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Neck Pain And Headaches - Who To See In Bangkok?

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I've had a really stiff neck upon waking and for most of the day for a while now which has been combined with headaches most days.

Can anyone recommend someone I could see in Bangkok that could sort this out?

I'm not sure what it would come under. Its not an injury or from any one incident, seems to be something wrong around my neck and lower back.

Any ideas welcome.


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You could see a chiropractor, but I'd be a bit cautious about them offering neck manipulations. Although I have had 2 such manipulations, which in hindsight all but eliminated my neck pain, I'd be cautious about getting them done again the future due to the very small, but nevertheless serious risk of stroke or other cervical injury that can occur as a result, particularly to people more pre-disposed to such injuries. Mind you, I'm still young although I've read about people even a few years younger than me (in their early 20's) who have suffered strokes as a result, but while those patients probably had either some sort of greater susceptibility to suffering a stroke as a result of chiropractic manipulation and/or the chiropractor that performed the manipulation was less experienced or something, one must always assess the level of risks associated with any medical procedure, particularly one involving a sensitive area such as the neck.

Before you decide who to see, consider asking yourself these questions:

How did this neck pain start? Think of a possible source/trigger. Perhaps poor sleeping position, poor posture at work/home using your computer or watching TV etc.?

When did this neck pain start?

Where is the neck pain occurring? In terms of headaches, most likely they are a result of neck pain referred to the head, BUT where are they occurring? Only on one side, particularly towards the back and perhaps around the temple area? If so, then likely referred pain from the neck. If towards the front or another area of the head aches, then this is less likely. Also, how debilitating are your headaches? Usually referred pain from the neck to the head results only in mild headaches that come and go, rather than intense ones.

Once you have answered these and other questions, you should decide whether it might be an idea to see a specialist who can take some MRIs etc. to see if there is anything wrong with your neck muscles etc. if it's only minor, then a light massage (but NOT a neck manipulation), perhaps applying some tiger balm and improving your posture will give good results in a matter of days; in some cases it might take a couple of weeks but if you practice good habits then likely your neck pain will go away, as will your headaches.

I can provide you with a link to a recommended chiropractor in Bangkok, otherwise consider acupuncture or physiotherapy (as mentioned perhaps you should see a doctor first to make sure nothing serious is wrong and then consider these alternative approaches). Reply here or send me a PM if interested.
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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply.

I should've mentioned that I've already seen a chiropractor, but I wanted to see what advice I got from here first. I had about 8 sessions over a few months and many manipulations were given. After a session it felt great, my neck was very lose and didn't feel tight at all. But it didn't last for long.

Eventually I had to stop seeing the chiro as I couldn't afford it, although now I am probably ready to try something again.

I've also been to see doctors before who haven't been able to give me any real reasoning behind the headaches. Some said migraines which I don't think I agree with as they aren't that bad. I've had my eyes tested too as I've read bad eyesight can cause headaches if undiagnosed.

I've had the headaches as far back as I can remember, ever since being little. I don't get them everyday and on those days, if I don't do anything too strenuous like running or exercise then I am ok. Although a lot of days I wake up with a headache already. While on some days they set in during the day.

I can't remember when the neck pain started. It wasn't until I saw the chiro last year that I put the headaches and the neck pain together as he said they were related.

It could be my posture, I feel like I don't hold my shoulders back enough although I try to correct this when I realise I am not doing so.

I use tiger balm on my neck when the pain is too much to allow me to concentrate on anything.

Some days the headache can be full on, and some days its just a dull ache or throbbing pain. Occasionally it is so much I am sick but not that often.

I take paracetamol and ibuprofen to take the edge of them, which sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't. I try not to take them too often as I've read about them causing headaches if taken too often.

If I had the money I'd see a chiro everyday as I think it did help, but I'm not rich so can't afford 2000 baht and two hours of my time each day!

Sometimes I have a regular Thai massage but get them to just work on my neck, shoulders and head and this does feel good but I'm not sure if it helps overall.

Thanks for your reply. If you could send me the details of your guy that would be great.

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I suspect the headaches are related to the tense neck muscles.

The right pillow can be a big help. I have one I bought online that you fill with water to the desired firmness. Either that or a memory foam one (which you can get in Thailand) so that your neck is gently supported in the right position and not bent to far forward.

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If you sleep on your back, another pillow option to try is to sleep with no pillow. The neck remains in its natural alignment with the spine better when lying flat on your back with no pillow elevating the head. For most people this is not a problem, but once you have somehow stressed the neck, it's worth at try to lie flat without a pillow.

For sleeping on your side, however, *do* use a pillow as if you sleep on your side without a pillow you are then introducing the angled-neck issue. Sleeping on your side with a pillow helps keep the straight neck/spine alignment.

No, I'm not a doctor, but after a neck injury many years ago, my doctor advised me the above. Not sure if it helped, but it didn't hurt, and my pain didn't linger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies.

A while ago I did change from using a plumper pillow to a much flatter one and that did help a bit. But as I sleep on my side I'm not sure what effect it had.

I am interested in a memory foam one but they are so expensive I don't want to risk 5000 baht on one that might not be the right shape.

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  • 1 month later...

I used to have similar problems. In fact I couldn't drive because turning my head sideways was painful. I had a fair share of near misses at intersections. Now my condition is almost ok. No pain during the day (unless I overdo it with the computer) and no pain when I wake up.

The formula which worked satisfactorily in my case has four components.

1) turmeric pills. They appear as FLEXOFYTOL and FLEXYCUR. They are both made in Belgium

2) A special cervical roll from the McKenzie Institute, it really works wonders, can be ordered through Amazon.

3) Special exercises which can be found in the book 'Treat your own neck' by Robin McKenzie. Again through Amazon.

4) Pills called Neurobion which consist of B3, B6 and B12 just vitamins which are said to repair the nerves.

1 and 4 have been prescribed by physicians (1 by a orthopaedic doctor and 4 by a rheumatologist both MDs)

2 and 3 I found on the net and I gave them a try. I am happy I did

In my opinion the most potent and effective were the cervical roll and the neurobion pill. Anyway my condition, which started really bothering more than 2 and half years have now for the last 4 months subsided. I introduced the cervical roll may be 5 months ago and neurobion 4 months ago.

The book I used not very regularly but i always felt my neck to be a little freer after the exercises.

So, In case you cannot find the turmeric pills which allow turmeric to be absorbed in great quantities as compared to

ordinary turmeric pills, i thing you should try the other options.

Good luck, my friend

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