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Bill Dodgers


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Does it happen over here?

With the low prices here I find it hard to believe.

When living in Cyprus, Germany or UK it was a recurring story in some establishments.

Interested to hear any fun stories. And no I don't partake in this particular sport. I find cheating people distasteful.

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Did a ' Dine and Dash ' from a Lebanese restaurant in Brighton with my mate one time . I also did a minicab pissed when he took me from West London home to Bermondsey . Ran off and lost him in the estate . Ashamed to say that I did a runner pissed from a bar in Nong Khai over 200 baht . I did feel guilty and pay him back on my way back from Laos a few days later though . Stupid I know . Another reason not to drink to excess .

Don't flame me for my honesty !! just adding info to the thread.

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I got over ten months behind in total to a landlord in the past, left voluntarily when I got a job elsewhere she knew I was good for it, took three years total to pay it off but I did finally get out from under.

Worst I can think of done intentionally was sneaking into multiple films at the multiplex as a kid having only paid for one.

Have always believed what goes around come around. . .

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A chap in the building I lived in previously was behind every month on his rent by between 10 and 15 days, with a shrug of the shoulders, he kept telling the landlord that he didn't know when he would be able to pay. I don't know why he was surprised that, when he came to the landlord after 18 months of this behaviour he returned to his room to find his door locked with a new lock. Once the landlord had re-imbursed himself for lost revenue and taken the deposits he returned the few items remaining to the former tenant in a cardboard box.

The sad part is that this chap would always get paid during the billing period (i.e. from issue to due date) but would blow the lot and expect the landlord to wait another 2 weeks until his next pay cheque.

I once said to this tenant, you should try this trick with a mortgage company back in your home country, they wouldn't be so lenient on you! I spoke many times with the landlord about this chaps behaviour to stop him affecting the rest of us and new incoming tenants with rent and deposit rises. Luckily the landlord saw my sense and just chucked out the idiot!

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Yes im one of those guys on a high horse, i would never skip on a bill. i do however check how much is going to cost before and check if I can afford it.

Then again I am a business owner and i hate it when clients try to skip on bills. The world would be a better place if people would just pay on time. I have seen several businesses go down because people paid their bill late or not at all.

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I've heard all sorts of those kind of stories because I'm a listener rather than a teller, but I haven't been in Thailand long enough to know if they are true or not. It wouldn't surprise me though because the truth is often stranger than fiction. I've seen it a lot in Canada, though. I can't imagine some creep bragging about not paying a bar girl. What a low life. No wonder the girls get so hard and cold blooded.

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Talk to the girls around Khao San Road and beach areas about the younger guys, very very common scam for them to play along take the girl and then pretend to be shocked that she's a pro, "oh I'd never pay for it", happens every night.

Fortunately they've got the BiB onside, and the landlord usually takes her side as well.

Obviously all the cards should be laid on the table before the deed is done, but we all know how they like to maintain the face-saving fiction of "I take care of you you take care of me". . .

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Beware of this one irish guy, around 30-35, short light brown hair, around Pattaya, who will come in and drink half a dozen beers and, immediately after ordering a fresh one, will ask "Where,s the nearest pharmacy" ? The con is that one thinks, because he has just ordered a fresh beer, that he is going to come back and drink it. He doesn,t, but karma generally prevails and people like this get their come-uppance.

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Beware of this one irish guy, around 30-35, short light brown hair, around Pattaya, who will come in and drink half a dozen beers and, immediately after ordering a fresh one, will ask "Where,s the nearest pharmacy" ? The con is that one thinks, because he has just ordered a fresh beer, that he is going to come back and drink it. He doesn,t, but karma generally prevails and people like this get their come-uppance.

Oops.... I better get a hair dye kit at the pharmacy next.

.... begorrah!

Edited by NanLaew
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Beware of this one irish guy, around 30-35, short light brown hair, around Pattaya, who will come in and drink half a dozen beers and, immediately after ordering a fresh one, will ask "Where,s the nearest pharmacy" ? The con is that one thinks, because he has just ordered a fresh beer, that he is going to come back and drink it. He doesn,t, but karma generally prevails and people like this get their come-uppance.


He'll probably get a bit more than what's coming to him, risking a fatal beating he is.

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In neighborhood type of bars in Amsterdam where many regulars run up a tab they pay when payday comes, it used to happen every now and then that a stranger walks in who consumes nicely, and pays cash on leaving. The next evening, he does the same. But the day after that he asks if it is OK if he pays the next day. The bar owner, who is glad to have found a new well spending regular, agrees. But he never comes back; has everything to do with alcoholism.

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