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Bangkok Regular Buses (rot Mae, Rot Air Etc)

Khun Bob

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I tried to get this info from some of the Tel No's specified on the BMTA website (albeit english version) to no avail.

I just wondered if anyone knew if detailed route information and timetable information was publically available ? Just like the timetables the State Railway of Thailand provide...

I'm looking for more detailed info than is on the english bmta website. I have the bangkok bus guide (50bt) and while this provides reasonable information it is not all accurate and sparse/abstract in places.

Thanks in advance and look forward to hear from you...

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There are several, competing, commercially edited booklets, that are regularly updated (every year or so), in THAI only, selling at 50 or 60 baht, try any Se-Ed or BOoks/ etc small Thai bookshop in any tesco/Carrefour, OR B2S in any Central/BigC. they have a booklet listing all routes, plus a separate map. You an usually see 1 on display. Besides all the buses, they also hae the times of SRT commuter trains, the riverboats and skytrain/subway. 1 of these, by bangkokmap.com also has an ENGlish version, but thats the map only, with all the routes written out at the backside. this map is useless for innercity planning, due to the size of BKK.

the website bmta.co.th has the same info, but is SELDOM updated and currently way behind (but routeas do not change that often, but new ones get added quite often.

NO times, only those of first and last (most run in fact 24 hrs/365 days), and as many routes are so long that these are quite meaningless.

or the forum at 2bangkok.com can, sometimes, help you out.

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Thanks for the replies so far...

Asanee - could you mention the nemes of the companies that publish the route information for bangkok buses in thai only ? Is the detail of the routes much better than the bangkokbusgide and the bmts website ?

Cheers and thanks for your help...

There are several, competing, commercially edited booklets, that are regularly updated (every year or so), in THAI only, selling at 50 or 60 baht, try any Se-Ed or BOoks/ etc small Thai bookshop in any tesco/Carrefour, OR B2S in any Central/BigC. they have a booklet listing all routes, plus a separate map. You an usually see 1 on display. Besides all the buses, they also hae the times of SRT commuter trains, the riverboats and skytrain/subway. 1 of these, by bangkokmap.com also has an ENGlish version, but thats the map only, with all the routes written out at the backside. this map is useless for innercity planning, due to the size of BKK.

the website bmta.co.th has the same info, but is SELDOM updated and currently way behind (but routeas do not change that often, but new ones get added quite often.

NO times, only those of first and last (most run in fact 24 hrs/365 days), and as many routes are so long that these are quite meaningless.

or the forum at 2bangkok.com can, sometimes, help you out.

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I got the thai version of the bankok guide to buses and so far it looks like it is the same as the english version, except the format. The english version is just a map on one side with route details on the other. The Thai version is a booklet and a map. The routes seem to have the same mistakes as the english version too.

Just wonder who the other publishers are and which one is considered the be the most detailed and accurate ?


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I don't think any of the Thai "backpacker" operators would be happy if the information was generally available, otherwise they wouldn't be able to charge 4-5 times the cost for their stupid packages!!! They have to get as much money off the Farangs as possible, freedom of choice is a little thing to lose in this case.

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Good point - but i think this applies to the longer distance routes and that information is easier to get hold of - but still not good. These co's also get backpachers on the train aswell.

Anyway back to the subject of bus route info in bkk - anyone know who produces the best guide and where to get it ?

Also does anyone know how to get the info out of bmta ? Ater calling them was told to call 184 - not much help really...

I don't think any of the Thai "backpacker" operators would be happy if the information was generally available, otherwise they wouldn't be able to charge 4-5 times the cost for their stupid packages!!! They have to get as much money off the Farangs as possible, freedom of choice is a little thing to lose in this case.
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I have a plastic map of Bangkok with all the bus routes marked,

but it is 20 years old and probably way out of date.

Certainly roads and one-way systems are different now.

I wonder if anyone publishes it now.

I found it very useful in my early days as a tourist, and then a resident.

Edited by astral
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hello, sawasdee again, was away for 1 week, and anyway not in BK/hailand this time.

Have both these in the house [which is not here in this place, and yes the old one is from Bangkokguidebook or so, as described, and the other from like PNmap.

Once more: most B2S or See-Ed will stock them, just ask at the cashdesk. You should be able to compare thus.

The BKKbusguide is simply a printed out COPY of the BMTA website. However: as I said, routes do not change that often. You should however look for the LAST edition, from late 2005, I think its the 3d.

PNmap is about the same, about as accurate, but its map is better as its 2-sided, giving better detail for inner BKK.

The Japanese and who else, also edit their own, for sale at Kinokuniya bookshops 9in the WTC/ZEN or the brandnew Paragon), and thse are FAR more clear, having maps for every 4-5 routes, but they ONLY have a selection, and its only in Harigana/katakana.

I'll post furhter when I have checked the details.

There is NO known info at all for a listing of the BoKoSo= COUNTRY buses, even though there is a wonderful countrywide system of numbering all these routes anywhere in the kingdom. But you clearly asked for BMTA only.

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Thanks asanee - will check out the bookshops you haven mentioned - i beleive that i have bought the pnmap 3rd edition that you mentioned recently. I also beleive that the english version of the bangkok bus guide is a direct translation of this as they seems to have the same words (albeit in a different language) and mistakes

be good to hear fom you once you have checked details....

if the bkbus guide is just a print out of the bmta website then it is not worth having

Am i right in thinking that the bmts do not produce route information like the state railways thailand do ?


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Thanks asanee - will check out the bookshops you haven mentioned - i beleive that i have bought the pnmap 3rd edition that you mentioned recently. I also beleive that the english version of the bangkok bus guide is a direct translation of this as they seems to have the same words (albeit in a different language) and mistakes

be good to hear fom you once you have checked details....

if the bkbus guide is just a print out of the bmta website then it is not worth having

Am i right in thinking that the bmts do not produce route information like the state railways thailand do ?


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One of the best all around city maps I've found is a collection of 16 maps packaged together. One of the 16 is a very clear Bus Routes of the City map. Their approach is novel and clever- and since you don't get overwhlemed with too much fine detail in each it is quite easy to find the information you need.

I'm not sure if each uses the same scale, but they seem to cover the metropolis better than any other.

Have a look at the cover and check it out for yourselves next time you're in a bookshop in the city. I picked up mine at Kinokuniya.


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  • 4 weeks later...
One of the best all around city maps I've found is a collection of 16 maps packaged together. One of the 16 is a very clear Bus Routes of the City map. Their approach is novel and clever- and since you don't get overwhlemed with too much fine detail in each it is quite easy to find the information you need.

I'm not sure if each uses the same scale, but they seem to cover the metropolis better than any other.

Have a look at the cover and check it out for yourselves next time you're in a bookshop in the city. I picked up mine at Kinokuniya.

Judging from the map headlines it doesn't seem like they have a map with the regular bus lines (in which case it would be no good to me or the OP). Could you please tell me if that is correct or not?


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I've got a fairly detailed map and booklet that shows most of Bangkoks bus routes. It seems to be fairly accurate too! Unfortunately, it's in Thai and I don't think that the English version of this map has as much detail. It's called the Bangkok Bus Guide and you should be able to find it at any SE-ED bookstore. The company's website is: www.bangkokguide.co.th

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I have the english and thai versions of the bkkbusguide - the thai is translated pretty well and has the same mistakes... it is 50bt from major book stores - in my opinion although the english version has slightley less info, it is a better layout and easier to use (esp if your thai is not so good :-))

Anyone for this :

There is a tel no people can call in bkk for bus info - does anyone have experience of using this and do they speak english ?


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