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What The..!?


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guys...please help me out here....

i posted a topic just asking who would be interested in a parenting forum......

and the moderators have totally wiped it off the system....!!!!


is this a democracy or a communist forum?!!!

bunch of <deleted> if u ask me..!

again...i state my topic....

who would be in favour of a parenting forum?

and why isn't there a forumalready dedicated to this subject.......it would be so useful to expats with kids...and especially new parents in thailand.....

who makes the decision without comment on taking posts off here??? ....

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Cool your jets BB, in the forum support desk theres a topic called 'Family Forum' by Daleyboy, and underneath it says "merged with 'Parenting Forum'".

In it is a post from you that goes:

we are expecting our first child in june and have noticed that there is no parenting forum for all those loving parents mothers and fathers in thailand...

can i ask why???

we have vet forums..joke forums...why no parenting forum....??????

this would be so benefical to the new parent expecially, seeking advice and help maybe from the experienced parent....lists of nurseries etc...how to cure baby related probs..etc etc...

who would support me in a call for a forum related on this topic..?!

up the parents..!!! jap.gif

I'd take a wild stab in the dark and say they merged them together. :o

Hope that helps. :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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guys...please help me out here....

i posted a topic just asking who would be interested in a parenting forum......

and the moderators have totally wiped it off the system....!!!!


is this a democracy or a communist forum?!!!

There's more democracy in communism than you'll ever find in TV. The Mods are Gods :o

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oops my mistake....sorry guys.... :o

they could have told me, instead it seemed to disappear with no reason why.....

breath in breath out....breath in breath out.......

anyone for a guinness....after all it is paddys day next week...!!!

hey what paddys day like in bkk? any big deal made?

mmmmm....guinness :D

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