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My camp fire seems diminished !

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After reading a few posts (by the way im a newbie), it would appear that moving to thailand is a bit impossible !.

Im 27 male from the uk, I have been in IT for around 9 years and am currently training as a PADI advanced scuba diver, i was hoping to sell what little i have and bugger off to SE Asia and live there for a while.

Is it that difficult ? im not looking for big bucks or fast cars, just a quieter, easier life. The UK sucks and is very expensive.

can anyone tell me the easiest way of getting there and average monthly spend to get by ?

Thanx a bunch


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Join the club friend.  There are a lot of us, more than I had expected.

How to get to Thailand? Thai Air, but I suspect you mean a way to work there legally.  Teaching English would be it.

Do you have a degree?  Moving there can be easy, it depends upon everyone's situation, I suspect some have all the luck and get it right first time, others it takes years to figure out a way to live legally in Thailand.

I agree with you 100%, the UK sucks, is expensive and there's a growing divide between people in the larger city's, and crime/violence has risen beyond belief along with being the asylum dumping ground of Europe, it's no wonder everyone wants to leave.  Oh, I forgot the part about the incompetent politicians, but that's the norm nowadays.

It's interesting how those from the West, keep want to move to the East.  America to UK.  Uk to Europe.  Europe to Asia.

Have you been knocked for 6 with the global recession?

I don't know what kind of basic salary you'd need, I think it'd depend upon location and lifestyle.

I would of thought you'd get a work permit as an advanced scuba diver, please double check though.

Last point to make about IT in Thailand, is that i've seen quite a few too many ridiculous criteria of age, whereby the candidate has to be between the ages of 22 to 24 or something silly like that.  And 90% ask for degrees.

Good luck

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PADI advanced scuba diver

This certificate certainly wont help you make any money from diving. You would at least need to be at instructor level.

There really isn't that much "advanced" about it. Its just an excuse to get more money out of people who already have an ordinary open water certificate.

We all know that PADI stands for Put Another Dollar In.

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