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My car insurance needs renewing this month. As the renewal would cost Baht 39000.- (last year just 26000 ((no reported accidents)) I was a bit shocked about the hight of the price. Any Ideas where to get it done cheaper.


Are you sure about "no accidents"? Do you life in Thailand full-time? What car do you drive? What insurance? Did you go to the same branch? Have you tried another branch/ main office from your insurance?

Looks fishy to me.

Patex, happy with the Bangkok insurance

My car insurance needs renewing this month. As the renewal would cost Baht 39000.- (last year just 26000 ((no reported accidents)) I was a bit shocked about the hight of the price. Any Ideas where to get it done cheaper.

Hi,I have just bought a new Toyota Fortuna.I got a quote from IAG for 26000 baht,they were also going to give me 50% no claims bonus based on my uk insurance so premium around 13,000 baht.Unfortunately I am in Issan and they operate more around Bangkok,so they did not have agreements with Toyota garages and not sure if they could inspect the scene of any accident.This meant I had to pay up front for any repairs and they would refund me after.I did not want to complicate matters so went for toyota insurance 28000 baht, any driver. Chaps name at IAG is Benjawan Panyarchun at www.contact iag.co.th.Worth trying.

cheers :o

My car insurance needs renewing this month. As the renewal would cost Baht 39000.- (last year just 26000 ((no reported accidents)) I was a bit shocked about the hight of the price. Any Ideas where to get it done cheaper.

A 50% increase! Something is not quite right there, the price should go down (if no accident claims were made). I've been using ThaiSri (formally Thai Zurich) for several years now but not had to make any claims. My wife's car is also under this company and she made one claim with no complications.



I use Aviva and am happy, also with the way they pay for stuff after having accidents. I do have the feeling that it's best to just claim stuff and not be overly worried about the insurance fee going up. Perhaps not worth claiming the tiniest of scratches, but anything in the 5000 baht range or above: Claim it, that's why you have insurance. Then next year chances are you will still get a slight discount.

(Though was informed this year on new regulatiosn causing a price increase. For me, without claims this year, my insurance fee remained about the same at 15K baht. (Couple year old vehicle though).




Thanks all for your replies. The Car is a Volvo and the insurance company is called Savety Insurance Co., Ltd. I have searched now for other companies and they are offering the same policy for around Baht 28000.- (from AXA) I will follow up on others as mentioned as well. There where no accidents reported over the past year. The company claims that now the car is in its 3rd year and the premiems go up! Thanks again for your support.

...The company claims that now the car is in its 3rd year and the premiems go up!
Wow, that's plain B***S***!

Change the insurance and don't forget to show the paper from your old insurance who has the writing "no accident" on it. This will get you a discount! Safety Insurance Co. Ltd? Never heard, anybody here knows them?


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