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Could My Boyfriend Find A Job In Thailand?


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Here's an idea - you're willing to support him for a while but he uses the time to upgrade to a real degree.

Not at a Thai uni of course probably more of a negative on the CV for a foreigner than a positive.

But I'm sure that there are tertiary institutions in the incredibly respected German educational system - and if not, the Swiss or Austrian ones? that offer an interesting qualification relevant to his career path so far that will improve his employability down the road.

Perhaps "upgrading" to the equivalent of a BA or BS would just be the start, and he could end up with a Master's, not necessarily an MBA, could be something technical, or even Education.

Give him something to sink his teeth into, keep him out of trouble have to get up in the morning when you go to work, help him keep (or even improve) his self-respect rather than the usual downward spiral into degenerate hedonism most of us experience (not all I know, shut up).

And if he's a real go-getter and a bit out-going he might even catch the eye of an employer here who sees his value and badda-boom he's back to being Mr Breadwinner AND you both get to live happily in paradise to boot.

Or at least Plan B, by the time you return to Europe he'll be worth at least as much to the job market as he is now.

PS He could also perfect his English and get a degree in that language, killing four birds with one stone we are now. . .

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To the OP. In all honesty I would look to get him work as an offshore IT / Trouble shooter on the new Cyber build oil rigs in Asia. Most only hire expats for that job. Its one month of work then one month off. So he would get 6 months off a year to spend in country with you. www.rigzone.com would be a good place to start. Most places look for 10+ years expierence, as long as he is ok with living at work for 1 month at a time its well worth it. Some of the IT guys I have worked with make 150K + USD a year so its a fair wage.

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