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Tall Poppy Syndrome Is Alive And Well!


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Firstly, congratulations in making a success of a difficult business in Thailand. I guess your long hours and hard work are part of the reason for that success.

However, instead of going to bed to drift off into much need sleep by counting in your head all the Baht flying into the bank, you find it more satisfying to get on the forum at 1 am to abuse your customers! Old farang men, as usual, are the subject of the distain (at least you didn't use the term sexpat, which seems to apply only to males, from the hypocrites!).

The whingers you're talking about are probably the same types of barflies who prop up bars all over the world. Complaining is what they do best. But these complainers are your customers who are putting money into your pocket. Put up with it lest they take their custom elsewhere.

If you are seeking constant, smiling compliments and false ingratiation, move to America.

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@BLJ, thanks very much but don't be telling people I made a good impression, you're ruining my carefully constructed internet persona of being a blethering pain in the ass biggrin.png

@bangkokburning.......you really need to get on with writing that self help book you were talking about, I'm sure there's a big market waiting for " How To Condescend Your Way Through Life ".


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Wow, I guess this didn't go exactly as the OP expected. ThaiVisa can be a tough crowd.

Just as a matter of interest, what were you expecting the work required when you purchased a hotel in a major tourist destination in Thailand? Do you or your Husband have experience with a Hotel in this kind of market?

Thailand is a tough place to make money. The rules, officials and locals stack the deck in their favor. It's hard to win here and I can imagine that a small hotel in Sukhumvit would be very price sensitive and attracts questionable Guests. Not a criticism. Just a fact. Some win. Many don't.

If you have only recently purchased it, I think your frustrations have only just begun.

Regardless, I wish you success and that your Hotel becomes the business you hope it to be.

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PS. Forgot to mention staff also thinks that the only reason you in business is because of them and they always know better than you.

Only a fool never listens to his competent enployees as they often do know better what is happening.

Companies all over the world recognise that and make use of it.

Mind you i am talking about good employees, with skill and understanding.

Anyway people often really don't understand the risks a businesses owber takes and the time he works plus capital invested. Its only normal that he is compensated for that.

Of course i have no resoect for those that rip off their staff by paying peanuts or overcharge their clients.

Only a fool would listen to staff on how to run a business, because if staff had any idea on how to run the business they would be running their own
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PS. Forgot to mention staff also thinks that the only reason you in business is because of them and they always know better than you.

Only a fool never listens to his competent enployees as they often do know better what is happening.

Companies all over the world recognise that and make use of it.

Mind you i am talking about good employees, with skill and understanding.

Anyway people often really don't understand the risks a businesses owber takes and the time he works plus capital invested. Its only normal that he is compensated for that.

Of course i have no resoect for those that rip off their staff by paying peanuts or overcharge their clients.

Only a fool would listen to staff on how to run a business, because if staff had any idea on how to run the business they would be running their own

Awww come on lemoncake.......good staff are worth their weight in gold, and very often they have their ear closer to the ground on some issues.

The trick is to listen to everything then decide for yourself. thumbsup.gif

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PS. Forgot to mention staff also thinks that the only reason you in business is because of them and they always know better than you.

Only a fool never listens to his competent enployees as they often do know better what is happening.

Companies all over the world recognise that and make use of it.

Mind you i am talking about good employees, with skill and understanding.

Anyway people often really don't understand the risks a businesses owber takes and the time he works plus capital invested. Its only normal that he is compensated for that.

Of course i have no resoect for those that rip off their staff by paying peanuts or overcharge their clients.

Only a fool would listen to staff on how to run a business, because if staff had any idea on how to run the business they would be running their own

Awww come on lemoncake.......good staff are worth their weight in gold, and very often they have their ear closer to the ground on some issues.

The trick is to listen to everything then decide for yourself. thumbsup.gif

Spot on, staff are welcome to express their opinion on what could be changed and reasons for it. when they are asked. It is when they start to tell you how to run the business is when it becomes rather inappropriate.

PS. In my current and previous business, i always work 7 days per week, longer hours than any of my staff, so very doubtfully their ears are closer to the ground than mine :)

Edited by lemoncake
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Only a fool never listens to his competent enployees as they often do know better what is happening.

Companies all over the world recognise that and make use of it.

Mind you i am talking about good employees, with skill and understanding.

Anyway people often really don't understand the risks a businesses owber takes and the time he works plus capital invested. Its only normal that he is compensated for that.

Of course i have no resoect for those that rip off their staff by paying peanuts or overcharge their clients.

Only a fool would listen to staff on how to run a business, because if staff had any idea on how to run the business they would be running their own

Awww come on lemoncake.......good staff are worth their weight in gold, and very often they have their ear closer to the ground on some issues.

The trick is to listen to everything then decide for yourself. thumbsup.gif

Spot on, staff are welcome to express their opinion on what could be changed and reasons for it. when they are asked. It is when they start to tell you how to run the business is when it becomes rather inappropriate.

PS. In my current and previous business, i always work 7 days per week, longer hours than any of my staff, so very doubtfully their ears are closer to the ground than mine smile.png

Of course you listen to your employees, but you don't let them decide policy. But not to listen to them is stupid. Guess you misunderstood.


Many of you guys seem to think your the best and staff does not know a thing (might be true though depends on what level they operate).

I can clearly remember when i was head of the back-office and IT of a stock trading company that the director sought my input on decisions concerning IT and accounting. Only a fool thinks he knows everything best himself and does not use his employees knowledge. Of course you don't let them run the company but you use their knowledge if available.

Edited by robblok
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