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Any Books/lesson Plans For Teaching English?

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My girlfriend wants me to teach a couple of her friends English but I need some books/guides/lesson plans/etc. to get started. I mean I can tell them how to say "My name is..." all day long but unless they understand what those words mean, I'm getting nowhere with them lol.

So is there any books I can buy in Chiang Mai or online lesson plans/English courses out there? Something good to get me started would be great. Thanks for any help

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You can make a lot of your own resources when you're teaching them. There are tonnes available online as well, but sometimes you might want to tailor something a little bit more specific.

So when teaching, try to use as much body language as you can, and use pictures or physical examples to try and explain things. As they say, a picture paints a 1000 words (And since they might not understand 10 words, let alone 1000, a picture works really well).

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