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Does This Ever Wind You Up?


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I know Southmead quite well DB , and the concentration of idiots per square mile is only exceeeded by Withywood. Fair play for not slapping these pr1cks.

Me and the mrs have been in the UK for over 8 years and these incidents are few and far between.

However last weekend at one of the local pubs, we were out having a good session , my wife has several english girl mates and we all get on pretty well. One of my mates was leaving , he was with a crowd of young kids ( 20 ish ) , the wife went over nad said goodbye , one of these kids said the usual " suckee ######ee five dollar ?" shout. Before I could get to him , the wife had Tops alops alaid him 3 times. :D

I managed to punch him hard enough to knock him back down , and even today I still feel good about it.

Anyone who says otherwise is a ponce.


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Ok this i what happened. I will just add before i start my story, things like this dont usually bother me, but then again they are not normally as blatant as this was.

The wife and i had gone to our local market with my mum yesterday. We are walking around looking at the various stuff on offer, which is usually just cheap tat, but you can normally get good meat and good cheap clothes there.

Anyway the wife wandered off to look at some clothes, while my mum and i went and had a look at a few of the local cheeses they had on offer. While we were stood there the blokes behind the counter were chatting. They werent being discreet about it and it was obvious they were talking about my wife.

The conversation they had went something like this.......

Moron1 " look at her they all look the <deleted> same dont they?"

Moron2 "yeah they aint no better than the n*****s in our country,<deleted> yellow bitch"

Moron1 " but i bet she cooks a great chinese"

Moron2 "yeah as long as you like dog" they both thought this was hilarious

Daleyboy " she looks Thai to me" Not letting on at this point she is my wife!

Moron1 " no she aint <deleted> Thai, there is no way she is from Taiwan" :o

Moron2 " yeah chinese without a doubt, i know my c****s when i see them"

Daleyboy " I am sure she is Thai"

Moron2 " how can you tell?"

Daleyboy " because she is my <deleted> wife you moron, now which one of you should i smack first?"

At this point i was ready to ht smeone, but seeing their obvious embarrassment(sp) i decided not to lower myself to their level and kick the <deleted> out of them added to the fact my mum was there and by this point my 7 month preggers wife had come back to join us which i think helped calm me down a bit. They then spent the next 5 minutes apologising all the while the other traders who were stood near by and heard what had just happened started taking the piss out of them.

Now this isnt the first time i have noticed something like this going on, but normally it is just stares and snide comments, which with a quiet word and a nasty glare sorts out.

So for those of you in Farang countries or Thailand for that matter, does it ever get on your tits when something like this happens?

This follows on from the bettytv thread, now i hope you read this betty and realise what some of us have to go through on a almost daily basis, and when you make your program you take this into consideration and you present something which hopefully will dispell some of these stereotypes that people have of Thai women and the men who marry them.

They didn't say anything to the wife so no harm done. Being mistaken for a Chinese is generally considered a compliment to Thais.

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My Thai husband has encountered a fair amount of passive aggressive rude behavior aimed at him by white guys in the US just as I have received similarly rude comments and behavior from Thai women in Thailand.

As has been said, unfortunately bigots are everywhere and sometimes it is better to just ignore them in their sad little lives rather than give them what they are looking for by reacting.

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I'm not even going to bother rising to what "Jim 50" said, no point giving him the satisfaction :D

daleyboy, well done for keeping your cool. I think embarassing the h*ll out of them served as a better punishment for them, rarther then knocking <deleted> out of them.

Getting a good hiding would probably worsen there rasicm for the next time some poor asian girl walks by. Embarassing them might hopefully make them think next time.

Just got to try and remember that not all people are like this. Good on ya daleyboy :o


Edited by Rj 81
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Ok this i what happened. I will just add before i start my story, things like this dont usually bother me, but then again they are not normally as blatant as this was.

The wife and i had gone to our local market with my mum yesterday. We are walking around looking at the various stuff on offer, which is usually just cheap tat, but you can normally get good meat and good cheap clothes there.

Anyway the wife wandered off to look at some clothes, while my mum and i went and had a look at a few of the local cheeses they had on offer. While we were stood there the blokes behind the counter were chatting. They werent being discreet about it and it was obvious they were talking about my wife.

The conversation they had went something like this.......

Moron1 " look at her they all look the <deleted> same dont they?"

Moron2 "yeah they aint no better than the n*****s in our country,<deleted> yellow bitch"

Moron1 " but i bet she cooks a great chinese"

Moron2 "yeah as long as you like dog" they both thought this was hilarious

Daleyboy " she looks Thai to me" Not letting on at this point she is my wife!

Moron1 " no she aint <deleted> Thai, there is no way she is from Taiwan" :D

Moron2 " yeah chinese without a doubt, i know my c****s when i see them"

Daleyboy " I am sure she is Thai"

Moron2 " how can you tell?"

Daleyboy " because she is my <deleted> wife you moron, now which one of you should i smack first?"

At this point i was ready to ht smeone, but seeing their obvious embarrassment(sp) i decided not to lower myself to their level and kick the <deleted> out of them added to the fact my mum was there and by this point my 7 month preggers wife had come back to join us which i think helped calm me down a bit. They then spent the next 5 minutes apologising all the while the other traders who were stood near by and heard what had just happened started taking the piss out of them.

Now this isnt the first time i have noticed something like this going on, but normally it is just stares and snide comments, which with a quiet word and a nasty glare sorts out.

So for those of you in Farang countries or Thailand for that matter, does it ever get on your tits when something like this happens?

This follows on from the bettytv thread, now i hope you read this betty and realise what some of us have to go through on a almost daily basis, and when you make your program you take this into consideration and you present something which hopefully will dispell some of these stereotypes that people have of Thai women and the men who marry them.

They didn't say anything to the wife so no harm done. Being mistaken for a Chinese is generally considered a compliment to Thais.

Oversimplifying things somewhat , do you breathe the same air as us Jim Bob?


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I know Southmead quite well DB , and the concentration of idiots per square mile is only exceeeded by Withywood. Fair play for not slapping these pr1cks.

Me and the mrs have been in the UK for over 8 years and these incidents are few and far between.

However last weekend at one of the local pubs, we were out having a good session , my wife has several english girl mates and we all get on pretty well. One of my mates was leaving , he was with a crowd of young kids ( 20 ish ) , the wife went over nad said goodbye , one of these kids said the usual " suckee ######ee five dollar ?" shout. Before I could get to him , the wife had Tops alops alaid him 3 times. :D

I managed to punch him hard enough to knock him back down , and even today I still feel good about it.


Nice one Chonners. :D

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Indeed in England, Soutmead market in Bristol, not really the place where you get the highest brain power in the county :o

Right - well, go a bit further north into Wales and those folks do the same to 'strangers'.

Walk into a store where everyone is speaking English and they immediately switch to Welsh.

Lucky I had a Welsh friend to interpret for me - we didn't let on and left... :D

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Indeed in England, Soutmead market in Bristol, not really the place where you get the highest brain power in the county :o

Right - well, go a bit further north into Wales and those folks do the same to 'strangers'.

Walk into a store where everyone is speaking English and they immediately switch to Welsh.

Lucky I had a Welsh friend to interpret for me - we didn't let on and left... :D

Ahhh lots of "Klonk" Boon? :D

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Indeed in England, Soutmead market in Bristol, not really the place where you get the highest brain power in the county :D

Right - well, go a bit further north into Wales and those folks do the same to 'strangers'.

Walk into a store where everyone is speaking English and they immediately switch to Welsh.

Lucky I had a Welsh friend to interpret for me - we didn't let on and left... :D

I was born in Wales, but shusshh dont tell anyone, and i moved over to the right country at a very young age, and still havent forgiven my parents.

My mum used to say the same thing, walk into a shop and tey would all swap language and speak in Welsh.

Bloody sheep worriers :o I think thats where the 2 southmead families come from :D:D

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on the way back he clocks me and the mrs and loudly and laughing say's ' how much did that little dolly cost' still giggling like a 10 year old


(note to moderators - please dont delete the post this time - lighten up :D )

Note to member, Thaivisa has rules and these rules will be respected. Once deleted, twice....?

Don't try it again, or you are out of here!!!

I would like to express my sincere apologies to anyone offended by my deleted post :D No harm intended. :D

I Just think these kind of comments

on the way back he clocks me and the mrs and loudly and laughing say's ' how much did that little dolly cost' still giggling like a 10 year old
should be shot down and no-one deserves to be humiliated by some half-wit like that.

For anyone who missed it, I offered a sharp reply to the comments directed at Opothai and his wife. It went along the lines of Opothai implying he had penetrated the commenting morons mother, from the rear, for a paltry sum. :D:burp::o

(I hope thats suitably toned down - if I get banned for that, fellow members, please fight my case!!)

Again, sincere apologies to all. :D

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Bloody sheep worriers :o I think thats where the 2 southmead families come from :D:D


We all know it's only one gurt family that lives there to....... :D

Bit like Americal really...

Edited by chonabot
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Ok this i what happened. I will just add before i start my story, things like this dont usually bother me, but then again they are not normally as blatant as this was.

............Daleyboy " because she is my <deleted> wife you moron, now which one of you should i smack first?"

At this point i was ready to ht smeone, but seeing their obvious embarrassment(sp) i decided not to lower myself to their level .........................men who marry them.

Daley... Perfect! :o

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"""""""""I't is a shame that people are like this but that is life. I agree with Neeranam though i have heard far far worse from Thai people and calling us "mun" is an insult which is pretty unbelievable especialy when said with a smile. I was once refered to as "it" by one of my GFs work friends.

Thailand is by far the most racist place i have ever lived""""""""""

In Bamrungrad hospital toilets a few years ago, I went to the toilets and was taking a leak when 2 respectable looking Thais came on either side of me. They started speaking across me saying "farang kee nok"(I had come from work wearing a shirt and tie), and a few other insults about farang, using the pronoun "mun", of course. When I chose to pretend that I couldn't understand(something I do a lot)I was shocked, I ignored them and went to wash my hands, choosing to do absolutely nothing as my wife was due to give birth in half an hour. I couldn't say nothing and called tham a couple of ######s and asked them why they were so rascist, not all farang are the same. They tried desparately to say that they didn't say anything, almost pleading - cowardly <deleted>.

They were lucky they hadn't said that a few years ago, or if my daughter wasn't about to be enter the world.

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"""""""""I't is a shame that people are like this but that is life. I agree with Neeranam though i have heard far far worse from Thai people and calling us "mun" is an insult which is pretty unbelievable especialy when said with a smile. I was once refered to as "it" by one of my GFs work friends.

Thailand is by far the most racist place i have ever lived""""""""""

In Bamrungrad hospital toilets a few years ago, I went to the toilets and was taking a leak when 2 respectable looking Thais came on either side of me. They started speaking across me saying "farang kee nok"(I had come from work wearing a shirt and tie), and a few other insults about farang, using the pronoun "mun", of course. When I chose to pretend that I couldn't understand(something I do a lot)I was shocked, I ignored them and went to wash my hands, choosing to do absolutely nothing as my wife was due to give birth in half an hour. I couldn't say nothing and called tham a couple of ######s and asked them why they were so rascist, not all farang are the same. They tried desparately to say that they didn't say anything, almost pleading - cowardly <deleted>.

They were lucky they hadn't said that a few years ago, or if my daughter wasn't about to be enter the world.

Thats pretty bad, but these sort of people are all over the world, I know alot of Thai's who have got it like yourself in australia.

I believe people like that are just jealous rednecks who only say that so they can fool themselves to think there superior in some way.

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"""""""""I't is a shame that people are like this but that is life. I agree with Neeranam though i have heard far far worse from Thai people and calling us "mun" is an insult which is pretty unbelievable especialy when said with a smile. I was once refered to as "it" by one of my GFs work friends.

Thailand is by far the most racist place i have ever lived""""""""""

Um, maybe it's because here you're a minority versus in your homeland where you were part of the majority?

In the US, Asians get treated like crap. It's the only country in the world where there are laws in place to specifically discriminate against us. Whites as the majority are first-class citizens; minorities that get special treatment from affirmative action laws are second-class; and then Asians which are still minorities but happen to be smart are third-class.

Edited by gurkle
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