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Pizza Company are running a promotion buy 1 get 1 free for their Pizza's.

As I order from them every week I thought great let's order.

Then only to realise they have jacked up the large Pizza price from 439 to 529 Baht sneaky buggers.

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Good deal though, i bought 2 last night without knowing about the buy one get one free deal, - 4 pizzas received!!!! so needless to say it was pizza for breakfast today!

large pizza with pizza company cost 489Baht for a while now where did you get those prices from 439 to 529??


or you add the delivery fees and all on top of it?

I spoke with the call centre and they confirmed the price went up a couple of weeks back.


large pizza with pizza company cost 489Baht for a while now where did you get those prices from 439 to 529??


or you add the delivery fees and all on top of it?

I spoke with the call centre and they confirmed the price went up a couple of weeks back.

just bought one of them 2 days ago and only paid as advertised on the website 489 Baht?


489 Baht? For a pizza? In Thailand? Pizza Hut is cheaper in Europe. That's why both of them are near the top of my 'to avoid' list in Thailand. I like pizza, though. Pizza 2000 in Jomtien has tasty ones too, for fairer prices.


BigC Casino brand pizza also better, but this time it's easy !!!


Will have a Pizza maybe 1x a year, noticed the buy 1 get one free was on again.......... Med size 379 baht, phoned them to check as could not believe it, was last time 299 baht........ answer min wage is now 300 baht per day so prices had to go up !!!!

Good job I am not that fond of Pizza, or any other Fast Food.


Why order Pizza Company when there's New York Pizza?

?? from October last says post-42643-0-52453000-1361761160.png + is some 60 +km round trip from where i live/

13 Coins is better and cheaper than Pizza Company, but 25 km round trip to get, so not worth it


Why order Pizza Company when there's New York Pizza?

?? from October last says attachicon.gifNew York Pizza.png + is some 60 +km round trip from where i live/

13 Coins is better and cheaper than Pizza Company, but 25 km round trip to get, so not worth it

If 13 Coins (Soi Boukeaw) is 25km round trip then how can New York Pizza (3rd road) be 60km round trip, unless i'm thinking of different places!!

NY Pizza House everytime.


Why order Pizza Company when there's New York Pizza?

Hard to go wrong with New York Pizza.

Apart from the food poisoning I received.


does anyone know if you can microwave the Casino brand frozen pizza's available in BigC ? No mention of microwaving on the box and I don't want to waste 120 baht sad.png


does anyone know if you can microwave the Casino brand frozen pizza's available in BigC ? No mention of microwaving on the box and I don't want to waste 120 baht sad.png

not use microwave for pizza brand Carrefour and casino

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does anyone know if you can microwave the Casino brand frozen pizza's available in BigC ? No mention of microwaving on the box and I don't want to waste 120 baht sad.png

Who is smart enough in this world to believe that you can microwave any pizza from any brand from any supermarket ?

Of course it will be too soft, just read on Wikipedia how a microwave works and you will understand why it is stupid to microwave a pizza !

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