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Thaksin In Town?


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No matter what people think of him he is a very good businessman.If he was here or not i would say no.

Its hard not to be, when you change the laws in your favor.

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Yes, I'm sure He could sneak into Thailand without the authorities ever hearing about it.

I met this bloke in a bar who was on Seal Team Six. Really.

a real member of Seal Team Six would never divulge who he was or where he has been deployed.

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There is VERY STRONG rumors that DB COOPER has been spotted in Chiang Mai

Talking to some very credible drunks in the Bar last night they assure me he is enjoying the sites of Chiang Mai

Who else have you heard rumors is in town

that could explain the heavy smoke for the past few days to fly in unseen hidden from smoke.

(not really)

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True we were having lunch together....

Is Thaksin really as charming as he seems to be? People don't get to his position without being charming and charismatic. Canada had a prime minister who was the same... Pierre Eliot Trudeau.

A friend met Thaksin in Dubai. He said hello and asked to have his picture taken with Khun Thaksin. He now has the photo on his cell phone which I can verify because he showed it to me. According to my friend Thaksin was very friendly and quite charming.

Most con men are.

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True we were having lunch together....

Is Thaksin really as charming as he seems to be? People don't get to his position without being charming and charismatic. Canada had a prime minister who was the same... Pierre Eliot Trudeau.

Don't you EVER attempt to compare Trudeau with Thaksin; that would be like comparing Jean-Clause Van Damme with Adolph Hitler ! ! ! !

Trudeau was a 'colorful' & 'charismatic' and very popular Canadian PM; who never who NEVER ordered the ex-judicial killing of 3,200 citizens "suspected" of being involved in the drugs-trade ! ! !

I find this statement highly offensive to Canada and Canadians !

Please wash your mouth out with soap L.O.L.


Remember that he was only popular east of Winnipeg, couldn't get a single liberal elected west of there.

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I heard a rumor that he was back in Chiang Mai for plastic surgery, so that he could impersonate his sister Yaowapa, and then appoint himself/herself as a puppet successor to Yingluck, all the while being the puppeteer, pulling his own strings. It's called the triple mozzarella ruse.

I know he wants to be PM again but I have my doubts he make himself that ugly to be at the helm.

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No matter what people think of him he is a very good businessman.If he was here or not i would say no.

All his many business ventures either completely failed or gave modest returns, up until, thanks to a contact in the military, he signed a monopoly contract for the mobile telephone network. He deserves praise for seeing the opportunity, but he wasn't the only one who could see it, he just happened to be the one with the right contacts. And of course once he had that monopoly contract, that was it. A money-making venture of huge proportions, and one that was protected from any competition. How could he go wrong? Not saying he doesn't deserve any credit for his business, but i do think there are more inspiring stories of people who have made it out there.

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