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My missus has a Suzuki motorbike,it looks just like a Honda dream,but it's called a Suzuki Smash.

I mentioned to her that this was an unlucky name for a motorbike but she said 'No,it's lucky'

Any way there are two issues with it.

1-The battery only lasts about a year,we live in the sticks and there are only 2 qualities of battery in the shop.I buy the dearer one.I cant remember how much it costs but it was still cheap.

Should this be,should a battery only last that long,she drives very little and never at night.

Or is there a decent battery that can be bought in town.

2-She complains that she has to use Benzine 95 or it pulls up the mountain very slowly.There are some super steep roads where we live.The local petrol station here sells benzine95 maybe because other people have the same problem.

But that is the only station I know that still sells round here.

If that station stops selling it we will have to sell it to someone on the lowlands and buy something that doesn't loose power on Gasohol.

I can picture some people thinking that any 110cc will be slow climbing hills but apparently it's good enough for her on Benzine95,

Is there anything I can have done to resolve this problem.

All help wellcome


6 months sounds very short for the life of a new battery. I think there is another underlying problem in that respect.

I know some might say different, but I doubt the fuel makes that much difference when going up hills on 110cc engine.


This time I buy a battery I will go to town and get the best they have.

Is there a best brand and how much should I pay.

If that doesn't work then there must be another problem.

I'm not very mechanical but if I tuned the carburetor to run faster would it help on the hills or is that a really stupid question,


This time I buy a battery I will go to town and get the best they have.

Is there a best brand and how much should I pay.

If that doesn't work then there must be another problem.

I'm not very mechanical but if I tuned the carburetor to run faster would it help on the hills or is that a really stupid question,

"I'm not very mechanical but if I tuned the carburetor to run faster would it help on the hills or is that a really stupid question,"



After I posted the last one it came to me! Ask your wife if she changes down a gear or 2 on the uphill.

We have a Smash up country and it hasn't missed a beat. On the biggest hill with me and the GF it labours until I change down, but soon zips along.


yes but does any one know the best brand of battery to by or how much it costs,

and does any one have problems with gasohol in a Suzuki smash


Just keep it and use the cheaper battery and the better gasoline (benzine 95). I don't really see any problem here - replacing batteries every year is not that unusual (though few Thais would bother to replace it).


Just keep it and use the cheaper battery and the better gasoline (benzine 95). I don't really see any problem here - replacing batteries every year is not that unusual (though few Thais would bother to replace it).

Agreed, just use your leg when you have to.

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