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Thai Commerce Ministry Seeks To Trim Rice Price


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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe

As a confessed beneficiary of this scam, are you saying "I'm all right Jack!"?

Did you serve in the Aust Army?

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Farmer protesters block Mittraphap Road heading toward Nakhon Ratchasima

28 ก.พ. 2556 13:51

Farmer protesters block Mittraphap Road heading toward Nakhon Ratchasima; demand government help for debt moratorium, cause traffic jam


With this years first rice harvest set to begin, that surely should help those with debt problems, now that the rumor of lowering pledge pricing has been quelled. Of course the pledging scheme has only led to a 8% increase of income for small farmers, so they may have miscalculated the new truck payment and credit card purchases, when Yingluck was promising 15 to 20000 baht per ton for rice as well as making them all rich in six months.

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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe

As a confessed beneficiary of this scam, are you saying "I'm all right Jack!"?

Did you serve in the Aust Army?


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Farmer protesters block Mittraphap Road heading toward Nakhon Ratchasima

28 ก.พ. 2556 13:51

Farmer protesters block Mittraphap Road heading toward Nakhon Ratchasima; demand government help for debt moratorium, cause traffic jam


With this years first rice harvest set to begin, that surely should help those with debt problems, now that the rumor of lowering pledge pricing has been quelled. Of course the pledging scheme has only led to a 8% increase of income for small farmers, so they may have miscalculated the new truck payment and credit card purchases, when Yingluck was promising 15 to 20000 baht per ton for rice as well as making them all rich in six months.
The more pressing issue is that there is no money available to buy the rice off the farmers.

I wonder what the loss so far is expected to be? 100 Billion?

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Finally an admission this ridiculous scam has been exposed and the Thai community at large will be asked to pay yet again through taxation,(after of course the fat cats have stripped their 'commissions') for the complete mismanagement by this manipulated government of Thailand, now verified as the laughing stock of all Asian countries. And now we have the illustrious PM on her knees begging for investors in HK. Am I missing something here or is this a comedy role out?

At a reduction of 1,000 baht a tonne how many years before Thailand starts selling rice on the international market at a profit?

clap2.gif Excellent. You know you can mix old rice in concrete and use it as lightweight concrete blocks in construction and at that tonnage rate ....

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Director-General of the Internal Trade Department Wiboonluk Ruamluk said this afternoon there is no Commerce Ministry plan to reduce the price pledging paid for rice.

The Director-General said that recent reports on this issue are false and that there is no plan to hold a National Rice Policy Committee meeting to discuss the price issue until mid-March.


The phone call came quickly it would seem.

Dubai is only three hours behind Thailand.
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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe

As a confessed beneficiary of this scam, are you saying "I'm all right Jack!"?

Did you serve in the Aust Army?


Thought so by the "I'm alright jack term"thumbsup.gif

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Thought so by the "I'm alright jack term":thumbsup:

It's a navy term though it could have been used in post war Aus & perhaps UK for all the armed forces.
You forgot the two words that normally go in front of this statement... :-)

But thanks for note of levity in an otherwise dismal thread about how the government screwed the Thai people again..... Money is neither created nor destroyed. In this rice disaster the money has simply moved into new hands...

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Well, the proposal that they go another year with a bad program has been changed, thankfully. Yes, they probably would have found it cheaper just to pay off all of the farmers loans and remained number 1 in the world. Still, I am very happy to see that they understand that they screwed up, take some hits for it which they deserve, and move forward. It will be extremely tough to regain the #1 position gain. All of the importing countries have set themselves up with other exporters. Some damage takes decades to turn around. Such a shame to run a failing program knowingly.

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I think the farmers the esteemed Commerce Ministry Permanent Secretary Vatchari Vimooktayon is referring to are the large land owners or proxy farmers (insert living on foreign soil) who raise tens of thousands of rai of rice each year. Sod the little farmers who have three or four of rai.

Then surely a sensible approach to lower the second crop subsidy
After all the rampant corruption (admitted by PTP Ministers) and all the wasted taxpayer money and the damage to the Thai rice industry as whole.

I would think a more sensible approach would be to abandon this scam crop pledging program altogether. Would you not agree Geo? Of course there would be a few lost votes.

Evidently Geo doesn't have an air conditioner in the kitchen.

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And now we have this for tomorrow:

Commerce Min to propose lowering of pledged non-glutinous unmilled rice price to National Rice Policy Committee at meeting Mar.1 /The Nation

Is some sort of keep them guessing game or does the right hand really not know what the left is doing?

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They need to trim the damn volume not the price

Fat chance of that happening.

Where I live just about every available rai has been turned over to rice paddy and already every local warehouse is brim full so Buddha knows where the next crop is going to be stored.

The guy renting some of my wifes paddy is very unhappy if the story about getting only 13k turns out to be true.

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Thought so by the "I'm alright jack term":thumbsup:

It's a navy term though it could have been used in post war Aus & perhaps UK for all the armed forces.

The classic British 1959 Boulting-Brothers' comedy film "I'm Alright Jack", starring Peter Sellers, Ian Carmichael, Richard Attenborough, John Le Meseurier, Dennis Price & Terry Thomas, and a host of other British comedy-stars, was a satire on British industrial life in the 1950s, with workers unions & bosses all corrupt or incompetent.

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And now we have this for tomorrow:

Commerce Min to propose lowering of pledged non-glutinous unmilled rice price to National Rice Policy Committee at meeting Mar.1 /The Nation

Is some sort of keep them guessing game or does the right hand really not know what the left is doing?

Countered with....the same day.... a different government entity begets a different government decision... they can't even decide on when to meet to decide how conflicting their various stories are... blink.png

"Who's on First? What's on Second"

Ministry of Commerce will not lower prices of paddy rice under the pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) - The Commerce Minister has branded a report on the proposed cut in paddy prices under the government’s pledging scheme as inaccurate.

According to the Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, Ms. Wiboonrak Ruamrak, the Commerce Ministry will not ask the Rice Policy Committee to consider reducing the current buying prices of paddy rice from 15,000 baht per ton currently and the price of Jasmine rice paddy from 20,000 baht per ton, despite a complaint that both prices were unnecessarily high.

She said the Rice Policy Committee’s next meeting will take place in March, not tomorrow as reported in the media, since Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom is out of the country.

Pending the meeting, the Commerce Ministry, in its capacity as Secretary-General of the Rice Policy Committee, will collect public opinions and concerns on the guaranteed prices.

She said that it was entirely up to the Rice Policy Committee to decide if the paddy prices should be adjusted.


-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

Edited by Buchholz
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British industrial life in the 1950s with workers unions and bosses all corrupt or incompetent

'Pon me soul; Ricardo, you've just described the current Thai maladministration to a T

Yet again it's proved that we English were always forward thinkers.

I have the movie and I can remember when it first showed in the U.K when I was a strip of a lad knee high to a midget.

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And now we have this door tomorrow:

Commerce Min to propose lowering of pledged non-glutinous unmilled rice price to National Rice Policy Committee at meeting Mar.1 /The Nation

Is some sort of keep them guessing game or does the right hand really not know what the left is doing?

Countered with....the same day.... a different government entity begets a different government decision... they can't even decide on when to meet to decide how conflicting their various stories are... blink.png

"Who's on First? What's on Second"

Ministry of Commerce will not lower prices of paddy rice under the pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) - The Commerce Minister has branded a report on the proposed cut in paddy prices under the governments pledging scheme as inaccurate.

According to the Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, Ms. Wiboonrak Ruamrak, the Commerce Ministry will not ask the Rice Policy Committee to consider reducing the current buying prices of paddy rice from 15,000 baht per ton currently and the price of Jasmine rice paddy from 20,000 baht per ton, despite a complaint that both prices were unnecessarily high.

She said the Rice Policy Committees next meeting will take place in March, not tomorrow as reported in the media, since Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom is out of the country.

Pending the meeting, the Commerce Ministry, in its capacity as Secretary-General of the Rice Policy Committee, will collect public opinions and concerns on the guaranteed prices.

She said that it was entirely up to the Rice Policy Committee to decide if the paddy prices should be adjusted.


-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

I love it. The "rice policy committee". What the hell does that mean?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Ministry of Commerce will not lower prices of paddy rice under the pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) - The Commerce Minister has branded a report on the proposed cut in paddy prices under the government’s pledging scheme as inaccurate.

According to the Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, Ms. Wiboonrak Ruamrak, the Commerce Ministry will not ask the Rice Policy Committee to consider reducing the current buying prices of paddy rice from 15,000 baht per ton currently and the price of Jasmine rice paddy from 20,000 baht per ton, despite a complaint that both prices were unnecessarily high.

She said the Rice Policy Committee’s next meeting will take place in March, not tomorrow as reported in the media, since Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom is out of the country.

Pending the meeting, the Commerce Ministry, in its capacity as Secretary-General of the Rice Policy Committee, will collect public opinions and concerns on the guaranteed prices.

She said that it was entirely up to the Rice Policy Committee to decide if the paddy prices should be adjusted.


-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

A complaint? As in singular, one only - not a chorus of <deleted> are you thinking?

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Ministry of Commerce will not lower prices of paddy rice under the pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) - The Commerce Minister has branded a report on the proposed cut in paddy prices under the governments pledging scheme as inaccurate.

According to the Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, Ms. Wiboonrak Ruamrak, the Commerce Ministry will not ask the Rice Policy Committee to consider reducing the current buying prices of paddy rice from 15,000 baht per ton currently and the price of Jasmine rice paddy from 20,000 baht per ton, despite a complaint that both prices were unnecessarily high.

She said the Rice Policy Committees next meeting will take place in March, not tomorrow as reported in the media, since Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom is out of the country.

Pending the meeting, the Commerce Ministry, in its capacity as Secretary-General of the Rice Policy Committee, will collect public opinions and concerns on the guaranteed prices.

She said that it was entirely up to the Rice Policy Committee to decide if the paddy prices should be adjusted.


-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

A complaint? As in singular, one only - not a chorus of <deleted> are you thinking?

If it's up to them, then why is the commerce meeting even talking about it?

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Ministry of Commerce will not lower prices of paddy rice under the pledging scheme

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) - The Commerce Minister has branded a report on the proposed cut in paddy prices under the governments pledging scheme as inaccurate.

According to the Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, Ms. Wiboonrak Ruamrak, the Commerce Ministry will not ask the Rice Policy Committee to consider reducing the current buying prices of paddy rice from 15,000 baht per ton currently and the price of Jasmine rice paddy from 20,000 baht per ton, despite a complaint that both prices were unnecessarily high.

She said the Rice Policy Committees next meeting will take place in March, not tomorrow as reported in the media, since Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom is out of the country.

Pending the meeting, the Commerce Ministry, in its capacity as Secretary-General of the Rice Policy Committee, will collect public opinions and concerns on the guaranteed prices.

She said that it was entirely up to the Rice Policy Committee to decide if the paddy prices should be adjusted.


-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

A complaint? As in singular, one only - not a chorus of <deleted> are you thinking?

If it's up to them, then why is the commerce meeting even talking about it?

Have you ever heard of a circle jerk? I am Just not sure who the pivot man is yet?

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Finally an admission this ridiculous scam has been exposed and the Thai community at large will be asked to pay yet again through taxation,(after of course the fat cats have stripped their 'commissions') for the complete mismanagement by this manipulated government of Thailand, now verified as the laughing stock of all Asian countries. And now we have the illustrious PM on her knees begging for investors in HK. Am I missing something here or is this a comedy role out?

This rice scheme is not good, I think you would go a long way to find someone who disagrees with that. The rest of your post is just complete rubbish, why do you need to go completely overboard?

eeeerr! I am not really sure he has gone 'completely overboard'. Just what bit exactly is 'completely overboard'?

Is Thailand really verified as the laughing stock of all Asian countries? really? just really?????
Yes, really... Thai's really believe that everyone else in the world wants to eat only Thai rice.. I can only answer for the US. But here, American people can't tell the difference between Thai rice and India rice or Vietnamese rice, etc. rice is rice.. beside the fact that most Americans would rather eat potatoes.. Edited by khaowong1
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Finally an admission this ridiculous scam has been exposed and the Thai community at large will be asked to pay yet again through taxation,(after of course the fat cats have stripped their 'commissions') for the complete mismanagement by this manipulated government of Thailand, now verified as the laughing stock of all Asian countries. And now we have the illustrious PM on her knees begging for investors in HK. Am I missing something here or is this a comedy role out?

This rice scheme is not good, I think you would go a long way to find someone who disagrees with that. The rest of your post is just complete rubbish, why do you need to go completely overboard?

eeeerr! I am not really sure he has gone 'completely overboard'. Just what bit exactly is 'completely overboard'?

Is Thailand really verified as the laughing stock of all Asian countries? really? just really?????
Yes, really... Thai's really believe that everyone else in the world wants to eat only Thai rice.. I can only answer for the US. But here, American people can't tell the difference between Thai rice and India rice or Vietnamese rice, etc. rice is rice.. beside the fact that most Americans would rather eat potatoes..

Could you imagine being that fussy about rice.

No, no, no, only a british potato with my roast beef. North Asians hate fragrant rice, and they cab sense it a mile away.

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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe


And now that we know that they are NOT going to lower the subsidy, I'm interested to hear the spin about how that move to not change the subsidy is still, somehow, "a good move."


Edited by Buchholz
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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe


And now that we know that they are NOT going to lower the subsidy, I'm interested to hear the spin about how that move to not change the subsidy is still, somehow, "a good move."


Me too. Maybe Geo will turn on the aircon in the kitchen today and he can stay for a while longer.

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They are up sh** creek on a leaky boat without a paddle. Now they are looking for a way to stop sinking. Hoping for a teacup to help bail the boat, but looks like they only have only come up with a drinking straw. biggrin.png

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A good move to lower the subsidy on the second crop, it is the one crop farmers who require a good fixed rate per kg, and if the kg price for these farmers remains in place, votes are safe


And now that we know that they are NOT going to lower the subsidy, I'm interested to hear the spin about how that move to not change the subsidy is still, somehow, "a good move."


Me too. Maybe Geo will turn on the aircon in the kitchen today and he can stay for a while longer.

I am sure initially, the argument in his own mind was very strong.

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Oh my input was very detailed and well explained in the many other threads on Tvisa regarding the rice scheme, so I don't feel a requirement to continually repeat to those who most likely ignored the content first time around, and would probably do so again.......problem in the kitchen is not the heat Pimay, it is the stench of stale material being poorly presented as a new dish.......for the umpteenth time....... by those not capable of recalling the initial discussions and information....

Edited by 473geo
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