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Old Croc

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'Bloody hel_l' UK bans Aussie tourism ads

British broadcasting authorities have banned the use of the latest advertisements promoting Australian tourism, which feature the slogan "Where the bloody hel_l are you?"

Federal Tourism Minister Fran Bailey said in a statement the ban by the UK's Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre was comical.

"How anyone can take offence at a beautiful girl in a bikini on a sunny beach inviting them to visit Down Under is a mystery to me," Ms Bailey said.

Tourism Australia managing director Scott Morrison said he understood UK free-to-air TV stations had been refused permission to use the ads.

"We know from our research and all the research we did over there that people are not offended by this, particularly the people we are trying to talk to," Mr Morrison told ABC radio.

He said he was not upset by the ban and hoped that publicity surrounding it would provide a further boost for the campaign.

"Everything helps," Mr Morrison said.

Mr Morrison said the ban, which applied only to the use of the word "bloody" on commercial television, was "a marketer's dream".

"The PR (public relations) that will be driving the campaign in the UK next week is going to be unprecedented," he said.

"We would have preferred the ad to run the way we first made it, but we can still run it the way it is cut now, which says 'Where the hel_l are you?'," Mr Morrison said.

"It is not as if it is not going to be shown on UK television.

"It will be shown. It will just have that slight adjustment to it.

"It will be run in its original format on the internet, in cinemas and everywhere else."

The campaign will be officially launched in the UK on Monday.


It was expected the puritannical Yanks would have difficulties with the word "bloody", but Britain :D:o

The ads may eventually feature in other countries such as Thailand.

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :o I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :o

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

Were a strange sort over here mate :o

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To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

:D:o sounds more like one of those Japanese gameshows :D

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

Were a strange sort over here mate :o

There are more rules regarding ads than TV progs in the UK!

There was one program where they filmed people having sex with heat-sensitive cameras!

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

What programme and what channel was that? A new one on me. Probably a Murdoch Channel. :D

Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

Were a strange sort over here mate :o

There are more rules regarding ads than TV progs in the UK!

There was one program where they filmed people having sex with heat-sensitive cameras!

I can't see the fun in having sex with a heat-sensitive camera.

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'Bloody hel_l' UK bans Aussie tourism ads

After watching the drivel on Oz TV for a year - where programmes seemingly interupt the adverts! Any criticism of British TV by an OZ is totally outlandish! So we dont want your swearing!! At least we have balanced, intelligent world class productions.

The BBC is the envy of the world for a reason!!!!!!!!!!

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'Bloody hel_l' UK bans Aussie tourism ads

After watching the drivel on Oz TV for a year - where programmes seemingly interupt the adverts!

Why do you think I watch pay TV most of the time :D

Any criticism of British TV by an OZ is totally outlandish! So we dont want your swearing!! At least we have balanced, intelligent world class productions.

Any critism of anything British by an Australian brings out the same tired, yet outlandish statements.

Balanced, intelligent? :D:D

The BBC is the envy of the world for a reason!!!!!!!!!!

I wish we had the Beeb controlling everything in Australia! :o:D:D

It's OK in Australia........if you didn't throw in a couple of bloody's and half a dozen F- words nobody would understand. But in England we have a reasonable grasp of the ENGLISH language. :D

Always good to get a few wise words from such an esteemed member of Tv. :D

I am glad you were brought up on our steam....never forget...OUR STEAM!

It's easy to forget if you don't know <deleted> you're talking about. :blink:

Edited by Old Croc
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I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :o

What programme and what channel was that? A new one on me. Probably a Murdoch Channel. :D

It was a show called "Distraction" hosted by someone named Jimmy Carr. Shown on UK-TV on Foxtel.

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It's OK in Australia........if you didn't throw in a couple of bloody's and half a dozen F- words nobody would understand. But in England we have a reasonable grasp of the ENGLISH language. :D

now that's just silly. The next door neighbours dog speaks better ENGLAND than the northerners from your cuntry. :o

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That cute li'l Aussie blonde girl in the bikini says "Where the bloody hel_l are ya?"

Americans watching the advertisement say: "Gord ###### harnny. I is raht here wotchin' your cute belly barton wiggle as you tork. Ah'd just lerv to come to Orstralia"

Japanese say: "Ah sole....(er sorry)....ah so, you velly bootiful chickie baby. You and me should take a velly rong lickshaw lide together. Ah so, I cum to Ostlalia pat you and pat kangaloo too."

The English say: "Oh blimey old chap. Those nasty colonials are trying to lure us distinguished English gentlemen to convict ridden Australia by using such disgusting, slang swear words. Have they no morels?

I wouldn't stoop so low as to spend my hard earned quids on an airfare to that rat infested island.

Unless of course we English can still get there by migrating for a ten quid fare. The only problem with Australians is that they expect us to wash on a daily basis....and with soap. Unheard of and unacceptable, old chap.


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That cute li'l Aussie blonde girl in the bikini says "Where the bloody hel_l are ya?"

Americans watching the advertisement say: "Gord ###### harnny. I is raht here wotchin' your cute belly barton wiggle as you tork. Ah'd just lerv to come to Orstralia"

Japanese say: "Ah sole....(er sorry)....ah so, you velly bootiful chickie baby. You and me should take a velly rong lickshaw lide together. Ah so, I cum to Ostlalia pat you and pat kangaloo too."

The English say: "Oh blimey old chap. Those nasty colonials are trying to lure us distinguished English gentlemen to convict ridden Australia by using such disgusting, slang swear words. Have they no morels?

I wouldn't stoop so low as to spend my hard earned quids on an airfare to that rat infested island.

Unless of course we English can still get there by migrating for a ten quid fare. The only problem with Australians is that they expect us to wash on a daily basis....and with soap. Unheard of and unacceptable, old chap.



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I think the ad would be better run with the 'bloody' bleeped out!

You must be either very easily offended to the extent that therapy is needed in order to live in the western world or a fundamentalist God botherer!

My money is on the latter. :o

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Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

What programme and what channel was that? A new one on me. Probably a Murdoch Channel. :D

Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :D

Were a strange sort over here mate :D

There are more rules regarding ads than TV progs in the UK!

There was one program where they filmed people having sex with heat-sensitive cameras!

I can't see the fun in having sex with a heat-sensitive camera.

If you can't see the fun then try leaving the light on. :o

Edited by Gazza
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I think the ad would be better run with the 'bloody' bleeped out!

You must be either very easily offended to the extent that therapy is needed in order to live in the western world or a fundamentalist God botherer!

My money is on the latter. :o

Neither, I was joking! I thought it would make it like an out-take show. :D

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UK lifts ban on 'bloody' ad campaign

British advertising regulators have backed down and lifted their ban on the word "bloody" in Tourism Australia's controversial "Where the bloody hel_l are you?" campaign.

Britain's Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) last week imposed a ban on commercial television there using the word "bloody" in the $A180 million campaign.

It resulted in a hurried flight to London by federal Tourism Minister Fran Bailey, who, amid a blaze of priceless publicity, complained the English had lost their sense of humour.

Ms Bailey announcement of the lifting of the ban follows meetings with the BACC, the UK Minister for Tourism and Creative Industries and the Chairman of the Advertising Standards Authority.

"I am pleased that common sense prevailed and the regulators realised the campaign was intended to be cheeky, friendly and very Australian," Ms Bailey said in a statement.

Ms Bailey had put forward three arguments - "bloody" had been used in British television advertisements twice before; that Tourism Australia research in Britain found "bloody" was not regarded as offensive; and that there had been no complaints in those countries that had already screened the ads.

"My faith in the British sense of humour has been restored. It was well worth the fight, especially given the half a million jobs that tourism already creates and with the potential for many more," Ms Bailey said.

"Now it's time to get on with the campaign and get more British tourists to visit Australia!."

The ban had applied only to television advertisements. Print, online and cinema campaigns were free to use "bloody".

The BACC currently lists "bloody" as its 27th ranked most offensive word, behind "crap" and just ahead of "God".

Other words on the BACC's current banned list include bastard (6th), <deleted> (8th), bugger (21st), sodding (24th) and Jesus Christ (25th).

The tourism campaign was launched three weeks ago and features natural Australian icons such as beaches, the Great Barrier Reef, the outback, Sydney Harbour and Uluru.

The ads end with bikini-clad model Laura Bingle, who accompanied Ms Bailey to London, saying: "We've saved you a spot on the beach - so where the bloody hel_l are you?"

The campaign will now be run in its entirety on television, as well as in cinemas, in print and on the internet.

©AAP 2006

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'Bloody hel_l' UK bans Aussie tourism ads

After watching the drivel on Oz TV for a year - where programmes seemingly interupt the adverts! Any criticism of British TV by an OZ is totally outlandish! So we dont want your swearing!! At least we have balanced, intelligent world class productions.

The BBC is the envy of the world for a reason!!!!!!!!!!

I don't envy the BBC, maybe thirty years ago, but not now.

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UK lifts ban on 'bloody' ad campaign

British advertising regulators have backed down and lifted their ban on the word "bloody" in Tourism Australia's controversial "Where the bloody hel_l are you?" campaign.

Disgraceful. This is the kind of behaviour that lost us the Empire. Things have changed so much.

When we were an Empire, we had an Empress. When we were a kingdom, we had a king. Now we are a country, we have Tony Blair.

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Interestingly nobody seems to have mentioned what the word "bloody" means.

It does not, as I think most assume, mean "dripping with blood" - a fairly innocent if gruesome description.

"Bloody" is a bastardisation of the blasphemous (to the Catholic Church especially) "by Our Lady".

It is to the religious that offence will be caused.

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I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

But the word bloody is a problem. :o

What programme and what channel was that? A new one on me. Probably a Murdoch Channel. :D

It was a show called "Distraction" hosted by someone named Jimmy Carr. Shown on UK-TV on Foxtel.

That must be one of those obscure digital channels that broadcasts cheaply made shows from the New World. Why were you watching it if there's better stuff to watch?

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'Bloody hel_l' UK bans Aussie tourism ads

British broadcasting authorities have banned the use of the latest advertisements promoting Australian tourism, which feature the slogan "Where the bloody hel_l are you?"

Federal Tourism Minister Fran Bailey said in a statement the ban by the UK's Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre was comical.

"How anyone can take offence at a beautiful girl in a bikini on a sunny beach inviting them to visit Down Under is a mystery to me," Ms Bailey said.

Tourism Australia managing director Scott Morrison said he understood UK free-to-air TV stations had been refused permission to use the ads.

"We know from our research and all the research we did over there that people are not offended by this, particularly the people we are trying to talk to," Mr Morrison told ABC radio.

He said he was not upset by the ban and hoped that publicity surrounding it would provide a further boost for the campaign.

"Everything helps," Mr Morrison said.

Mr Morrison said the ban, which applied only to the use of the word "bloody" on commercial television, was "a marketer's dream".

"The PR (public relations) that will be driving the campaign in the UK next week is going to be unprecedented," he said.

"We would have preferred the ad to run the way we first made it, but we can still run it the way it is cut now, which says 'Where the hel_l are you?'," Mr Morrison said.

"It is not as if it is not going to be shown on UK television.

"It will be shown. It will just have that slight adjustment to it.

"It will be run in its original format on the internet, in cinemas and everywhere else."

The campaign will be officially launched in the UK on Monday.


It was expected the puritannical Yanks would have difficulties with the word "bloody", but Britain :D:o

The ads may eventually feature in other countries such as Thailand.

The penny has just dropped:

Another whingeing Aussie!!! :D

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