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Underage Sex Worker Sting At Pattaya Soi 7 Beer Bar

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Underage Sex Worker Sting at Pattaya Soi 7 Beer Bar

PATTAYA:--Officers from the Police Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit conducted an undercover operation at a popular Beer Bar in Soi 7, Central Pattaya on Thursday Night whereby a Foreign Operative was able to pay 6,000 Baht allegedly in exchange for sexual services from a 16 year old bar employee.

The operation took place at the Rolling Stone Beer Bar and as soon as money was handed over and it was clearly stated the girl would have sex with the operative, Thai Officers moved in and detained the girl and arrested the Bar Manager

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/78051/underage-sex-worker-sting-pattaya-soi-7-beer-bar/

-- Pattaya One 2013-03-08

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


When i first came to Pattaya about 24 years ago ,most of the girls in the bars were teenagers ,not saying its right ,just saying. how times change ,now lots of them seem much older and fatter,,where i go for a drink on the darkside the owner turned a girl away a few weeks ago because she looked about 15 ,she was in fact 19 but he just said he didnt need the agro. now though as i get older a young hottie to me is about 30 years of age.


When i first came to Pattaya about 24 years ago ,most of the girls in the bars were teenagers ,not saying its right ,just saying. how times change ,now lots of them seem much older and fatter,,where i go for a drink on the darkside the owner turned a girl away a few weeks ago because she looked about 15 ,she was in fact 19 but he just said he didnt need the agro. now though as i get older a young hottie to me is about 30 years of age.

30(ish) a great age for a woman, they are certainly my preference :)

Somehow those young things do not seem to measure up but each to their own.


They seem to have things right here, the young lady was of a legal age to have but not for money as UNICEF dictates a child is a child until the age of 18.

I also believe that the young lady may also be a victim as most are doing it under duress from older family members (parents, grand parents, siblings, uncles and aunts, etc) .


,now lots of them seem much older and fatter.

The standard has dropped so much in Pattaya, it seems like its the plump 30s village women who have got divorced and have one last shot at the title by hooking a mug foreigner these days.

The truly fit ones only come out at night and go straight to agogos, rarely to be seen.

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Looks good doesn't it? I'm sure the feminist NGOs are happy. They found ONE underage bargirl! ONE! In a city of thousands of sex workers. Now they can get more money to pursue non-existent human trafficking and pedophilia rings. Congrats.


as per usual not enough tea money going in, there are plenty of under age girls in the sois around the police station that do not get touched, bars that are frequented by the BIB when off duty. If its part of the other Rolling Stone bars they have had problems and several name changes recently. Think old rolling stone in soi 8 is now called rolling live plus its relevant number.


Odd ... in a similar thread about boy bars, clients of bar workers of a similar age are labelled pedophiles - here few have such problems and those dancing go-go at the same age are not "children" but "truly fit".


6,000 Baht for sex with a Thai, paid upfront to the bar? Unheared of in Pattaya. That's abetting crime. Who says the girl prostituted herself before, and wasn't tempted by this enormous amount for the first time?


They seem to have things right here, the young lady was of a legal age to have but not for money as UNICEF dictates a child is a child until the age of 18.

I also believe that the young lady may also be a victim as most are doing it under duress from older family members (parents, grand parents, siblings, uncles and aunts, etc) .

Not quite correct. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".

In some countries the age of majority (the age when a child becomes an adult) is as high as 21; in Thailand its 20, in most its 18, while in a few its 14 or 15.

In Thailand you can work in a bar at 18, but you can't drink in one until you're 20.

The legal age of Criminal Responsibility varies in many countries: 7 in most states of the US, 10 in England and Wales, 10 in Thailand, 12 in Scotland, 10 - 14 in Australia, 15 in Norway, etc, as does the age when a child can be tried as an adult in an adult court (unspecified and in practice under 14 in parts of the US).

The age of consent varies between 12 and 21, with 14 being relatively common in Europe, but in Canada a 14 year old can legally have sex with a 12 year old and a 19 year old with a 14 year old, and in the Australian Capital Territories a 12 year old can legally have sex with a 10 year old. In Thailand the legal age of consent is 15, but anyone under 18 at the time can change their mind later (after sex) and still file charges against whoever they had sex with if they "regret it" later ... and Thailand and Japan are the only countries which make it an offence to have consensual sex with someone over the age of consent but under 18 if it is considered prostitution.

"most are doing it under duress" ... ? Not sure that you're correct there either, although its difficult to know if its "most" or "some" of those working in the bars rather than those being hawked around by a relative - personally I'd say "some", as in my rather limited experience "most" are doing it for the money,


What is a "Foreign Operative" ??? Sounds like someone from the Special Forces tongue.png !!

That's probably the way they like it to sound!

6,000 Baht for sex with a Thai, paid upfront to the bar? Unheared of in Pattaya. That's abetting crime. Who says the girl prostituted herself before, and wasn't tempted by this enormous amount for the first time?

Maybe another difference between offing a bar-girl and a bar-boy.


,now lots of them seem much older and fatter.

The standard has dropped so much in Pattaya,

Yeah, where did all the 'high class' hookers go? laugh.png

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