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British Man Trapped In Thailand For Four Years Is Back Home


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Once i had a conversation with an elderly gentleman from an english speaking country living in Thailand. he was quite negative about a lot of aspects of the situation of living as a foreigner in Thailand. He insisted for example that if a Thai accused some Farang of doing whatever unlawful may it true or not then when it goes to the court the judge will always rule against the Farang.

Looks like such sentiments have no base at all.

We'll ask you how you feel about that statement once you've had to fight for 4 years over furniture.

Where is the evidence or indication that this case was motivated by or handled differently due to the fact that the defendant was a Farang? Perhaps I (and the poster you are addressing) have missed it.

If you feel - as is implied by your comment - that there IS a basis for the claim that Farangs will be treated less fairly by the courts, how do you explain the fact that a previous (well regarded and credible) poster has a Thai brother in law who had a very similar situation which lasted even longer?

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auntbob. none of these links have anything to do with this case.

they show a pattern of the Thai government claiming people supposedly "tarnishing Thailand's image," that was my original post was about, please stay focused.
the 2nd link was about some netizen complaining about some sexy calender. i don't see how that fits any pattern here about the government complain about tarnish images because of supposed to be bad reputation stories.

anyway. will it happen in this case "british man trapped". i said no. probably not.

some people here seems to think that such case like that one a part of a conspiracy of thais against farangs. or that that guy only got in trouble because he is farang.

thats is completely nonsense and however the government might be corrupt that has nothing to do with the topic.

and i am not defending here a corrupt government when i am not join in in boring thai bashing.

good for the guy that he can go finally home.

do i have to write how backward everything in Thailand is to get approval.

try to see things positive helps you to have fun while you stay here. but you calling me blind and not seeing the truth.

Now whose comment doesn't have anything to do with the original post? yourauntbob was right, please try to stay focused ZhouZhou.

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Everytime we have rented a house and paid a deposit we had to fight for the money back. Thai landlords seem to think they

can keep the deposits after making silly reasons.

I will only rent with a 1 month deposit now and take care.

Is deposit the norm because I've never been asked for one in some 14 years. I know it happens but is it widespread?
I have never been able to rent without a deposit and on my fourth rental lost my deposit twice with a blatant " No " on both occasions I have been in my current house eight years, have a nice relationship with the landlord but would bet anything that if I move out there will be no return
Do both parties not have to sign an inventory?
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Once i had a conversation with an elderly gentleman from an english speaking country living in Thailand. he was quite negative about a lot of aspects of the situation of living as a foreigner in Thailand. He insisted for example that if a Thai accused some Farang of doing whatever unlawful may it true or not then when it goes to the court the judge will always rule against the Farang.

Looks like such sentiments have no base at all.

"have no base at all"

Which is why it apparently took four years, for an innocent man to be allowed to get on with his life, perhaps ?

Many people would surely have given-in to the landlord, and paid whatever, to regain their freedom !

4 years? don't fall for sensationalist headlines.

furthermore wasn't that man living and working here in Thailand. should a foreigner be given a free run a way card when they are involved in a legal battle. that wasn't a random tourist, but a foreigner living and working here in Thailand, having legal contracts with local people.

admit, that it took three years sounds unfortunate but i don't see here a system behind it to milk the farang.

that it took sooo looong isn't even unsusual long for thailand. and thais caught in similar legal battles having them also for a couple of years.

I also have no idea what have motivated the landlord in question to file his complaint. In the end he had insufficient evidence as it looks like.

Yeah, such sufficient evidence that he lost. smile.png
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