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The Mike Bashing Thread

Ulysses G.

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Problem two are his prices. Tacos are 50-60B, burritos are 130B. I spend 4 months a year in NYC which has a large population from Puebla. I can get better tacos with much more variety (lengua, cabrito, real chorizo, etc) for $2.00 each at dozens of places. Huge burritos are $4.00 and the quality is definitely better than Miguel's. $3.00 will get me a quesadilla the size of a hubcap, with real Mexican cheese, in all those places.

I can't wait to get back to NY for some real Mexican food.

Constructive? In NYC maybe.

Nah, I don't have anything to do with any Mexican restaurant (apart from the odd jug of frozen margeritas at Salsa Kitchen.)

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Does anybody remember the Pace picante sauce ads from several years back. The cook makes salsa out on the Texas range, and the cowboys think it's terrible. They ask the cook where he got the recipe or the salsa, and he replies, "New York City." They reply, "Get the hangin' rope!!"

Yeah, Tex-Mex food is cheaper in San Antonio and Brownsville, and you can choose between Jalisco, Michoachan, Poblano, etc., in Houston, unless you want comida guatemateca or salvadoreña. Several Brazilian restaurants, too, and three Ethiopian. Oops, I'm off topic.

Yes indeed, anything close to Mexican or Tex-Mex is hard to come by in Chiang Mai (let alone in Hua Hin, although American Ribs has a few items on the menu). As for Mike, I've always avoided him by going late at night.

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Salsa Kitchen is quite good in the "we are in the middle of South East Asia and the guy is doing the best that he can with what he's got" department, but Chiang Mai Soul Brother doesn't pretend to be making "traditional" Mexican food, He is Canadian and has created his own genre based on Mexican with what he can get fresh here. My guess is that he has had little exposure to the LA/SF style of Mexican food that most of us seem to be missing here. All that said, I really enjoy his food.

Some of Mike's Mexican food seems very close to what I had in SF and seems to be getting better everyday. He can sweat in my burrito, scream at me like banshee, curse my mother, give it to my girlfriend on the stove and torture his staff in public. I have missed this food for 15 years, and as long as the food is good, I will be a customer! :o

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I can't wait to get back to NY for some real Mexican food.

If you need any help, I'll pitch in for a ticket.

Wake up Senor Pompouseno, you're lucky to get any freakin Mexican food in Chiang Mai at all! Do you get a little chubby telling the board about great deals in NY? If not, why bother? I bet another 5 guys could come on here and insist they know better and cheaper.


Hey Polecat,

The ingredients Mike uses are local. He's no importing anything from Mexico. So why the premium prices.

So let me rephrase my original post:

In my opinion, Miguel's food is below ordinary, his prices above ordinary, and the way he treats his staff is apalling.

Oh, and if you really want to pitch in for the ticket, I'll gladly accept.

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I totally liked Salsa Kitchen, even though it doesn't have that much to do with Mexican Food. :o ( http://chanchao.fotopages.com/?entry=127643 ) Similar: Art Cafe.

Will cautiously put forward Burrito House, not sure which locations are still open, the Pantip one never really took off I guess. :D Anyway, again this is not a place that will make you feel you're in downtown Guadalajara, but cheap & cheerful and different enough from the usual Thai or Farang fare to try sometimes. ( http://chanchao.fotopages.com/?entry=148685 )

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The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

The corn tortillas are imported from the US.

The beans are the same ones used in the US and are imported from the US and according to another restaraunt owner, are "more expensive than meat".

Much of the cheese is imported.

Mike did bring in spices and other ingredients from the US and was complaining about high customs costs on top of the original price and cost of transportation.

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I went yesterday for a try. The burrito was ok, if overpriced. But I won't be returning... because of Mike. I was the 1st customer of the day (got there right at noon, staff was still straightening things up). Mike was at the counter but didn't acknowledge my presence at all, much less welcome me, when I walked up & stood right in front of him. He already had a scowl on his face. I placed my order with the Thai staff & literally within 20 seconds of Mike getting the order he was insulting the girl who gave it to him. Then I heard him muttering insults not quite under his breath at two foreign girls who walked in. Their only crime seemed to be uncertainty as to where to park their motorbikes. This kind of thing is one of the big reasons I haven't returned to my home state, New Jersey, in a long time. No matter how good the food is, I don't want to support that kind of behavior, I'll take my business elsewhere.

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The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

The corn tortillas are imported from the US.

The beans are the same ones used in the US and are imported from the US and according to another restaraunt owner, are "more expensive than meat".

Much of the cheese is imported.

Mike did bring in spices and other ingredients from the US and was complaining about high customs costs on top of the original price and cost of transportation.

I can understand the cheese being imported, but it sounds stupid to import corn tortillas... Not only are decent ones locally made by an American (Danitos), but they're a piece of piss to make yourself. Same with flour tortillas.

The pinto beans are also grown locally, and I doubt there is any noticeable difference. As far as I can see, the only thing that might possibly need to be imported outside of some peppers is the mozzarella cheese, but that is also made in Chiang Mai.

Still most of these ingredients are more expensive here than in the US, making cost comparisons difficult.

Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

Edited by Ajarn
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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

However, the place seems to be doing pretty well, with, or without our official approval. :o

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The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

The beans are the same ones used in the US and are imported from the US and according to another restaraunt owner, are "more expensive than meat".

Hmmmmm, so pinto beans sold in the markets here are different than the ones in the US? I've been cooking pinto beans for a loooooong time, both in the US and here and I can't find any difference. I don't know where the local pintos are grown but they are exactly the same as what's available in the US, perhaps even higher quality.

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The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

...but they're a piece of piss to make yourself.


Where do you get the Masa Harina in CM? I love corn tortillas but I haven't found any place that carries the essential ingredient?

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Meanwhile back in SF.....The mans name was Edel Ford Wong and I knew him well. The first time I visited he asked me if I was ready to order and I replied"not yet" after which he threw his pad and pencil on my table and told me he was too busy to wait and I could write it myself when I was ready. Another time I asked for a fork and he plopped the entire silverware tray on my table. At the time I was food and beverage director at a nearby hotel and we later became friends. I assure you that while his claim to fame was rudeness he was a very nice guy and it all became a big show to him.

I hope the chinese restaurant mentioned on Diamond Heights wasn't Yetwah (YUCK)! There are soooo many great Chinese restaurants in the Bay Area and Yetwah (one on Diamond Heights, two on Clement, One in the avenues and one in the financial district) are not among them.

And just to add my two cents....Mikes food is Ok but Mike is enough to keep me out also.


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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I have gone back and the only other poster who liked the food was Sojourner. Even he said his wife's food was below par.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

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Nah. :D

But I will make one observation: Mike is SUCCESSFUL in business in Thailand. Yet his behaviour doesn't seem particularly 'Thai' does it? So one has to wonder about how important it is to try to fit in, learn the language, do things the Thai way.. And more generally speaking, does it help in business being a 'nice guy'...?

Another successful restaurant owner who regularly (and loudly) has a go at staff in public is of course Mama Falafel... :D

Chanchao (hiding ) :o

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So the consensus is that Miguel's food is either blow average, above average, or as good as Mexican gets in CM. Those opinions are all probably right.

(Since I started the price debate), his prices are either high or irrelevant. I'm Ok with that. But if he's really importing beans (very hard to believe from a business viewpoint), he should stick a couple of jars of jalapeno peppers in with the next shipment. It would go a long way towards improving his food.

It's pretty much agreed that most people don't like Mike's behavior. He's obviously not catering towards a Thai crowd and gringo/farang tourists and some expats don't mind as much. But the bottom line, literally for Mike, is that his Mexican restaurant will succeed just as his burger places did.

As for me, I don't have to give my money to someone I don't like.

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The ingredients Mike uses are local. .

...but they're a piece of piss to make yourself.


Where do you get the Masa Harina in CM? I love corn tortillas but I haven't found any place that carries the essential ingredient?

Corn meal is available at Kasem Store, for sure. When I used to make them myself, I would grind my own corn. Masa Harina is made with sun- or fire-dried corn kernels that have been cooked in limewater (water mixed with calcium oxide). After having been cooked, then soaked in the limewater overnight, the wet corn is ground into masa.

Mine, without the limewater, always turned out fine, if a bit thick :o

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Corn meal is available at Kasem Store

I've been trying to find corn meal. Could you tell me where the Kasem Store is? Was going to try and grind my own but don't know where to get the dried corn either.

There are 2 in Chiang Mai - 1 if you go down Chang Moi Road and turn left at the big junction about half way round it is just round that corner.

There is also one near the Huay Kaew end of Nimmaheimen Road - the same side Mikes - but further down - further down than Starbucks.

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Corn meal is available at Kasem Store

I've been trying to find corn meal. Could you tell me where the Kasem Store is? Was going to try and grind my own but don't know where to get the dried corn either.

There is one on Nimanhamen (sp), and also on Ratchawong Rd, off of Chiang Moi...

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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :o

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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :o

Hey, ya' think Mike will be nicer in a month? :D

My voice is to allow the thread to die naturally. No need or reason to intervene, from my view.

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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :o

Hey, ya' think Mike will be nicer in a month? :D

My voice is to allow the thread to die naturally. No need or reason to intervene, from my view.

Would closing the thread not be censorship...

Maybe Mike can get the Royal Thai Police to place one of their blocks on the CM forum!

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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :D

Hey, ya' think Mike will be nicer in a month? :D

My voice is to allow the thread to die naturally. No need or reason to intervene, from my view.

We could change it to the Mike-bashing thread, and not even bother with the the food reviews. :o

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I agree with Ajarn, lets not this thread go the way of The Duke's

Leave it alone and people can just post when they have been there.

I don't see that Mike has unduly suffered much negitivity, things seem to balance out.

UG I beleive you started the thread and have been the one most active on it, so as suggested if you "stay away" from it for a while then it will drop down the pecking order and give Mike a chance to sort things out. It seems that since you told everyone about it that many TV Members have paid a visit (certainly happened on the thread about our Restaurant) so they MUST speak as they find or it would not be "fair and balanced". Folk here are not going to tell lies are they? There Is no hidden agenda from what I can see.



Edited by ThaiPauly
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Has there been even one person (outside of Ulysses G.) to give a good report on this restaurant??

If you go back and look at the thread, most of the people who actually commented on the food - instead of the proprietor - thought it was pretty good and he has only been open a little more than a week.

He got very angry that I had put him on the internet before he had time to work out the kinks, and in retrospect, he was right.

I can understand why Mike is upset with UG. An over the top Trink style recommendation hasn't done him any favours.

It might be fairer to shut this thread and perhaps reopen it after Mike has had a chance to get things organised.

I agree that we should shut this thread for a while to be fair to Mike and to consumers. Open it in another month after some of us have eaten there several times and he has gotten the menu and his suppliers together.

He still seems to be changing recipes and adding new things to the menu almost daily. I've heard that he now has corn nachos and has found good jalapeno peppers here and is trying to find a source for avacodos.

Powers that be, could we close this thread temporarily? :o

Don't you think that we would still be talking about Mike's anyway - I don't think he should blame you for talking about it - he's so well-known someone was bound to start one - at least he has one with a favourable title - as opposed to: Mean, sweaty bully makes crap tortillas! :D

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