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Does A Thai Divorce Certificate Need To Be Registered At Divorcee’S Embassy?

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I'm almost positive I know the answer to this, but just thought I’d post in case anyone out there has something to add that I’m not aware of.

Today I divorced my wife of 8 years at the amphur in Banglamung.

Everything went very smoothly, (we have been separated for over 3 years and there is no animosity), and the officials were very polite and helpful.

All parties, (we both had witnesses), were happy with the divorce statement regarding the disposition of marital assets.

This is not the first … or second... time I have been divorced in Thailand, so I know the form and it all went pretty much as I had expected, with one exception.

When the official was busy collating all the papers, she yapped away in Thai to my soon to be ex-wife, telling her that I will have to register my divorce at my embassy. She told my wife this was essential, to ensure all legal avenues were properly covered, and that my wife would becompletely clear of any legal ties with me.

Now I can understand that there may be a need to take such steps if there were any legal formalities or other joint/marital matters pending in England – e.g division of any UK Assets – but there aren’t any. I have no assets in the UK, we have never lived in the UK and we have never registered our marriage in the UK.

My wife is not seeking anything from me in the way of offshore assets. This has been a 100% Thai marriage in Thailand from start to finish.

But the Amphur lady wasn’t talking about offshore assets. She told my wife that I needed to do this to ensure that she was free and clear from me in Thailand.

I thought this was a load of old <deleted>, but just smiled and nodded and confirmed that I would go to my embassy and do the necessary,once I was divorced.

Then just before she handed over the divorce certificates to us, she brought up the subject again and told my ex-wife that if I agreed, she would arrange all the necessary documents for my embassy for a fee of 4,500 Baht! She then showed me a sample of the documents required , which was a Thai MARRIAGE certificate translated by somebody and stamped by the Japanese embassy. (Yes, marriage documents – not divorce documents).

I didn't say anything about this but simply declined the offer, saying that I had my own people who would do it for me and she said that’s fine and no more was said.

Was this a scam?

I don’t really need to do anything the embassy do I? Unless I have some issues connected with the divorce back in the UK, which I don’t.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.


I got divorced last year and was told nothing like that at all. I paid a 50 baht fee, sat down and talked to the head guy in his glass office with my wife, explained reasons for divorce, made a statement about assets, and that was it. I had a signed certificate in my hand.


No need to register it.

In some case it will be useful, such as when you got married in the UK or registered the marriage with the UK or notified certain agencies, such as the tax man or your pension fund of he marriage.

Your marriage is however legally terminated with the divorce.

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