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Songkran Alcohol Ban Mulled In A Move To Reduce Deaths During Holiday


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So typical in this country founded on arrogance and ignorance. Another example of a day late and a dollar short !

There is and has been substantive data for years that this holiday period promotes road carnage on an epic scale and this report only serves to indicate how incredibly dumb they are.

There is little doubt that alcohol is a major contributor however, the pertinent facts are that the people simply do not give a dam owing to an etherial judiciary and an innefective and rampantly corrupt police force and a Government who are totally impotent to effect change in the status quo. Education and sincere and diligent enforcement are the key elements and there is as much chance of that as trying to poke butter up a badgers ass with a red hot knitting needle.

The bottom line is that we are about to enter a major holidy period which will result in tears ,pain and distress for so many people because their Government has no bloody idea, nor the will of how to deal with this national phenomena.

Excelent post HALION---- very true to the last word------- well done------ Dougal the Kiwi

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my Mrs is over in the UK she drives just the same as the majority of people in

the UK and is a very polite courteous driver and let’s people out at junctions

etc and has also learned that a flash of

the lights means come on out in front of me and would never even consider

drinking and driving here, but when we are back in Bangkok the horns sprout

again and dare anyone cut her up or try to get out at a junction in front of

her, and at night its always more convenient to take the car down to the pub

you don’t need to bother waiting at the road side forever for a taxi, it just

goes to show that some Thais can be taught to be respectful to other road users

abroad but at home it’s a big NO NO.

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Some serious anti Thai sentiments here.blink.png


Yes there are many anti Thai sentiments here but what is really sad is the number of people, many of them Thai needlessly killed and injured because successive governments and the police aren't prepared to do their job properly.

I doubt it will be long before someone whose flown out here, drives a bike and a car, watches a TV and uses a mobile phone plus any other electrical appliances will get on their computer and use the internet to connect to the web and tell me to stop trying to make Thailand like a western country as they enjoy the lax laws here. I won't deny that it has it's attractions but it costs lives. It's up to Thais to decide if the easy going attitude is worth killing people for.

They may like to think about 2 of the precepts of Buddhism.

I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life.

I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.

Before anyone asks, no I haven't made an in depth study of Buddhism so if I've got this wrong accept my apologies. I doubt many Buddhist monks have made a study of Christianity, Islam or atheism either.

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Songkarn has evolved into a huge profit making event for Pattaya and Jomtien. It is completely out of control now. Fun has turned into absolutely crazy events that have nothing to do with the roots of the holiday. Most of the foreigner participants are now Russian and they are extremely rude. There is no respect for anyone else.

Road carnage is just collateral damage for locals to make money. Most in business and government don't give a crap if a few more die as long as there was a substantial profit.

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don’t have a police force in Thailand capable of upholding the law, that’s the
reason it is such a lawless country, no courts to face just pay the police man
a few Baht and jump back in the car and drive away easy no problem. Case

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Fix the dam roads for one, there are too many autos, bikes for these roads that have not been updated since they were built years ago. School areas with no cross walks or traffic lights and let us not talk about busses passing cars on two way roads. Speeding. More autos on the road since the government issues 300,000 baht rebate if you purchase a new car. These Thailand roads are not safe and there is no vehicle inspections. Why stop the drinking? This is a comic book!!!!

What?----- A 300,000bt REBATE---Where did you get that from?-------------Dougal the Kiwi

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26000 deaths every year....one could imagine almost every family would be "affected" (lost a limp or worse in the family)

Yet all Thai are gearing up-stocking up and speeding up for their big "LET IT ALL HANGOUT' (GUTS-BRAINS LIMPS) HOLIDAY" CELEBRATION.


every year


we gear up- stock up and STAY HOME for a week.

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Look, they try to control alcohol sales everyday limiting the times one can buy. All that does is change the times you buy. I drink, but I'm not stupid enough to drive while drunk. If you could get that idea across to the Thais then that would solve the problem.

Why stop selling alcohol to those that don't drive?

Edited by Markaew
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Why don't they ban driving during Songkran. That would reduce road fatalities. People can stay home and drink, though.

The govt will never do that, because they will lose face by the hundreds of thousands that will go on the road anyway, demonstrating that the LOS is actually a half anarchistic country.

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With the clockwork* regularity of the "Quality Tourists" press release now here's the "No Alcohol over Songkhran" press release.

I'm not sure anyone has mastered computer driven repeat alerts on an annual basis, after all the kit must be the newest and latest mustn't it biggrin.png

Edited by A_Traveller
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Ban alcohol sales over Song Kran, clean up the public transport system in Phuket etc. This isn't news, just ridiculous rhetoric by non functional government!

The best way to save road deaths over Songkran is to Ban driving !! We have enough bans on Alcohol....ie....all Elections,:Buddhist/Royal Family holidays Between the hours of 2-5pm etc etc. If they want to boost Tourism in this Country....have their silly bans

if they want on Thais but not foreiners

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The police are doing an excellent job , they patrol the roads near me stopping all crash helmet violations on tourists that have no helmets. Thais dont have any money so whats the point in stopping them. Plus the ban of alcohol is a good idea but I have a non immigrant visa so It should be OK for me and I can ask for a beer in Thai so they may not notice.

Any way if you go to Jomtien beach they serve beer no matter what holiday it is, drink with Thais.

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Lets face it, we all used to drink & drive in Europe (and i presume elsewhere) - and it wasn't restricted to any particular class or gender etc...i will admit to driving and motorbiking around London for many years happily stewed...BEFORE THE BREATHALYSER and the all-important LOSS of LICENCE on failing the breath-test. How i'd love to see those bags and those bans coming into Thailand - now THAT would be a policy to take seriously.

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So this proposed new measure will keep death & carnage off the roads during the festival period ??

By baning the sale of alcohol over the three day festival, widely publicised beforehand of course so Joe public can stock up on their favourite brew, still enjoy their 3 day beer fest & the government keeps it's revenue coming in, problem solved!!


Are they not capable of thinking any policy through to the end ??

People will stock up on alcohol ahead of the festival & still feel the need to drive.. this will never stop drink driving in a million years !!

Police mounting road blocks on every corner with the advisory reading: if you drink & drive during this period you WILL be banned automatically for a year, you WILL go to jail for 6 months, you WILL pay a huge fine, your insurance cover WILL double in price..

As in other countries this WILL have more effect !!

Good stuff..except for the slight problem that you'd end up with the biggest jail-system in the history of the human race ! ;-)
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Based on that chart from Road Safety & Nat'l Police, the safest vehicle you can drive in Thailand is a Farm Truck. I've always wanted one of these, now it's confirmed:


Fancy driving that from North Isaan to BKK or further South?

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Alcohol sales ban is pointless, you need to change the mind-set.

Banning alcohol sales does not change peoples attitudes to drinking nd driving. 30 yers ago in Europe if you got stopped most people sympathised. Today you are called a total prat by everyone.

The police and the law need to get behind this ( yes, yes I know it's impossible ) and deaths would fall. Over the limit, lose your licence for one year, no excuses no discussion.

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Well the threat of a ban has cerainly raised public awareness on Tvisa, maybe also raised awareness throughout Thailand too. I have been in Thailand a few times when alcohol has been banned, you would be surprised by how many village shops appear to enjoy the opportunity to stop selling for a day to the perpetual village drunks, the road blocks also encourage people to wear helmets, I have seen the difference. So while there maybe a limited effect I feel there would be a positive result. Certainly less drunken farangs roamimg the cities and resorts...an accident waiting to happen

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............I recall this idea being proposed last year and maybe also the year before..............I think there was an outcry from tour operators as so many party goers come to Thailand for the World famous Thai Songkran piss up...................And as if it could be introduced now -just 3 weeks before the event.

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In all my travels around the world Ive never seen a little house with air conditioning built at traffic lights so the police can watch telly. I saw an accident at Pattaya Klang and third and the police never even came out. I saw a police laughing his head off at an old guy that could not stand up after getting out of his farm truck. You can make as many laws as you want and nothing will happen.

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This is garbage news, absolute crap reporting. An alcohol ban during Sonkran would be impossible to enforce. This kind of news reporting is absolutely the bottom of the bunch. It isn't even news.

Where I live in rural Thailand we have our BIB set up tents where they camp out on the roadways during the holidays. They take shifts 24 hrs per day. They stop almost everybody, stick their heads in the window and sniff sniff, have you been drinking? It is quite effective and a lot more realistic than a ban on alcohol.

Funny though, I've never heard of a designated driver educational program in the Kingdom. Designated drivers are very effective.... maybe some of the 100% government controlled media could sponsor a few adds advocating a designated driver... after that how about sponsoring some "litterbug" public service announcements as well?

I'm not holding my breath but I know eventually they will get around to it.

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So this proposed new measure will keep death & carnage off the roads during the festival period ??

By baning the sale of alcohol over the three day festival, widely publicised beforehand of course so Joe public can stock up on their favourite brew, still enjoy their 3 day beer fest & the government keeps it's revenue coming in, problem solved!!


Are they not capable of thinking any policy through to the end ??

People will stock up on alcohol ahead of the festival & still feel the need to drive.. this will never stop drink driving in a million years !!

Police mounting road blocks on every corner with the advisory reading: if you drink & drive during this period you WILL be banned automatically for a year, you WILL go to jail for 6 months, you WILL pay a huge fine, your insurance cover WILL double in price..

As in other countries this WILL have more effect !!

Banned for a year ??? Huge fine ??? Insurance Double ????/

Where do you live in Thailand ????

We were 12 people sitting and I asked "how many have a driving licence" the reply NONE, yet they ALL rode motorbikes. Therefore no one had

insurance and they did not have the money for huge fines.

Standard fine outside the big cities for, No licence, helmet, insurance, underage, speeding etc etc 200 baht for one or all of these offences. In the

country areas it's impossible to move around without driving.

However Thailand does need to do something about the accident rate. The official figures are far from accurate, the UN figure for deaths at 26000

is horrendus but I suspect the true figure is 30000 + and injuries run into hundreds of thousands.

The driving test in a nonsence because it can be passed with no training what so ever.

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If you are killed or kill others in a car accident while driving drunk then that's just the way it is. When enough people reach a point where they feel something ought to be done about it then something might change. This might take decades. In a few weeks we'll be checking the latest songkran road toll figures and either shaking our heads in horror or chuckling with contentment. It's up to you.

White man.....black city.

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