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Luckily our cat is on top form, heard her making some peculiar meowing noises, different to the normal meow, so went outside to see what was up and nearly shit myself when i saw this 6 foot+ snake sliding through the undergrowth. Luckily the gardener was at hand and tended to it. Apparently in Thai it's called a 'Ngoo Singh' a very venemous and aggresive snake with a fierce bite, also a known delicacy amongst Thais, (no surprise there then)!! They normally hunt in pairs so <deleted> knows when the other one's gonna turn up. The gardener was saying there has been quite a lot of these and cobras coming down off the mountain looking for water as it's been so arid lately......currently doing a rain dance outside as i bloody hate snakes!!!!

Cat will be rewarded with a tin of Mackerel later.....cheers palclap2.gif



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That looks more like Copperheaded Racer, non venomous snake.

Coelognathus radiatus (Copperheaded Racer)
Thai: ThaiSnakeName-12.gif (ngu tang maprao lai keet)

Length: Up to 230 cm. These snakes generally reach a length between 150 and 180 cm.

Occurrence: The Copperhead Rat Snake is found throughout Thailand.

Coelognathus radiatus resides in all types of habitats up to a height of 1500 meters. You will find this snake in wooded areas, as well as cultivated land, villages and towns. These snakes live at ground level and are active mostly during the day and sometimes at twilight and at night. This fast snake flees if it sense danger. If they are cornered, they show typical defensive behaviour in that they shape their body into a double S and snap at their opponent. If they are not successful with this tactic, they play dead by lying on their back with their mouth open and let their tongue hand out. Their food is rodents, birds, lizards and frogs.

Danger: None. This snake is non-poisonous

Siam-info is a good source for snake information.



Holy crap!! the gardener was right, just caught the second, a male (1st one female) about 2 metres long.....

If the gardener says its a Ngoo Singh then who am i to disagree, in fact all the Thais in the neighbourhood came out to have a look and said the same name....looks like dish of the day is going to be Tom Yam Ngoo Singh!!! I'll skip that one i think.....








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That's a beauty. It is a copperhead racer as olinki said. Non-poisonous. I had a racer as a pet when I was a child. (along with many other snakes) From the sound of it the gardener killed it, yes?

EDIT: Ok, after seeing the second post I assume the gardener has killed both snakes. angry.png No need. Well, perhaps due to ignorance. I hate the way ignorant Thai's treat animals here,and how some ignorant farangs can support it.


BTW, this snake is believed to be very spiritual in Thailand and most Thai's will not want to kill it for that reason.


That's a beauty. It is a copperhead racer as olinki said. Non-poisonous. I had a racer as a pet when I was a child. (along with many other snakes) From the sound of it the gardener killed it, yes?

EDIT: Ok, after seeing the second post I assume the gardener has killed both snakes. angry.png No need. Well, perhaps due to ignorance. I hate the way ignorant Thai's treat animals here,and how some ignorant farangs can support it.


Both snakes were tended to without killing them, trapped back of neck with wood and handled holding sides of neck as in photo. My gardener is a very commited Buddhist so i doubt very much he would kill them. Where they have gone i have no idea but they were alive when they were taken away. Sorry if i mislead you by the dish of the day quote but they did mention that this snake is a delicacy in Thailand...

Maybe the name Ngoo Singh is just a Thai name but the actual name is what you and Oilinki adhered to....


The thread title is a little misleading.


Both snakes were caught and handled alive

Ask a mod to change it to suit your needs if you feel necessary.....coffee1.gif


That's a beauty. It is a copperhead racer as olinki said. Non-poisonous. I had a racer as a pet when I was a child. (along with many other snakes) From the sound of it the gardener killed it, yes?

EDIT: Ok, after seeing the second post I assume the gardener has killed both snakes. angry.png No need. Well, perhaps due to ignorance. I hate the way ignorant Thai's treat animals here,and how some ignorant farangs can support it.


Both snakes were tended to without killing them, trapped back of neck with wood and handled holding sides of neck as in photo. My gardener is a very commited Buddhist so i doubt very much he would kill them. Where they have gone i have no idea but they were alive when they were taken away. Sorry if i mislead you by the dish of the day quote but they did mention that this snake is a delicacy in Thailand...

Maybe the name Ngoo Singh is just a Thai name but the actual name is what you and Oilinki adhered to....

Good news. Thanks for clarifying.



The thread title is a little misleading.

Both snakes were caught and handled alive

Ask a mod to change it to suit your needs if you feel necessary.....coffee1.gif

I assumed the snakes were dispatched and eaten from the way you reported it.

No big deal, just having a laugh. Wouldn't dream of asking a mod to change someone elses thread.

Chill out.


My son likes to have a dog but I not allow him so instead he
finds a snake to play with. Later our workers change the snake name to Noog
Sing. Poor thing i say.sad.png





Time to call back Steve Irwin a good fellow for sure.

I like snakes but I don't want to deal with venomous ones unless there's glass separating us.

Come on Rick. I think more than a single days ration of good grub is in order for your 4 legged protector. 555

Since I don't have decent awareness of creatures in LOS I chose to be cautious. I'd never pick up a snake unless i was positive it was non venomous. I do pick up insects and spiders but I have greater confidence doing that.


I pass no comment on killing the snakes, but I let this one go:

This guy would probably be a cause for me to change my pants if I found him in the back yard.

The Monocled Cobra causes the highest fatality due to snake venom poisoning in Thailand,if you see one of these it's definitely time to run!


My son likes to have a dog but I not allow him so instead he

finds a snake to play with. Later our workers change the snake name to Noog

Sing. Poor thing i say.sad.png

Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like one of the "Keelbacks" species. Did the head have yellow coloring under the head? If it did mostly a Keelback. not poisonous. Not all snakes in Thailand are poisonous.


My son likes to have a dog but I not allow him so instead he

finds a snake to play with. Later our workers change the snake name to Noog

Sing. Poor thing i say.sad.png

Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like one of the "Keelbacks" species. Did the head have yellow coloring under the head? If it did mostly a Keelback. not poisonous. Not all snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

I "think" it was a friendly 2.5 meter Python. I not let him play with the poisons ones.



I "think" it was a friendly 2.5 meter Python. I not let him play with the poisons ones.

In the overprotective western world you might not receive parent of the year award :)


My son likes to have a dog but I not allow him so instead he

finds a snake to play with. Later our workers change the snake name to Noog

Sing. Poor thing i say.sad.png

Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like one of the "Keelbacks" species. Did the head have yellow coloring under the head? If it did mostly a Keelback. not poisonous. Not all snakes in Thailand are poisonous.

I "think" it was a friendly 2.5 meter Python. I not let him play with the poisons ones.

While he's young teach him that snakes (all kinds) are beneficial to the environment and not to be automatically afraid but to be cautious and respectful of snakes. Teach him that some snakes are very dangerous and can not be played with. Best if you take him and the snake out where people are not around and release the snake. Pythons get big and will return later if they become to accustomed to people. Several good Thai books on snakes are available for hi to read while he still is interested in them. Personally I'd like parents to educated their kids about animals instead of seeing them kill them because they fear them.

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