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Phuket Crackdown On Russians Heads North


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Reverse prejudice? This dozy Vice Governor should clean up his own backyard first of scams and corruption and the obtaining of 'easy money' from tourists. The Russians accommodate people from their own country and employ Thai's, buy from Thai's and invest in Thailand. Just because the Thai bureaucracy wants to keep popular with the Thai Phuket mafia's, of which there are many, they go on a witch hunt. What a pathetic individual.

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I dont think its language that is the problem.

I think its more based on the fact that a job requires responsibility.

Some jobs require that you dont be ill many times of the month

Some jobs require that you dont take some public holidays off, because the industry works during those periods

Some jobs require notification if your not coming in that day/week/month/year

Some jobs require basic competency

Some jobs require you accept the notion that you are there to work

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I am really shocked by some comments here ... You may not like Russian tourists but they help the economy in Thailand and many businesses such as hotels restaurants etc ..... I really dont understand why some foreigners here think to have more rights than others .... All nationalities are welcome when they help the country to grow.

In this instance, the comments reflect the fact that the Thai people are trying to prevent lower prices and better services (for example, for taxis). If the Thai population embraced change, the country would grow.

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This is good. It's never a good idea to have one ethnic group take over another country. Before the Russians, we had a mix from all over the world. It's getting like Little Russia here in Pattaya too. I want Thailand to remain Thai.

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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

I don't think there a vast number of Thais (or any others) that are lining up to go to Russia........whistling.gif

Edited by pgrahmm
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people you all sound like u've been paid by Russians smile.png really there's too many of them there, they are trying to survive doing anythibg that brings money ( remember the couple of Russians who were offering to tourists make photo with their monkey ) its rediculous!!! Soon you will see beggars and street bums from CIS countries !!! Really, i hope this will help to clear up the space a bit. Thailand is a nice place no need to fill it with rubbish people.

Rubbish people? Our Lord, is that You? Please re-login.

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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

That isn't relevant.

It is up to a country itself to control illegal workers.

Thailand does like to protect Thais, which makes sense to me.

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Good, but they should just check all business from every nationality.

The Russian tourists need the Russian workers, we all know that. So get a legal workpermit and keep on working.

But no most foreign workers just try to work behind the screens, which is also understandable with the idiot Thai laws for getting a workpermit, which involves a minimum of 2Mbaht to set up a Co.Ltd, which most just can not afford.

But for the hotels and such which are already companies, they can get workpermits for as many people as needed and only coast 3000 baht per year.

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oh those so so poor Thais, my heart bleeds for them ...one day they will have to wake up and see the BIG PICTURE, Thailand a Country of Fools always being mistreated sick.gif the more i stay here the more contempt I have for these dumb fools. coffee1.gif

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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

Ha, ha - normally I wouldn't respond to what at first appearance seems to be baiting - but a few days ago my wife asked me why NZ restored the visa requirement after being visa-on-arrival to Thai people before.

I struggled with how to word that for a while.... then finally pointed her at a press release from the NZ police about how the brothels suddenly filled up with That "tourists".....

Of course most Thai people are not like that, but it was a significant enough problem that the NZ police felt forced to act.

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I can actually see why they're doing this. Pattaya and Phuket in particular are being swallowed whole by Russians and their 'legitimate businesses'. If they don't act, they'll end up colonised by the mob.

How effective it's going to be against Russians who are quite capable of paying bribes is another matter.

You can add Samui to that list

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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

That isn't relevant.

It is up to a country itself to control illegal workers.

Thailand does like to protect Thais, which makes sense to me.

This has nothing to do with protecting Thais. Thais are incapable of performing these jobs effectively or they would be doing them as they are undoubtably cheaper. This is to protect the business interests of a few greedy business owners/organised criminals who dont want to raise their game in terms of service levels or compete price wise with others for a fair share of the market. The only people who really lose out here are the very Thais you seem to think are being protected.

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so many comments with reference to thais not being able to speak russian, surely the russians should learn to speak thai!

isn't that part of the adventure of going to a foreign country, or should they come over on a russian flight, board a russian tour bus, go to a russian hotel, eat in russian restaurants then go home.

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And how are they stealing Thai's jobs..... Are there any Thais living and working on Phuket who speak fluent Russian????????????????????????????????????

Get rid of all the Russians, and see how many Thais lose their jobs. Thousands I should think.

But Thai peasants don't matter, as we all know......

What matters is a few Thai business owners who will make a bit more profit, as they can clean up with no competition. Almost certainly they have friends in the provincial administration,

Edited by eddie61
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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

how many thais work illegally in other countries what that got to do with it those russian are dangerouse and very rude ignorant and loud not all but many look at thailand like its just a place to be abused like most eastern europeans as well let of the leash and no education they think they own the place as if thailand a poverty strucken country who are desperate for them like hell

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How often do I hear expats complain what foreigners back home have done to their home country and that politicians being PC (politically correct) back home is ruining their country. I guess all illegally working expats here in Thailand think they should have special rights here as being westerners, why should they need a work permit or follow Thai laws. But what do I know? As I do not peak Russian but I wonder if it was an Indian dialect how many expats would say they should allow more Indian here to do tours.

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This is good. It's never a good idea to have one ethnic group take over another country. Before the Russians, we had a mix from all over the world. It's getting like Little Russia here in Pattaya too. I want Thailand to remain Thai.

St Pattayasburg is more like it.

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another Witches hunt ..... When Thais will speak Russian they will be able to complain , but Russians dont speak English so 2 choices , you forbid them to come to Thailand and you will see a lot of hotels and places closing down Or you accept the fact that there are people more qualify to take care about those tourists. How many Thais work illegally in foreign country ?

Total rubbish. This is just being used as an excuse.

Why would the Thai authorities ban genuine Russian tourists from visiting Thailand if they cannot speak Thai or English? That doesn`t make sense.

And are you assuming that Russian tourists do not holiday in other countries where the nationals do not speak Russian or English? If that is the case, than the Russians are going to be extremely limited to where they can travel.

The Thais were doing quite well on they`re own prior to the influx of Russians coming over and in no doubts they can still manage and get by without the forever tourists hassling here for a living, mostly illegally.

The solution is simple, if they don`t like the rules or want to play the game, than stay at home where there are no restrictions placed upon them.

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I am really shocked by some comments here ... You may not like Russian tourists but they help the economy in Thailand and many businesses such as hotels restaurants etc ..... I really dont understand why some foreigners here think to have more rights than others .... All nationalities are welcome when they help the country to grow.

The real question is not do they help really the country. But by working illegally does anyone really help in the long term. If you choose not to obey the laws of Thailand to the point you get caught you probably deserve to be fined or removed as a criminal even if your a foreigner. Economic progress without sustainability is just going to work.

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