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Former U S Army Paratrooper Destroys 60 Gubernatorial Campaign Ads: Bangkok


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I don't know the signs are annoying, but it seems that Thai's are a lot better at removing them after elections then American politicians. I'm always tempted to slip the vegetable sellers on the street a couple hundred baht so I can chuck veggies at the guys in their trucks blasting politico campaign drivel at 800 decibels That's more annoying to me then the signs.

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Military background is irrelevant, politics are irrelevant, story is about the frustration outlined by many others, an 8 foot poster of candidate 9 blocked all but a foot wide piece of my soi sidewalk (Prasanmit). What I could do with a snow plow in this city

These idiots put signs up on sidewalks making them advanced obstacle courses. I knock them down all the time. Not political ads so much but condo and plastic surgery ads.

Supposedly Thai's are so respectful but I think they use it all up on Wai's etc. How about saving some for traffic safety, air/water/noise pollution and not impeding sidewalks.

What sidewalks? I respectfully suggest that you need to adjust your attitude. What an expat might think is a sidewalk is actually an extension of whatever shop it is in front of, or it's a parking space for any and all vehicles and you cannot overlook that it's as vital pathway for motorbike traffic.

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Approximately two month before the election of a mayor on Samui, dozens of pick-ups with big posters and even bigger loudspeakers,

have been creeping around the island, disturbing traffic and sane people. Had been contemplating to get a couple of hand granates...

No, I'm not drinking and I'm not a soldier but a potential terrorist.

Great post. Before I retired last year I would have daily video conferences to the US. OZ, UK, Japan, ect. Never failed. Right in the middle of the meeting here would come a truck selling eggs, chickens, gutters or something else with the onboard speakers set at 120 db. I wished many times I had an RPG.

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Driving home from work everyday there are two left turns I have to make and you cant see a damn thing...just that smiley face on the poster. Almost in a wreck yesterday...i wonder how many accidents/deaths have been caused by these?!

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Perhaps a combination of booze and SRI's [serotonin re-uptake inhibitors ] a drug that they give to so many US military now to combat depression. Most of the mass shootings in the USA have involved SRI's as they can make people go off the deep end, but the media doesn't want to talk about that much, only guns. But that's another subject.

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I don't know the signs are annoying, but it seems that Thai's are a lot better at removing them after elections then American politicians. I'm always tempted to slip the vegetable sellers on the street a couple hundred baht so I can chuck veggies at the guys in their trucks blasting politico campaign drivel at 800 decibels That's more annoying to me then the signs.

I don't agree with wasting good food. But rotten food scraps I think would be a marvelous weapon.

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These idiots put signs up on sidewalks making them advanced obstacle courses. I knock them down all the time. Not political ads so much but condo and plastic surgery ads.

Supposedly Thai's are so respectful but I think they use it all up on Wai's etc. How about saving some for traffic safety, air/water/noise pollution and not impeding sidewalks.

What sidewalks? I respectfully suggest that you need to adjust your attitude. What an expat might think is a sidewalk is actually an extension of whatever shop it is in front of, or it's a parking space for any and all vehicles and you cannot overlook that it's as vital pathway for motorbike traffic.[/

Whilst obviously being the cleanest place to cook and serve food.

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Need to ask a question here. This guy is Thai-American, that was reported. It indicated that he was intoxicated and it was wee hours of the morning. He tore down and threw some of the election ads into the water, but where does it give the important news like the size shoe he wears, or the color of the shirt he was wearing, or what his girlfriends name is...... you know the important things that people reading want to know'.

....and a direct question to The Nation writers that don't read or possibly think.

What in the blue blazes heck is the connection with being a former US paratrooper to this story, other that a lurid headline.

They didn't report that he was in the 2nd grade in Ms Whosey=Whatsits class or if he was a scout...... What is the connection that warrants a headling stating "former US Paratrooper" ????

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Half irrelevant headline.. but eventually I'll learn to expect less relevance in these "news" reports.

I suppose "Former US Army Paratrooper" works better than, "Man Destroys...." or certainly not "Thai-American" be mentioned in the headline.

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I think the chinese abs advert guy did it, the ex-para is a patsy.

BTW, hint to the Chinese, those are NOT abs in the photo, quit playing with photoshop and go back to hacking US Government websites.

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....and a direct question to The Nation writers that don't read or possibly think.

What in the blue blazes heck is the connection with being a former US paratrooper to this story, other that a lurid headline.

They didn't report that he was in the 2nd grade in Ms Whosey=Whatsits class or if he was a scout...... What is the connection that warrants a headling stating "former US Paratrooper" ????


Need to ask your direct question elsewhere, Gonzo.


Former US Army paratrooper destroys 60 gubernatorial campaign ads

By Coconuts Bangkok

Full story: http://www.coconutsbangkok.com/news/former-us-army-paratrooper-destroys-60-gubernatorial-campaign-ads/

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-03-01

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And they never caught the 'BNE' poster.

Those crack me up... I ask Thai's all the time who have their stalls or businesses what those BNE stickers are. They are usually plastered right in the field of vision or actually on their business etc. They are seemingly everywhere in BKK and CM.

They usually just shrug and say they have no idea.

Does anybody know if those Political or advertising signs are protected by laws? Do they have permits to post them? And what is the legality of removing them if they are blocking visibility or the sidewalk?

SInce its politicians I am guessing they have some sort of law to protect their campaigns.

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3:30 am and intoxicated - I am pretty sure politics has little to do with any of it. I noticed on the page he listed under Favorites




Agreed. Obviously another drinker that's had just too much, after all it was 3 30am. BUT who really gives a s***t? Is this story of any interest I ask you?

It must be of interest, because it's getting plenty of comments. That's how Thai Visa makes money. If it wasn't of any interest, then you wouldn't be reading it and leaving a comment. Obviously you have an interest in it.

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I don't think he has been in Thailand that long or he would know that only Thais can do that job and has no work permit to allow him to do it.

Silly boy.

isn't he Luk Khrung or a thai who joined the U.S Military? The report says Thai-American.

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Does anybody know if those Political or advertising signs are protected by laws? Do they have permits to post them? And what is the legality of removing them if they are blocking visibility or the sidewalk?

Since its politicians I am guessing they have some sort of law to protect their campaigns.


They have very strict laws about doing anything to those campaign posters...

A 45-year-old academic was arrested yesterday for posting anti-Thaksin Shinawatra messages on an election campaign board of the Pheu Thai Party's Pongsapat Pongcharoen.

Hathaiwut Saithong, an academic under the jurisdiction of Bangkok's Educational Office 5, was charged with violating Article 57 of the Local Election Act, which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a Bt100,000 fine.


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On the contrary, it would be appropriate good ole Spiro was governor of Maryland and was nailed for corruption.

Perhaps the poor chap was possessed by demons..........

I believe you might have some thing there.

Personally I think he made a good start.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

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Does anybody know if those Political or advertising signs are protected by laws? Do they have permits to post them? And what is the legality of removing them if they are blocking visibility or the sidewalk?

Since its politicians I am guessing they have some sort of law to protect their campaigns.


They have very strict laws about doing anything to those campaign posters...

A 45-year-old academic was arrested yesterday for posting anti-Thaksin Shinawatra messages on an election campaign board of the Pheu Thai Party's Pongsapat Pongcharoen.

Hathaiwut Saithong, an academic under the jurisdiction of Bangkok's Educational Office 5, was charged with violating Article 57 of the Local Election Act, which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a Bt100,000 fine.


Apparently more serious than attempting to beat up two women for not reversing their car.

So, who pressed the charge? The billboard?

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Perhaps he went around measuring them and found them to be of illegal size and was just helping the police. biggrin.png BTW candidate posters are limited to 30x42cm or 130x245cm for cutouts.

Thanks for this info.

Can we use it in our defence?

Maybe he can use it in his defence...... Why not suggest it on his facebook page? I would, but I don't know how!

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i wonder if the guy was trying to use youtube in the last few days? that thai dude on the top of this story has appeared on every clip ive tried to watch yesterday and if id been out drunk last night and saw a giant sized picture of his face i would have thrown it in a ditch too.

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Guy's in a bar he's a soldier and just as a helicopter flies overhead the music in the bar is blaring out the Animal's song :-

(yeah...) He's been work-in' so hard, (yeah...)
I've been working to baby (Yeah...) Every night and day (Yeah, yeah,
yeah, oh yeah).

We gotta get out of this place

If it's the last thing we ever do

We gotta get out of this place

Girl, there's a better life for me and you,

Guy goes straight into Vietnam mode sees that guys picture who looks more like a Viet Cong than he does a Thai and thinks this guy is invading Thailand which he dearly loves so he attacks him with everything he's got

Perfectly normal behaviour for one America's finest fighting drunks biggrin.png ..........not guilty.

Can I go back to the pub now?

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