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Abhisit, Suthep Broke Law In Police Station Bids: D S I


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Abhisit, Suthep broke law in bids: DSI
Piyanut Tumnukasetchai
The Nation


Police station case given to NACC; findings due soon on precincts

BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and former deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban violated laws in awarding contracts to build 396 police stations, the Department of Special Investigation said in its investigation report submitted yesterday.

Abhisit violated Article 157 of the Criminal Code covering officials who wrongfully exercise or do not exercise their functions, the DSI said.

Suthep is accusing of violating the same article, as well as Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Bidding Price Collusion Act.

DSI chief Tarit Pengdith said the agency's Corruption Protection and Suppression Centre director Thanin Prempree submitted the case report to the NACC for further action because it is beyond the DSI's authority to handle cases against suspects holding political positions.

DSI investigators say Abhisit and Suthep violated Article 157 by allowing only one firm to be awarded the contract for the entire project instead of observing the Cabinet resolution of Somchai Wongsawat's government that called for separate bids in each of the nine police regions.

The DSI viewed that former police chief Pol General Prateep Tanprasert's proposal for centralised bidding was probably under instructions from the political sector, so the DSI did not file charges against him, Tarit said.

A police panel led by Pol General Jate Mongkolhatthee was probing the case of the 396 unfinished police stations and would report its findings soon, said national police chief Pol General Adul Saengsingkaew. Adul said he would consult on the case with the Office of the Auditor General.

Deputy police spokesman Thana Chuwong said 87 police stations were demolished while the other 309 stations remain.

In the demolished precincts, officers have been working out of makeshift and often scattered temporary quarters. The national police chief has ordered the heads of these precincts to consolidate each of their operations.

Pol General Worapong Chewpreecha has been assigned to set the timeframe for construction of new precincts in case the contracts with PCC Development and Construction Co Ltd were cancelled. Initially the large precincts were due to be completed in 390 days, 360 for medium-size precincts and 330 days for small stations.

In Buri Ram, six precincts received Bt1 million from the Royal Thai Police to improve their spaces to better serve the public. The demolished precincts got Bt300,000 each while the not-yet-demolished stations got Bt100,000.

-- The Nation 2013-03-06

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More garbage from DSI which will never happen. And I keep asking the question where is the money but no-one raises that. Both sides are conspiratorially very quiet. I guess it is 'bad debt written off' in accounting terms, after all it is only a few billion Baht, a snip compared to the rice scam.

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The DSI viewed that former police chief Pol General Prateep Tanprasert's proposal for centralised bidding was probably under instructions from the political sector, so the DSI did not file charges against him, Tarit said

Leniency for cowards?

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Hmmm, DSI is warming up,Abhisit and Co broke law 157 by over ruling Somchai governments resolution,that's the previous Government resolutions, perhaps Abhisit thought he now was running the country and it was he's duty to do what he thought was good for Thailand, having a central system, this should stop the gravy train leaving the station, I think DSI should revisit rule 157, put up or shut up.

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The DSI viewed that former police chief Pol General Prateep Tanprasert's proposal for centralised bidding was probably under instructions from the political sector, so the DSI did not file charges against him, Tarit said

You highlighted the wrong word try PROBABLY.

But then maybe not.

The police are investigating the police handling of the whole thing.....................any guesses as to the result of that one?

How about "I can not tell a lie, HE DONE IT"

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One cabinet Decrees and another cabinet unDecrees.

Neither has till end of time supremacy over the other.

That is why they get appointed by PMs who get elected separately and sequentially.

This is just one more iteration of the PTP DSI witch hunt to

nail Abhist and Suthep for ANYTHING that can manage too, if they can.

Or throw enough mud maybe some might stick.

It is so transparently crooked and over the top vindictive it beggars imagination,

and buggers true democracy in the public square.

Edited by animatic
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The basis of the case is that the Democrats didn't follow a resolution of the former government?

So all ministers of the current government that changed Democrat resolutions should also be charged?

Perhaps not, as Somchai received his orders directly from god (even if it's only a little tin god in Dubai.)

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.

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The DSI viewed that former police chief Pol General Prateep Tanprasert's
proposal for centralised bidding was probably under instructions from
the political sector, so the DSI did not file charges against him, Tarit

Well, there you have it. We now see the 'professionalism' of the DSI at work.

With every trumped-up charge the DSI comes up with against Abhisit & Suthep, the reasons (excuses) become shakier & shakier. Thailand will sink under it's own quicksand of greed if ever these crooks get control of the Constitutional Court & a few other bodies that still have some independence.

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

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The DSI viewed that former police chief Pol General Prateep Tanprasert's proposal for centralised bidding was probably under instructions from the political sector, so the DSI did not file charges against him, Tarit said.

Just too <deleted> funny for words. I hope Tarit keeps a bug out bag handy at all times, because if he is ever dropped or the Dems get back into power, his ass is grass.

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.

Edited by oldsailor35
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"DSI investigators say Abhisit and Suthep violated Article 157 by
allowing only one firm to be awarded the contract for the entire project
instead of observing the Cabinet resolution of Somchai Wongsawat's
government that called for separate bids in each of the nine police

Is that a law? I thought it took more than the cabinet to create a law.

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.

speak up I can't hear you when you mumble.

Also I don't do well with parables. got me kicked out of Bible class.giggle.gif

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.

You seem to forget that the particular charge on which he was convicted was real enough and was just one of many that could have been brought. He broke a law that existed before he was in office, was convicted by independent judges at a time when the 'opposition' were just that, his party were in power and one of his family relatives was Prime Minister.

As to other corrupt Thai politicians can you name me one off hand who isn't? It's all a question of scale.

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This is just amazing. The DSI cancelled its investigation after most trails were leading to Pongsapat because it was expected that Pongsapat would win the election.

Now that Pongsapat lost, the DSI has re-opened the investigation and is going after the Dems again.

I am still waiting for the day the DSI will investigate the largest corruption case in Thai history, the rice scheme.

...yesterday DSI chief Tarit Pengdith failed (to busy) for a second time to appear at a house committee’s hearing on the "men in black" in relation to the 2010 political violence..

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"DSI investigators say Abhisit and Suthep violated Article 157 by

allowing only one firm to be awarded the contract for the entire project

instead of observing the Cabinet resolution of Somchai Wongsawat's

government that called for separate bids in each of the nine police


Is that a law? I thought it took more than the cabinet to create a law.


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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.

speak up I can't hear you when you mumble.

Also I don't do well with parables. got me kicked out of Bible class.giggle.gif

If you knew where that land was you wouldn't call it farm land... not at that angle.

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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.

You seem to forget that the particular charge on which he was convicted was real enough and was just one of many that could have been brought. He broke a law that existed before he was in office, was convicted by independent judges at a time when the 'opposition' were just that, his party were in power and one of his family relatives was Prime Minister.

As to other corrupt Thai politicians can you name me one off hand who isn't? It's all a question of scale.

And Thaksin has so many pending charges,

because his greed and lust for power was Off The Scale.

Even if a few of the charges are debatable, there are so many (6-7) that clearly have sound basis in logic,

and have been passed on by the attorneys General to the courts as having merit and demanding

adjudication no matter what no closed body did the original investigative work, they are no moot.

And they are now TWO full steps forward in the legal chain from their original investigations.

it is no wonder he won't come back to face the cakewalk of short time for conviction 1...

He would never get out alive, at his age, if the other charges re-start up in courts open to the public view.

And this goes to the point of why; when he controls the legislature, the government, the DSI, and yet...

still has not enough control of the courts to risk coming back and fight the charges.

Of course that Cakewalk would have to include his buying off serious protection in jail

since that would typically not include his normal retinue of body guards. He has burned

more than enough feet to the nub, to have serious fear of not controlling completely his environment.

So his only shot not to be put at risk of in jail assignation, is to subvert the constitution to

give himself a get out of jail free card.

Edited by animatic
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That's funny, I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether who, how and when broke laws, not the DSI.

Where I come from investigation agencies go out of their way NOT to pass judgement on the people and institutions under investigation, they collect the facts and provide them to the judicial branch.


Then again where I come from we don't have a fugitive from justice running the country from a bunker on the sevententh fairway in Arabia.

Would you be referring to the guy who was convicted on charges trumped up by the Military coup leaders and their political lackies! Well i can tell you now that his name was Thaksin and with that kind of opposition i would'nt return to the country either.........would you,stupid!

Now then, why don't they investigate the guy down in Surat Thani who gave 9 of the 13 blocks of government farmland allocated for poor farmers, to rich family friends in the south. Perhaps you know his name, but i have read that he has pulled another trick, giving the contract to build new police stations to just one company instead of taking

individual bids for police stations in 9 separate regions ? Wonder how much that netted him.


If you are referring to Suthep, then yes, he should be banged up for life in Bangkwang, but that does not detract from the fact that Thaksin is a corrupt robbing criminal. Handy for you to say his charges were trumped up by the leaders of a military coup when they in fact came when his own party were back in power! What an inconvenient truth that is ! He is a criminal Oldsailor and he does not give one flying fig about the people of this country, so pull your nose out of his ass and get some fresh air, it's amazing what a different perspective it will give you on life. He has done and is currently doing - robbing the people of this nation for as much as is physically possible.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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