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First Class Trains


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Does anyone know how much the sleeper train is from BKK to Udon?
It's about 1200 baht.Bangkok to Nong Khai (upper bunk) is 1117 baht. Lower bunk is 1317 baht.Udon would be a few satang less.

Also, how long is the journey?

Leaves Bangkok 8 pm. Scheduled to arrive Udon about 7:30 am. So about 11.5 hours.I doubt it has ever arrived as early as 7:30 am. Typically, it will arrive 1 - 2 hours behind schedule. I have had the journey to Nong Khai take as long as 17 hours.

Lastly, is first class any good? Clean? Air con, not smelly etc.

Well, it is better than the other options on the train. It can be clean, but not always. Usually a fair number of roaches. The air con may, or may not, work well. Pretty much a crap shoot here. One of the bigger problems is the smokers who gather between cars, as their smoke gets pulled into the train and often into the AC system.And finally, there is the toilets. These are a joy to behold. Just barely ok when you leave, pretty rank by the time you get to the end.
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First class is a poor option if you are traveling alone as you may find as I did, an unexpected roommate entering the compartment sometime in the middle of the night who then decides to smoke, drink beer and talk on his phone for the next three hours. The compartment is only all yours if you purchase both berths.

2nd class is surprisingly comfortable if you book well in advance so you have a lower berth.

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The aircon buses are a better bet if you still have your European cold weather gear. Thai bus drivers seem to like the temperature just a few notches above freezing. What's wrong with the cheap and quick flight?

I'd avoid the train if you want comfort.

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There is usually one First Class carriage on the train.

The compartments are for 2 people, so great if you are going with someone else and not so good if going alone as you will have to share.

Always late and slower than the bus but you can actually lay out flat. Unlike the bus.

There will be attendants walking up and down selling cold beer, Coke etc.

They will also wake you up in the morning with coffee and some breakfast, sort of.wink.png


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It’s not the Oriental Express
nor is it really first class with a first class attendant - You will be badgered
constantly by restaurant staff trying to sell food and beer on the basis that
your loaded – They're not there to serve you but to make tips

Second class, aircon, lower berth (top one is noticeable

narrower) chosen in the centre of the carriage (best avoid the doors) is much
better value

If you opt for bus then NCA is

first class travel 8.5 hours with a VIP service which includes a persona screen
and a choice of 5 films

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First class is a poor option if you are traveling alone as you may find as I did, an unexpected roommate entering the compartment sometime in the middle of the night who then decides to smoke, drink beer and talk on his phone for the next three hours. The compartment is only all yours if you purchase both berths.

2nd class is surprisingly comfortable if you book well in advance so you have a lower berth.

You should have started singing out loud and clapping your'e hands when he was on the phone, though unfortunately you could not have stopped him smoking if there was not a no smoking sign.

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First class is a poor option if you are traveling alone as you may find as I did, an unexpected roommate entering the compartment sometime in the middle of the night who then decides to smoke, drink beer and talk on his phone for the next three hours. The compartment is only all yours if you purchase both berths.

2nd class is surprisingly comfortable if you book well in advance so you have a lower berth.

You should have started singing out loud and clapping your'e hands when he was on the phone, though unfortunately you could not have stopped him smoking if there was not a no smoking sign.

That's fine as long as you don't mind risking a knife in the ribs!

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First class is a poor option if you are traveling alone as you may find as I did, an unexpected roommate entering the compartment sometime in the middle of the night who then decides to smoke, drink beer and talk on his phone for the next three hours. The compartment is only all yours if you purchase both berths.

2nd class is surprisingly comfortable if you book well in advance so you have a lower berth.

You should have started singing out loud and clapping your'e hands when he was on the phone, though unfortunately you could not have stopped him smoking if there was not a no smoking sign.

That's fine as long as you don't mind risking a knife in the ribs!

He's got a phone in one hand, switching between a beer and a cigarette in the other, you are on a bed maybe two steps away, he's hardly going to be able to stick a knife in you before you can take the appropriate action, unless he waits until you are asleep. I think you were very unlucky in having an ignorant pig like that sharing with you.

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First class is a poor option if you are traveling alone as you may find as I did, an unexpected roommate entering the compartment sometime in the middle of the night who then decides to smoke, drink beer and talk on his phone for the next three hours. The compartment is only all yours if you purchase both berths.

2nd class is surprisingly comfortable if you book well in advance so you have a lower berth.

To purchase both berths, it is only a B500 surcharge. You do not need to pay the sum total of the upper and lower berth in the cabin.

Second Class is definitely comfortable, but the chance of noise is almost exponentially worse. Before the advent of cell phones, it wasn't bad at all. These days, it can be a constant symphony of phones ringing through the night, with the owners all too often seemingly obliged to maintain lengthy, loud conversations. These days, if I travel overnight, I only consider the First Class option.

Another bit of First Class trivia: They assign your cabin mate as same-gender. When they confirm a single person in the cabin, they designate as male or female and only sell the remaining berth for same gender. Of course, if you book as a party of two, it can be male-female.

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IMO a roundtrip ticket on Air Asia (or Nok Air, if you're one of those Air Asia-haters one seems to find so frequently on TV) to Udon for about 3,000k RT is well the worth the [slight] extra expense over what you'd pay for a first-class train ticket. And the journey (airport-to-airport) is 50 minutes.

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Ajaan, I agree with what you say. I just wanted something different as now we'll go to Hintok Camp for few days also. Trying to be more of a traveller with my child as an adventure.

Still no decisions but thanks for the post.

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I actually like the train, I have done a few trips Trang-Bangkok, Bangkok-Chiang Mai, Surat Thani-Bangkok etc. I've done it on my own and with my wife and 2 children. I would recommend 2nd class, much better good food and beer service, and you get to meet other people. Lower berth is the best choice, don't worry about noise, every is asleep by 10.

What I didn't like about first-class was that it was dull, I saw the steward once and I booked the whole cabin to myself, you certainly don't get pestered to buy. Second class we got talking to some Thai's and had a great time, okay maybe my situation is different in that I have a Thai wife and teo children that speak fluent Thai.

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