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Don Mueang Airport To Operate At Full Capacity Again To Ease Crowding At Suvarnabhumi


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whistling.gif Oh great.

Planes from DM litterly fly right over the area of my Thai families house at about 300 feet above the MooBan.

It's been pretty quiet since Swampy opened, but looks it like the noise will be coming back again soon.

Yeah and then those bastards running the airport (and associated politicians) will act like dictators and not allow a nighttime flight curfew to be imposed - and despite Thailand being a nominal democracy those poor residents in the surrounding area won't be able to have their voices heard. Excuses such as "nighttime flight curfews being bad for the economy" etc. will be force fed down their throats and that will be the end of their "whining" as the executives would put it. I can understand why Suvarnabhumi is curfew free owing to its location and relatively small population affected by aircraft noise, but given how many people live in the areas surrounding Don Muang (not to mention how many more have moved there in the years since it stopped being Bangkok's primary airport) and you'll certainly get people who are going to get angry if the number of flights starts increasing again to pre-2006 levels.

Then again if the Suvarnabhumi airport developers got some brain cells together and finally built another 1 or 2 runways like in their master plan and expanded the terminal space a bit (or perhaps built a dedicated terminal, for example a separate domestic terminal) than a lot of extra capacity could be added to the airport for years to come.

Don Mueang has been operational for decades! If you just moved in the last year or two I would understand your complaint, but flights have been roaring overhead for a long time.

But the area surrounding Don Muang has seen a large increase in residents in recent years - it is no longer an airport "outside" the city like it was for decades! Therefore I think you will see people like me have a point. The authorities should NOT allow Don Muang to operate unregulated 24h/7. The local residents in the Don Muang area have been (mostly) happy since 2006 so let's keep it that way. Some more flights are OK but not at night.

Sounds like western NIMBYism to me.

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Yesterday arriving at 6 pm at DMK it took me 105 minutes and 105 Baht toll to get to Bangna.

Driving there two days earlier was not much better.

The place is dirty and needs a big clean up, even renovation.

Must say Immigration are a lot more friendly than at Suv.

The parking is completely full, any time of the day. Is only the ground floor being used?

Indicators to parking need to be made more user friendly. The access to the main road is like going through a maze, directions to the toll way confusing.

All going reasonably well for the moment because of limited traffic but a lot needs to be done before inviting more airlines to use DMK.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

In every respect SVB is a far superior airport. Seriously, why the love for DMK?

For me, mainly it was cheap. I was able to eat there quite a bit more cheaply than at SVB. I really like dingy, old, cheap, shabby things, and despite the new and shiny.

Oh yes almost forgot - there sure was a mass transit option and I used it all the time - the 'airport bus'. I only ever used the Sukhumvitt line (never stayed over there in nasty Cow-san), 100 baht into town and 50 from town to the airport. Great deal and convenient.

" I really like dingy, old, cheap, shabby things, and despite the new and shiny."

Sounds like you would like me a lot then - I fit your description perfectly.

Are their enough buses, on the run between airports, to cope with the demand? I got the impression this might not be the case. Also, where are they departing from at SVB - ground floor level - far left if facing entry from inside terminal? (sorry if this is covered elswhere)

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What about the plan to have a express train inbetween the 2 airports for transit passengers???

Do a search. There are several stories on this. It is being worked on and hoped to be finished in the near future.


That'll be nice. They'll be able to transport cabbages from one to the other in no time at all.

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What a typical circus:

1. DM must be closed down for good, because Bangkok doesn't need a second airport; Swampy is more than enough to handle everything - and also lends us the most face.

2. All airlines must move to Swampy, no matter how much they protest and which reasonable claims they bring forward to keep DM at least partially operational.

3. Ooops, turns out that Swampy has reached its designated capacity shortly after opening; hence DM is to be re-opened, but only for freight and certain charter flights.

4. Oopps, there are still too many flights in and out of Swampy; simply order all budget airlines to move back to DM at their own cost, despite their protests that they just a few months previously have been told to move to Swampy - and pronto.

5. Ooops, someone at AOT has thought too much and found it prudent that it's detrimental to the country's image if airlines associated with Thailand (i.e. Thai Air Asia, Bangkok Air and Nok Air) use that old DM airport, hence order them to move back to Swampy again, despite the fact that the airport by now is already exceeding its capacity. There's nothing more constructive than good 'ole face-saving. Oh, and let them pay for that expensive move, of course.

6. Ooops, looks like swampy is definitely bursting at the seams, so let's do some brain-storming again... why not put DM back into full service...? Perhaps we should order some airlines to move back to DM - at their own cost, of course. Which ones shall it be? Let's throw some dice or pull straws.

I wonder how this saga is going to end.

Why does this concern you? I am not aware of people not being able to get in or out of Bangkok by air and they are meeting the demand. So, the city has two international airports. This is not uncommon. New York City metro area has 3. Not anything we need to worry about as long as we can get in and out by plane unless we just want to find reasons to complain like the airport is to far away from me or there isn't a magical way to transfer between airports that will only take a minute and I don't need to worry about my bags. This is a good thing as more people will have more choices as to where they want to fly into. And yes, just like everything else sometimes you need to pay more for convenience or choose or like many people simply go with the cheapest option even if it means layovers or multiple stops or not flying into an airport that may save you 30-minutes driving to your final destination..

Yeah...except for, even you -of course- understand the idiocy behind all this.

But of course, you had to bring up something in deffence of all that chaos, because -as we are aware by now- Thailand is the greatest place on earth and Thais just do everything right!

Not really seeing idiocy, just seeing adoption and adjustments to meet current demand and certainly doesn't effect my life, even though I travel by plane regionally and internationally, except to give me more choices. Closing an airport to commercial carriers and directing them to the neighboring new airport is idiocy. And then when demand is needed they reopen the airport to commercial carriers is idiocy? Having delays in big projects especially when government is involved, may be idiocy but unless I have done it better and am personally involved I tend to not get my panties in a bunch or make sweeping judgements or do I pretend I have never read the news before coming to Thailand to know this is a common thing not just here but pretty much everywhere

Possible idiocy would be not addressing the issue, not adapting, and not being able to handle demand but instead they are adapting, they are addressing the issue and they are meeting demand but lets not let that stop us from whining and moaning.

Complaining on a personal level about having to drive further is one issue but to just complain for the sake of complaining when demand is being met and both airlines and customers have more options is silly. For God's sake we are talking about going to the airport and not the amusement park ... nobody said it is supposed to be fun, next door (with silent planes), line free, no security to worry about or bags to transfer....

So...Swampy being a chain of failures and problems, coruption, the airport- link being a mild desaster, the constant back and forth with DMK...that all does not count as "bad" as long as someone says, that it is somehow bad...in your opinion!?


Why do I even bother...???

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

In every respect SVB is a far superior airport. Seriously, why the love for DMK?

For me, mainly it was cheap. I was able to eat there quite a bit more cheaply than at SVB. I really like dingy, old, cheap, shabby things, and despite the new and shiny.

Oh yes almost forgot - there sure was a mass transit option and I used it all the time - the 'airport bus'. I only ever used the Sukhumvitt line (never stayed over there in nasty Cow-san), 100 baht into town and 50 from town to the airport. Great deal and convenient.

" I really like dingy, old, cheap, shabby things, and despite the new and shiny."

Sounds like you would like me a lot then - I fit your description perfectly.

Are their enough buses, on the run between airports, to cope with the demand? I got the impression this might not be the case. Also, where are they departing from at SVB - ground floor level - far left if facing entry from inside terminal? (sorry if this is covered elswhere)

Just found the thread on buses between airports - sorry - pls ignore request for info.

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What a typical circus:

1. DM must be closed down for good, because Bangkok doesn't need a second airport; Swampy is more than enough to handle everything - and also lends us the most face.

2. All airlines must move to Swampy, no matter how much they protest and which reasonable claims they bring forward to keep DM at least partially operational.

3. Ooops, turns out that Swampy has reached its designated capacity shortly after opening; hence DM is to be re-opened, but only for freight and certain charter flights.

4. Oopps, there are still too many flights in and out of Swampy; simply order all budget airlines to move back to DM at their own cost, despite their protests that they just a few months previously have been told to move to Swampy - and pronto.

5. Ooops, someone at AOT has thought too much and found it prudent that it's detrimental to the country's image if airlines associated with Thailand (i.e. Thai Air Asia, Bangkok Air and Nok Air) use that old DM airport, hence order them to move back to Swampy again, despite the fact that the airport by now is already exceeding its capacity. There's nothing more constructive than good 'ole face-saving. Oh, and let them pay for that expensive move, of course.

6. Ooops, looks like swampy is definitely bursting at the seams, so let's do some brain-storming again... why not put DM back into full service...? Perhaps we should order some airlines to move back to DM - at their own cost, of course. Which ones shall it be? Let's throw some dice or pull straws.

I wonder how this saga is going to end.

Actually growth was frighteningly close to AOT's predictions back in 2004. A lot of people I know, including myself were skeptical, but keep in mind the original plan had the second terminal opening in 2012.

Unfortunately, within a month of the coup in 2006, AOT was instructed by the transport ministry to put all expansion plans on hold. Despite their best efforts under the interim and successive governments, they could not get full approval until last year - so the original 5 year plan runs from 2012 to 2017 instead of 2007 to 2012.


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If other airlines use Don Muenng it should mean a slight price drop in flights due to lower Terminal tax from this airport give a competive rates with other airlines as well.. What about the plan to have a express train inbetween the 2 airports for transit passengers???

Actually, right now the plan is that the fee will be identical to Suvarnabhumi - that's the reason Scoot decided to remain there, they couldn't see the logic in moving for just a few months discounts, the possibility of picking up transits from other carries was better where they were.

(I saw some poster quote the Nation's colour summary on that - but it is incorrect I think. The discount on Don Muang has already ended and was only available to the first few anyway).

If it does reduce (which I doubt) it will probably reduce at both. Part of the high fee at Suvarnabhumi has always been because they had to keep Don Muang open and maintained for the RTAF (and the VIP terminal). There was an argument about it in 2008, as AOT wished RTAF to pay for all the maintenance on runways, taxiways etc, and AOT would leave permanently. The RTAF insisted they didn't have the budget to do it.


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I for 1 are wishing for Air Asia, to go Direct to U.K. what a blessing and what a wake up shock it would be for other carriers.

I have been to many Travel companies to get prices to U.K. varies a bit---Emireates and Etihad around 43,000 bht return. (865 pounds)

My friend in london is pricing the same airlines and is quoted 28,000 bht (565 pounds) who is putting the difference in the pocket ??? I am trying to get answers, but none so far. Thai 65,000 bht without promotion, 1,300 pound.

So roll on competition here ---seems to be a fix on high prices in Thailand.

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I for 1 are wishing for Air Asia, to go Direct to U.K. what a blessing and what a wake up shock it would be for other carriers.

I have been to many Travel companies to get prices to U.K. varies a bit---Emireates and Etihad around 43,000 bht return. (865 pounds)

My friend in london is pricing the same airlines and is quoted 28,000 bht (565 pounds) who is putting the difference in the pocket ??? I am trying to get answers, but none so far. Thai 65,000 bht without promotion, 1,300 pound.

So roll on competition here ---seems to be a fix on high prices in Thailand.

One of the routes AirAsiaX ditched was KL to Stanstead, obviously wasn't making money for them and it surely wasn't for lack of trying. We're going to use the last of our Frequent Flyer points to get to UK this year and going to go back to UK-BKK return.

We have a complex situation where we have to go to UK once a year to see family and Aus once a year because that's where our investments, superannuation fund, insurance and legal things are. Getting to Aus and back is easy, one way tickets at good prices on a couple of discount airlines, but to UK we're pretty much stuck with returns on full service airlines. And they're much cheaper from UK than from here.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

At least you didn't have to walk 2 miles through a shopping mall to get to your gate. WiFi actually worked in the gate area. Air conditioning actually worked in the gate area.

Sorry but the "shopping mall" thing does not stack up as an argument. DMK had plenty of duty free shops back in the day - run by King Power no less - and pretty much every major airport in the world is littered with them. SVB is no different in this respect.

You didn't have to worry about a fake arrest/extortion scam if you were window shopping while waiting for your flight.

Ah, yes, that old chestnut. Before I go on, has anybody here ever fallen victim to this "scam"? Does anybody know anybody who has? I read the same story you did about the old couple who were "arrested" and seemingly extorted. I'm not saying they weren't extorted - they almost certainly were. But didn't King Power release CCTV footage which actually showed them shoplifting?

Again, I'm not saying the scam didn't happen - I can easily believe it did - but making it sound as though it's something that happens regularly to people is simply ridiculous. It doesn't. Oh, and King Power - the people who extort people for window shopping in your mind - also run (and ran) the duty free outlets at DMK, so please explain how that makes DMK a better airport.

Let's not forget the taxi mafia was far far worse at DMK - you were practically swamped with people hassling you when you exited. It was awful.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

In every respect SVB is a far superior airport. Seriously, why the love for DMK? (I'm willing to bet that at least half the people on here who slate SVB and wish for the good old days of DMK used to slag the hell out of DMK when it was our sole airport).

I have many fond memories of DMK, that great bar on the 1st floor,they brewed their own beer, Swampy always feels threatening, with it's frighteningly designed stainless steal ceilings. I never slagged DMK off and used to travel too and from there for more than 15 years. I LOVE DMK!

I will definitely agree with you on the microbrewery. At the end of Terminal 2, it was a great place to have a few pre (or post) flight beers. The Billy Bentley between the two terminals was also a pretty decent place to have a drink. SVB definitely lacks a good pub.

Having said that, once you went through immigration there were pretty slim pickings.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

In every respect SVB is a far superior airport. Seriously, why the love for DMK? (I'm willing to bet that at least half the people on here who slate SVB and wish for the good old days of DMK used to slag the hell out of DMK when it was our sole airport).

Perhaps it's because the Thailand we were flying into was simpler & more-exotic, less overcrowded & overpolluted, than it now is. And we'd love to go back to those days. Simple nostaligia in fact. smile.png

I certainly feel that way myself, without for-a-moment begrudging the Thai people the material-benefits, of modern 'civilised' life. wai2.gif

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Of course it is entirely subjective but for me it is nostalgia plain and simple. Any logical arguments (not that I've seen any yet) just don't stack up.

I've lived here over 18 years and I used to hate DM - I couldn't wait for SVB to open. For me DMK was one of the worst airports of any major capital I'd been to.

But, each to their own.

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Why DMK? Because it isn't a great sterile shopping mall. Because when you arrive it smells like Thailand should smell rather than smelling like all the other 'international' airports.

Ah, yes, Don Muang smelt like Thailand and not like an airport. Of course. Food stalls, grilled chicken, traffic fumes, sewage....all of those things noticeably absent from the airport that had some trolleys and duty free shops to smell.

I stick with the nostalgia explanation - your post just backs that up for me.


Edited by josephbloggs
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Yes! Love Don Muang.

At least you didn't have to walk 2 miles through a shopping mall to get to your gate. WiFi actually worked in the gate area. Air conditioning actually worked in the gate area.

Sorry but the "shopping mall" thing does not stack up as an argument. DMK had plenty of duty free shops back in the day - run by King Power no less - and pretty much every major airport in the world is littered with them. SVB is no different in this respect.

Ah, yes, that old chestnut. Before I go on, has anybody here ever fallen victim to this "scam"? Does anybody know anybody who has? I read the same story you did about the old couple who were "arrested" and seemingly extorted. I'm not saying they weren't extorted - they almost certainly were. But didn't King Power release CCTV footage which actually showed them shoplifting?

Again, I'm not saying the scam didn't happen - I can easily believe it did - but making it sound as though it's something that happens regularly to people is simply ridiculous. It doesn't. Oh, and King Power - the people who extort people for window shopping in your mind - also run (and ran) the duty free outlets at DMK, so please explain how that makes DMK a better airport.

Let's not forget the taxi mafia was far far worse at DMK - you were practically swamped with people hassling you when you exited. It was awful.

King power in so many cases are NOT duty free, local shops are cheaper, the rip off starts on arrival and ends on departure with them. What they want is serious competition. example 7-11 1 or 2 bht dearer but what a business they do, they stopped many overcharging.

Just to add Udon airport 1 bag of LAY--potato crisps marked at 20 bht (pepsi Co ) sold at 35 bht--the lady said it's because it's the airport Ha Ha. same as airport can of coke buy in at 11 bht---shop price about 15 bht airport price 50 bht, <deleted>

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King power in so many cases are NOT duty free, local shops are cheaper, the rip off starts on arrival and ends on departure with them. What they want is serious competition. example 7-11 1 or 2 bht dearer but what a business they do, they stopped many overcharging.

Just to add Udon airport 1 bag of LAY--potato crisps marked at 20 bht (pepsi Co ) sold at 35 bht--the lady said it's because it's the airport Ha Ha. same as airport can of coke buy in at 11 bht---shop price about 15 bht airport price 50 bht, <deleted>

Yes, I agree completely. I remember retail prices at DMK used to be expensive so I was looking forward to a change and genuine competition when SVB opened........but the AoT in all their wisdom handed control of ALL commercial space to King Power. Ridiculous really.

Many years ago retail prices at Heathrow were much higher than Central London. Books, confectionary, beer etc. If I remember correctly a law was passed that effectively ended this practice. I would love such a thing to happen here but it is highly unlikely.

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King power in so many cases are NOT duty free, local shops are cheaper, the rip off starts on arrival and ends on departure with them. What they want is serious competition. example 7-11 1 or 2 bht dearer but what a business they do, they stopped many overcharging.

Just to add Udon airport 1 bag of LAY--potato crisps marked at 20 bht (pepsi Co ) sold at 35 bht--the lady said it's because it's the airport Ha Ha. same as airport can of coke buy in at 11 bht---shop price about 15 bht airport price 50 bht, <deleted>

Yes, I agree completely. I remember retail prices at DMK used to be expensive so I was looking forward to a change and genuine competition when SVB opened........but the AoT in all their wisdom handed control of ALL commercial space to King Power. Ridiculous really.

Many years ago retail prices at Heathrow were much higher than Central London. Books, confectionary, beer etc. If I remember correctly a law was passed that effectively ended this practice. I would love such a thing to happen here but it is highly unlikely.

The opening of the new airport was indeed an opportunity to permit other operators to open shops, and bring in some competition between vendors, which for some curious reason was totally thrown away by AAT.

I wonder who was in power, and taking a close personal interest in the airport, when that decision was made ? Fairly easy question, I'm afraid ! Someone who'd already gone on record as saying, it was every Thai's patriotic duty, to rip off farangs whenever possible ! laugh.png

Not that the Dems might not also have gone that way, corruption being what it is, here. sad.png

Edited by Ricardo
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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

At least you didn't have to walk 2 miles through a shopping mall to get to your gate. ....

The longest gate-to-immigration walk is around 0.5 miles.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

At least you didn't have to walk 2 miles through a shopping mall to get to your gate. ....

The longest gate-to-immigration walk is around 0.5 miles.

That sir is an opportunity to race the rest of the aircraft passengers to the immigration queue. Nothing like the rest of the A380 piling in 20 seconds after you. Think of it as a marathon at full tilt.

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I used DM last week, I was quite impressed I must say.

I have been reluctant to use DM since it reopened, mostly because the last time that it "reopened" it was clearly a temporary measure and it was a mess. Now it seems very nice, some renovation has been completed and I'd be happy to use it again.

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Yes! Love Don Muang.

There are numerous posts like this. I just don't understand why people harp on about the good old days with DM being a far better airport. How quickly people forget. It was a horrible, dreadful airport. Too far away, horrible parking facilities, no mass transit option (I'm not counting Don Muang railway station), dark and dingy, terrible food and beverage outlets. It was awful.

At least you didn't have to walk 2 miles through a shopping mall to get to your gate. ....

The longest gate-to-immigration walk is around 0.5 miles.

WHY ??? I like it when some buses arrive on the apron, they by-pass the long walks and you get dropped off near Immigration, this happened on an Air Asia flight-prior to moving to DMK

What are you bragging about ??? half a mile is acceptable. dissabled--old persons not dissabled- kids with preggy mums-

and the rest. lets not be in denial about a planning fault. but defending an airport project with little forward thinking--and using cheap materials causing all sorts of problems, But who was in charge of all this at the time, and scanners come to mind, as well as duty free monopoly. Do you not understand why posters speak like this ??? I for one would love to be congratulating the government of the day for super insight.

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Why DMK? Because it isn't a great sterile shopping mall. Because when you arrive it smells like Thailand should smell rather than smelling like all the other 'international' airports.

Ah, yes, Don Muang smelt like Thailand and not like an airport. Of course. Food stalls, grilled chicken, traffic fumes, sewage....all of those things noticeably absent from the airport that had some trolleys and duty free shops to smell.

I stick with the nostalgia explanation - your post just backs that up for me.


I appear to be missing out on this airport "experience" every time I pass through Swampy, or DM for that matter.

Give me a quick transit through Immigration, bags already on the belt when I get there, and I am as happy as a pig in sh1t.

I am more than happy to miss the nostalgia and the sensory add-ons.

ps I am going to suggest to Skytrax that they add an additional category to their airport rankings - "Best/Worst olfactory experience ". coffee1.gif

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Seems OneWorld denies any intention to shift their member airline operations over to DMK...

Could be some farce saving exercises due shortly...

What does this post mean? It's written like some kind of conspiracy theory, "OneWorld denies any intention".

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What does this post mean? It's written like some kind of conspiracy theory, "OneWorld denies any intention".

It means, airlines belonging to the OneWorld alliance will not be moving their operations to DMK - contrary to what was reported in the media...

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As much as I welcome DMK back into real business...

a) the flood- theme is a bit troubeling.

b ) there is still no connection between the 2 airports. So arriving at DMK and departing from BKK (or vice versa) will still be risky!

Yes for a HUB Sh#t connection----TaT are you looking at my post ???

I am praying that one of these International airlines from DMK will go to Manchester. brill link then UDON-DMK to MAN

Cant see International airline wanting to do a MAN-DMK non stop, would be nice.
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best article I have read on swampy, runway closures are major problem.

Pretty old article that basically talks about some events after the opening of the airport. Otherwise many of the "problems" listed are common complaints at pretty much any airport in the world (bathrooms, wifi, long walks).

Edited by IsaanUSA
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