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How Old Is This 5 Bath Coin?

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Just got a very old 5 bath coin on the market!

Gf says, she never see before, it's king Nr 3, but we don't know how old?

Does someone know where I can find the 59 different 10 bath coins with different pictures on the backside does a thai bank all have them in stock?post-114169-13622860113787_thumb.jpgpost-114169-13622860384103_thumb.jpg

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It's Baht, not Bath!!!

You'd be surprised how many Google hits you get with it though. One example:

The currency of Thailand is the "Baht" - sometimes spelled "Bath" but pronounced to rhyme with "hot." One Baht is divisible into 100 Satang.


And here are a bunch on a collector's site. Coins from Thailand

Even Google Images have scores matching it. So would say it may be formally incorrect but not unreasonable using it as the meaning is clear.

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