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Thaksin Still Very Much The C E O Of This Govt


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BORING, old news! Everyone from the human population and the animal world knows this already. coffee1.gif

But now it's sooooooo obvious ...

'this is the first time that Pheu Thai Party MPs and ministers have proudly admitted that Thaksin is indeed fully involved in the party's affairs.'

Help me out here someone. Isn't this illegal? How can a convicted criminal OPENLY control governmental decisions? Surely even here in Thailand this is against the law.


It's so insanely absurd a situation that no one probably ever thought the need to write such abject ridiculousness into the penal code as being illegal.


It is an extraordinary situation.... a convicted fugitve from justice running a country from another country.

Has it ever happened before? I don't know... but it would make an interesting quiz question. And whatever else you may say about Thaksin he will certainly go down in history for this feat if nothing else.

Think I'll send this little gem to Jeopardy, America's favorite quiz show. Who knows maybe I will win enough for a months supply of Leo.

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Thaksin,berlusconi,putin... and many more around the world.....all the same story ...they want to dominate the others and be the one absolute.....and during that time the majority of the blind people from their own country with a kind of lax watch the game and do nothing against them, until it is too late and then they will cry exausted like many before :FREEDOM

It's like PTP/Thaksin/Red Shirts supporters are not only impervious to learn from history, even current events make no impression.

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How many of you have a sister that you would turn this country over to? Not me, that is for sure. This has certainly worked in his favor, wouldn't you agree?

Edited by stoli
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Thaksin and family are 23rd on the list of the 40 richest people in Thailand.

Makes me wonder if the other 39 do any 'government string pulling' with their money.

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The one topic that Thaksin highlighted in his address was the Bt2-trillion mega-transportation project. He instructed the MPs to study the issue carefully and use it as a strategy, not merely a system to divert funds to their constituencies.

I'd like to know where and how the reporter got this statement and if it is verbatim. If so this is clear evidence of Malfeasance, 'diverting funds to their constituencies.

Anyhow, this is as blatant a report as I've so far heard to prove Thaksin is running the show. Either it's all being quietly filed away as evidence in an unbeatable prima facta case against Yingluck for being a proxy, or the opposition have lost faith in the law to prosecute such an obvious situation.

Thaksin is clever, he knows that he can now do this since his political ban is over and so legally he can be an 'advisor'. Ethically it's shameless but since when did that ever matter in Thailand.

I personally think a plan is being hatched somewhere to simply remove him permanently from the equation, nothing else is going to work. They're perhaps luring PTP into a false sense of security, letting them carry on like this.

It must be hell being a PTP exec, under autocratic management. Maybe Thaksin's juggernaut will self implode, in the end Hitler did himself in by listening to no one but his own ambitions, making disastrous mistakes and taking on a bigger fight than he could handle.

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The one topic that Thaksin highlighted in his address was the Bt2-trillion mega-transportation project. He instructed the MPs to study the issue carefully and use it as a strategy, not merely a system to divert funds to their constituencies.

I'd like to know where and how the reporter got this statement and if it is verbatim. If so this is clear evidence of Malfeasance, 'diverting funds to their constituencies.

Anyhow, this is as blatant a report as I've so far heard to prove Thaksin is running the show. Either it's all being quietly filed away as evidence in an unbeatable prima facta case against Yingluck for being a proxy, or the opposition have lost faith in the law to prosecute such an obvious situation.

Thaksin is clever, he knows that he can now do this since his political ban is over and so legally he can be an 'advisor'. Ethically it's shameless but since when did that ever matter in Thailand.

I personally think a plan is being hatched somewhere to simply remove him permanently from the equation, nothing else is going to work. They're perhaps luring PTP into a false sense of security, letting them carry on like this.

It must be hell being a PTP exec, under autocratic management. Maybe Thaksin's juggernaut will self implode, in the end Hitler did himself in by listening to no one but his own ambitions, making disastrous mistakes and taking on a bigger fight than he could handle.

Notice he instructed the party how to use it irregardless that it has not yet been approved.

Yes I believe that there are people willing to remove him from politics here on planet earth. So does he that is why he canceled a visit in Burma next to the Mai Sai border crossing.

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I think there's a chance the PTP will actually hinder Taksin's return, not overtly though.

He's been a way a long time, the pigs are content at the trough, which they can understandably (for these morally bankrupt vultures) say they earned as reward for their work at the coalface, and the chance of dear leader altering that, if present in the country, is high.

There have been murmurings that the Chiang Mai Reds are feeling a bit disenfranchised as many of the leaders got overlooked and overall the hold Taksin must have on the burgeoning wallets and egos of the PTP alphas has surely eroded over time and due to his absence.

If Taksin doesn't push for a way back now then there's a chance those that could facilitate his return are less enthusiastic to risk what they've got now.

The uncertainty and possibility of losing what the PTP pollies have right now is relevant once Taksin returns and starts tinkering for his own gains.

I think he's a diminishing presence/power in Thai politics and is a bit desperate right now because of that.

Has the proverbial horse bolted? Is the window of opportunity closing?

If so it would be the best ever example of som nom na

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I think there's a chance the PTP will actually hinder Taksin's return, not overtly though.

He's been a way a long time, the pigs are content at the trough, which they can understandably (for these morally bankrupt vultures) say they earned as reward for their work at the coalface, and the chance of dear leader altering that, if present in the country, is high.

There have been murmurings that the Chiang Mai Reds are feeling a bit disenfranchised as many of the leaders got overlooked and overall the hold Taksin must have on the burgeoning wallets and egos of the PTP alphas has surely eroded over time and due to his absence.

If Taksin doesn't push for a way back now then there's a chance those that could facilitate his return are less enthusiastic to risk what they've got now.

The uncertainty and possibility of losing what the PTP pollies have right now is relevant once Taksin returns and starts tinkering for his own gains.

I think he's a diminishing presence/power in Thai politics and is a bit desperate right now because of that.

Has the proverbial horse bolted? Is the window of opportunity closing?

If so it would be the best ever example of som nom na

I think you are right , weka, 5 election loses in a row, some in the red shirt heartlands is a big indicator that the winds of change are blowing. The rice scam is a ticking time bomb and has the potential to bring down the government. Redshirts are wavering over the amnesty debacle, PTP members are loosing enthusiasm and Thaksin is no closer to getting home. Even the red apologists on TVF seem disorganised and floundering, It all has the stench of desperation about it.

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