and after you drink. It was tested in Thailand. It contains "alcohol dehydrogenase" which works in the liver to remove alcohol. Information about this of freely available if you only do a search.

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