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British Man Trapped In Thailand For Four Years Is Back Home


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rolleyes.gif I don't know the details on this case .... does ANYONE posting here actually have the details and NOT just his Thai bashing opinion.

It could be greedy landloard OR it could be that they actually damaged some furniture in the rented house and replaced what they damaged without first getting the landlord's approval.

Maybe their opmion of replacing with a similiar object of "equal valur" was NOT shared by the landlord.

I know of cases in the U.S. where a $500 recliner chair was damaged and replaced by a steel chair that i doubt have costnow more than $20, and the renters claimed they replaced the $500 recliner chair with that stell chair .... and called the replacement chair "fair and equal compensation".

They lost the case.

Now I'm not saying that happened here, but the point is that I DON'T KNOW what actually happened ,,,, ss I'm not offering an opinion simply based on lack of knowledge and my personal opinion like some other posterd on this topic.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Hmmmm...why do I suddenly think of a couple, left out on bail, who burned a child with hot water, they kidnapped 7 years ago and kept like a slave in a dog-cage....

Because you have far too much time on your hands...

Interesting to see what recourse these two gents have... Libel cases seem all the rage these days...

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I am waiting for the Thai government to come out and start complaining that he is now tarnishing their image by letting people know what happened.

you can wait long time. will not happen.
We shall see, but judging from some of your posts you seem to think that the Government is not corrupt. Either your walking around blind or simply do not want to see the truth.
I really don't think that the government would start complaining here about a tarnished image.

i am really blind and missed that or is it that you are maybe seeing things that are not there in reality.

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So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

Blackmail to extort money from him.

Not wishing to stereotype but with a gay couple the place was probably tidier than when they moved in, Which reminds me of a joke, how do you know when you have had a gay burglar? Because your house is tidy and theres a quiche in the oven!

I'm here all week.

If your going to be here all week can I ask you to kindly change your "avatar" I nearly chucked

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So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

Can i suggest money was in there somewhere, even if he caused damage the bill would have gone through the roof ? I wonder what the British Embassy did to help him as they have even more time on their hands now that passport applications go to Hong Kong. Anyone for another round of golf ?

One can't help but agree with you. The British Embassy has such a reputation for turning its back on people when they have a problem.

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I wonder what the British Embassy did to help him as they have even more time on their hands now that passport applications go to Hong Kong. Anyone for another round of golf ?

What exactly would you have them do? The guy was accused of breaking a few chairs . . . quick, call the embassy. Dips are public servants, on a public servant's income plus overseas/hardship allowance where applicable.

Would you rage at the postman/fireman/policeman etc... because he isn't at your beck and call?

How about you. . . would you see it as part of your job to be expected to be called out at any hour of the day because someone broke a chair, got a traffic ticket, stubbed your toe, got your shoes dusty . . .

Get a life and stop being so envious of others

Edited by Sing_Sling
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4 years of his life just lost...gone with the wind!

Going by his side of the story - which for all I know is absolutely true, but it may not be - he got a raw deal. But keeping it in perspective; it's not as if he was locked in solitary confinement for 4 years. He was living in Thailand (something many of us apparently think isn't so bad) with his partner, and supported by his parents and/ or business earnings.

All things considered, an extremely unpleasant situation for him probably - but compared to real suffering and hardship, hardly a major tragedy.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Hmmmm...why do I suddenly think of a couple, left out on bail, who burned a child with hot water, they kidnapped 7 years ago and kept like a slave in a dog-cage....

Because you have far too much time on your hands...

Interesting to see what recourse these two gents have... Libel cases seem all the rage these days...

Really funny guys!

But I guess you know, what I am trying to say: murders and rapists and cop-killers and and and...go free on bail.

But never EVER steal furniture in Thailand!

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Once i had a conversation with an elderly gentleman from an english speaking country living in Thailand. he was quite negative about a lot of aspects of the situation of living as a foreigner in Thailand. He insisted for example that if a Thai accused some Farang of doing whatever unlawful may it true or not then when it goes to the court the judge will always rule against the Farang.

Looks like such sentiments have no base at all.

No squire they have a very strong base, for "always" read "at least 90% of the time", and look at what this man had to go through. Most people would Have thrown the towel in and paid up a long time ago.

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So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

Blackmail to extort money from him.

Not wishing to stereotype but with a gay couple the place was probably tidier than when they moved in, Which reminds me of a joke, how do you know when you have had a gay burglar? Because your house is tidy and theres a quiche in the oven!

I'm here all week.

Occasionally, something goes down in Thaivisa, that just gives me hope for the future of expats here, both gay and straight.

On this occasion, if the poster is straight, thank you a ray of hope for a developing sense of humour. If gay, being able to laugh at oneself makes life a joyous thing to be part of.

Thank you for that Jeremy....

Now was that 5 eggs and a pinch of salt or 5 salt and a pinch of egg?

Edited by Considered Opinion
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Its just A Shame a country like Thailand has not changed their way of thinking!! And to bad We all as Foreigners cant have a say in the law!! Thai Laws are So Far behind The rest of The World!! You know I have to Laugh at their adds about the Land of Smiles!! Ots the Land of Shame!! And they are trying to save face!! What face?/ Crocked face!!

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Obviously and from personal experience the Thai constitution section 40 has been once again violated (A quick and easy Justice system). The British embassy will not get involved with the justice system unless procedures have been broken, which is the case here. Indeed the Home office should have been on the case, but unless you actually guide them and follow up the matter at hand, they will simply sit back and wait. The landlord has simply followed the law as per the Thai justice system; and as many have stated for blackmail and prevent a loss of face. I am surprised that the British embassy and the British justice system welcome’s Thailand England openly accept Thai court orders, where Thailand says F.Y. this is Thailand and we are proud of our corrupt way of life.

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Its just A Shame a country like Thailand has not changed their way of thinking!! And to bad We all as Foreigners cant have a say in the law!! Thai Laws are So Far behind The rest of The World!! You know I have to Laugh at their adds about the Land of Smiles!! Ots the Land of Shame!! And they are trying to save face!! What face?/ Crocked face!!

Ridiculous, since when do non-citizens have any rights in any country to help determine the laws of that country! If it helps your understanding any, the process of making laws in Thailand is rated quite highly but lacks enforecement.

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Its just A Shame a country like Thailand has not changed their way of thinking!! And to bad We all as Foreigners cant have a say in the law!! Thai Laws are So Far behind The rest of The World!! You know I have to Laugh at their adds about the Land of Smiles!! Ots the Land of Shame!! And they are trying to save face!! What face?/ Crocked face!!

Ridiculous, since when do non-citizens have any rights in any country to help determine the laws of that country! If it helps your understanding any, the process of making laws in Thailand is rated quite highly but lacks enforecement.

Australia has at least one foreigner in the senate... Corey Benardi... bit of a moron but that's to be expected of Liberals.

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Its just A Shame a country like Thailand has not changed their way of thinking!! And to bad We all as Foreigners cant have a say in the law!! Thai Laws are So Far behind The rest of The World!! You know I have to Laugh at their adds about the Land of Smiles!! Ots the Land of Shame!! And they are trying to save face!! What face?/ Crocked face!!

Ridiculous, since when do non-citizens have any rights in any country to help determine the laws of that country! If it helps your understanding any, the process of making laws in Thailand is rated quite highly but lacks enforecement.

In Holland they can.

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BBC says 3 years not 4. Made me giggle when he says the landlord lied under oath, who'd have thought it? It's a national sport <deleted>!

As far as I understand that would require the defendant to sue, and is not treated as something that the court would prosecute. In fact, a friend of mine went through a court case where one of the judges actually commented out loud in Thai that that accuser was "go hok".

Such are the anomolies of the system here.

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So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

My turn to guess the answer, motive you ask? I'd suggest the usual bane of this nation, "saving face" often considered more important than life itself. Its right up there with greed.
It's a bit of both I would say. Landlord tries to grab a bit of extra cash but finds he has bitten off more than he can chew. But.... he can't back down because to do so would result in a loss of face.
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The original reports noted that the landlord was a former policeman [A subsequent post notes he as a policeman's son] apparently, make of that what you will. In addition the legal system in Thailand does not permit a judge to rule a case dismissed with prejudice. That is to say the first judge cannot determine a case permanently, the plaintiff always has the right of appeal, even if a judge views the case as pointless or mendacious. The only option in the later is for the defendant to take an action against the plaintiff with all the inherent [especially for a foreigner] risks.

It is worth recalling that the original charges were for Criminal Damage, not civil damages as one might have expected in an apparent rented property row.

Glad that both defendants are now outside Thailand, don't know if his partner returned to Singapore or travelled with him to Britain.

Edited by A_Traveller
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I use to work with Lee and he is a good guy. Definately not guilty.

The person who filed the charges against him was a son of a high ranking police officer.

Everyone knew the case was bogus, but the legal system carried it on and on and on.The son hoped he would tire down Lee, but Lee kept fighting.

The landlord claimed Lee had stolen furniture, but Lee had receipts for a container load of furniture that he had previously shipped to Thailand from Singapore. Basicly, the case made no sense, why would he steal furniture when he shipped a container load from Singapore?...and he was also making more than I was at the time.

The son of this high ranking officer also tried to engage in defamation of Lee's character by distributing photos around a nearby school.

Glad to see you home Lee.

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The original reports noted that the landlord was a former policeman apparently, make of that what you will. ...

... The person who filed the charges against him was a son of a high ranking police officer. ...

and so the fairy tails start and the myths a born.
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So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

Blackmail to extort money from him.

Not wishing to stereotype but with a gay couple the place was probably tidier than when they moved in, Which reminds me of a joke, how do you know when you have had a gay burglar? Because your house is tidy and theres a quiche in the oven!

I'm here all week.

Occasionally, something goes down in Thaivisa, that just gives me hope for the future of expats here, both gay and straight.

On this occasion, if the poster is straight, thank you a ray of hope for a developing sense of humour. If gay, being able to laugh at oneself makes life a joyous thing to be part of.

Thank you for that Jeremy....

Now was that 5 eggs and a pinch of salt or 5 salt and a pinch of egg?

I'm Actually straight, not that you would guess from my avatar. Although I find peoples sexuality about as important as whatever colour shirt they happen to be wearing when it comes to deciding if they are good human beings or not. Glad you had a laugh.

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the article intimates that they were on bail, how did they survive for 4 years if they were not allowed to work etc, under the circumstances surely the British Consulate can make representation to have the expenses incurred repaid, better still it would be nice if they took the landlord to court and sued him for them! cheesy.gif

Oh well only 23,999,998 tourists next yearwhistling.gif

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Any of us living or visiting that country is considered as a walking ATM. It is true and any chance a Thai person might get or see to exploit,they will not hesitate or rethink but bounce on IT. I must admit I have wonderful Thai friends who never allow me to spend a penny when in their company but then again I have many others compeltely the opposite:)

I am flying back to cairo,my birth place for a break even though it is a mayhem :)

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