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Thailand Has Become Sweden's Most Popular Beach Destination Outside Europe

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Newspaper survey points out that Thailand has become Sweden's most popular beach destination outside Europe

The Tourism Authority of Thailand office in Stockholm, Sweden has disclosed the tourism survey result conducted by the Swedish Aftonbladet newspaper. The survey involved 60,000 respondents, and according to this finding, most respondents consider Thailand as a destination with attractive beaches and warm sunshine outside Europe. The survey indicates that Swedish travelers would like to visit Thailand the most in comparison to other destinations this year.

It is flattering for our kingdom to be considered as one of the most popular tourist destinations outside Europe in the Swedish perspective this year. According to this survey, Thailand receives 31.8 percent of the respondents, and follows by the beaches along Central and Latin America, namely the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and Florida, with scores of 12.1%, 11.5% and 8.2% respectively.

The result of this survey shows that the Thailand’s tourism has shown sign of recovery, and the country also has a tendency to grow and strengthen in long run, following the economic slowdown last year due to the tsunami tragedy. This also reflects the potential of the tourism industry of the country, as the number of tourist arrivals from other countries has significantly increased at a fast pace. It is due to the country’s proactive marketing strategy, especially the TAT’s intensive strategy in the Scandinavian region.

Following the tsunami aftermath, the TAT has continued to publicize to the tourists about Thailand’s tourism activities, and it also has introduce new tourism products, particularly along the beaches of the country. Consequently, this plan suits the tourists in the Scandinavian region as they prefer to take their vacations in beaches and take part in marine activities. The tourism promotion being carried out by the TAT office in Stockholm has brought back the tourists’ confidence towards Thailand, and the market has also expanded to new territories.

Meanwhile, from this month onwards, the TAT will launch a road show project in Stockholm, Sweden to promote tourism in our country. This road show will help reinforce the tourism plan and induce more foreign tourists to visit Thailand. This would also help develop the country’s tourism potential as well.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 06 March 2006

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