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I think Russians, the same as European and the same as Thais aren't a homogenous group in which everyone thinks the same.

I think some Russians hate Thais, some Russians love Thais, some Russians don't care about them and some Russians are all the holiday so drunk that they don't know that they were in Thailand.

First off, Thais are a nationality. So it´s valid to view them as homogenous in certain contexts.

Secondly, Russians has almost NOTHING in common with Western Europeans. Especially Northern Western Europeans.

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Yup - anal probes of the morbidly obese : just when I thought this thread couldnt get any worse, it did.

Since no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read this...how's this for a thought? You can stop reading this thread and stop posting in this thread. From your posts it appears all your posts relate to complaining about this thread. Here's the summary of this thread: people talk. You pop up to complain. People talk. You complain. If you don't want to participate in this discussion then please don't. However other people are trying to have a discussion so be quiet and stop interrupting.


I had Russian students here in Chiang Mai -- a young, married couple with two children. They were here for an extended holiday and wanted to work on their English for a few months. They were very polite, kindhearted and relatively diligent in their studies.

During the time I knew them, they had nothing but positive things to say about Thailand and Thai people. Their children attended the German school in Saraphi, and they were also satisfied with the education they were receiving there. Of course this is all anecdotal, but given the direction the thread has already taken, I figure it can't hurt to have an example showing Russians in a positive light.

German sleeper cells eh?Damn these Ruskies are clever!

Ridiculous thread.

The Thais think the same about Russians as every other white expat or tourist here in the Kingdom.

They are lumped into the Farang basket along with you, me, and any other anglo person here on a user pay basis.

In fact, that is my biggest gripe about Thailand.

You can be a genius self made millionaire philanthropist, or a Siberian junkie touting photo shoots with stolen monkeys...

You will get exactly the same level of recognition from mainstream Thais...NONE...with the exception of taking your payments

nice rant, did you read the OP what do the RUSSIANS think of the thais, not whatever you are on about



h90 quote = "And of course no one knows has an idea what communism is"

We do know what communism is. It is supposed to be where everyone works together for the benefit of everyone but that is not what happens because of the frailities of mankind. We also know that what is called communism in China and North Korea, is not communism at all. They are dictatorships disguised as being for the people's own good. The old Soviet Union was the same. Communism doesn't work because there are no rewards for hard work or creative thinking. It brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator. Capitalism in its purest form also doesn't work because it allows a few to manipulate the system to put all the money in the hands of a few. There needs to be a bit of socialism mixed in with capitalism to balance it out so everyone has a share. Of course, making it all work smoothly is the problem every free country faces. There is always a few that keep their hands in the cooky jar for too long.

Yeah right rene...blink.png

Denouncing the failed commies for not being authentic....that's a new one.

...so...what you want....?...another chance to <deleted> everything up....?

And just what are YOU going on about? I was replying to a quote from h90 that said we didn't know what communism was. I just pointed out that we DO know, but it isn't what China and North Korea have. And, it certainly wasn't what the former Soviet Union had either.

Communism, socialism and capitalism sound good in theory, but they are just like most religions; they don't take into account the people running the systems. Besides being loving and giving, humans are also greedy and evil. Unfortunately, the greedy powerful ones are usually the ones who rise in power to rule others. That goes for the church, the govenment and big business leaders. Anyone with a license to line their own pockets at the expense of others will do so. It's always been that way and always will be. Those at the top can always justify a personal raise in salary.

But, this is going off subject of what Russians think of Thais. I believe the Russians don't even give it any thought. They just saw a business opportunity and took it. They saw the corrupt system that Thais use to run business and just went the locals one better. If you are a strong, united group with money, and few ethics, then there is little to stop you from making more money when you can exploit the corrupt locals. With the fall of the Iron Curtain the few Russians with money used it to set up a mafia system to further their power. As that group became more affuent they started looking further afield and discovered Thailand which was ripe for the plucking. And, they've plucked it.

American oil companies have basically done exactly the same thing in any country that they can exploit. And, when they weren't ALLOWED to exploit those countries they pulled some political strings and got those countries cut off from other forms of trading.


Just look at how they speak with others, and if you also understand what they say(as i do understand) it would seem they do not think much of anyone who does not speak Russian.

They insult anyone and everyone who does not speak Russian, they blame everyone and anyone for being stupid because they do not speak Russian.

And worst of all, they do not feel the need to greet or thank anyone, let alone observe or learn some other culture.


The unfortunate part is, that there are some very pleasant and polite Russians, sadly the kunckle dragging oafs that are rude, obnoxious, drunk and roam around in inappropriate clothing are the ones that get noticed - so they all get tarred with the same brush. I worked with a Russian a year back for around 4 months, had to be one of the most pleasant and polite persons that I have ever met, I've also met a couple of others who have been very nice people. Sadly, as us Brits have also found, we often get tarred with the behavior of our disgusting Chavs, as they are often the prominent ones in the tourist areas.

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Good one sub! You coursed a international incident. Just finished reading how you burnt your ass on ur bike. That would have been hilarious but good thing you’re not hurt.

I wouldn't know much to what there thinking all the time but they do take a very aggressive approach to most things in life with pride and arrogance.But they are hospitable as well. There not

so much different form the Chinese, but they will believe they are 1000 times better. My guess to what they think of Thais are there beneath them.

last Russian i spoke too said to a group of Taiwanese tourist " hows the weather in japan" replyed back where Taiwanese, the Russian said. same thing and walked away. LOL

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