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Why Do Lao Expats Hate Thai Expats ?


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I think they can stay in Laos easier than the visa runners can stay in Thailand, and maybe there's less prostitution in Laos so it has a more business oriented image. I don't know though, that's just my perception.

Vientiane feels really international and a little Western compared to any Isaan city (which is where the visa runners are likely coming from).

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Avoid Vientiane as there is so many nice places to see without any french or western influence.(and not over run with westerners)

I recently came back enthralled after a 11 day and 1,800Km tour on a CRF 250 Honda, admittedly some of the roads are <deleted> and the drivers in the same category. Have been to the capitol VTE quite a number of times and it is becoming like any popular Asian getaway.

The beer Laos is great and Cambo beer is the same, heads and shoulders above what we have here.

Next trip from all reports is Myanmar, apparently the drop of nectar surpasses both the afore mentioned countries!

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Avoid Vientiane as there is so many nice places to see without any french or western influence.(and not over run with westerners)

I recently came back enthralled after a 11 day and 1,800Km tour on a CRF 250 Honda, admittedly some of the roads are <deleted> and the drivers in the same category. Have been to the capitol VTE quite a number of times and it is becoming like any popular Asian getaway.

The beer Laos is great and Cambo beer is the same, heads and shoulders above what we have here.

Next trip from all reports is Myanmar, apparently the drop of nectar surpasses both the afore mentioned countries!

I'm afraid you're in for a disappointment,Myanmar beer's not a patch on Anchor,Angkor or Beer Lao!sad.png

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Jealous ? Educated lao girls are still hard to get for foreigner,s so they can only get the ugly ladyboys....

Funny that as my last time there I had a 19 year old university student passing me bluetooth photos of her in her school uniform!blink.png

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To place everything in perspective here, it is not only Lao expats who display a low esteem towards Thai expats, because Thai expats themselves often have little regard for their own peers and have a sort of disdain for each other.

Firstly, including myself, many do not consider the forever tourists or visa runners as the OP describes them, as expats at all, but more rather as drifter foreigners of little wealth who are considered as the lower forms of life in the evolutionary scale of Thailand long term stayers.

There is also an extreme of mistrust between expats and it is difficult to get up close and befriend them, plus those of dubious nature, into some form of illegal activities or other, con men, the dodgy bar, business and property owners.

The problem is that expats cover a whole spectrum of characters; personalities, ages, persuasions and some are just simply oddballs who do not fit into any particular category. These various types do not always gel well together, therefore they intend to either keep a low profile and keep to themselves, only socialising among their own circles or within their own cliques or stay low doing a little bit or this and a little bit of that or whatever it is they do.

In my experience of working in Europe for over 25 years, I found that the expats living or working in any specific European country were as a whole much more hospitable, inclined to befriend and support each other more and in some areas could be described as real expat communities, the Brits, Germans, Americans, French and so on.

Those settling in Thailand for the first time and perhaps in some of the neighboring countries, will maybe as surprised as I was when they discover how remote many expats can be from each other and their attitudes here.

Many seem to bare an intolerance towards other expats. Perhaps because they feel that the chances are that these people will not be socially hospitable, they are encroaching on their territory or could be several reasons for which I do not understand.

Beetlejuice... You've just ruined a perfectly good thread with too much intelligence, too much common sense and too much realistic thinking....

A flawless response such as the above is a topic killer, didn't you know that ?......

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In the early 1990's I (as a Yank) stayed for almost 2 weeks on Lantau Island Hong Kong waiting to go to PR China. Everyday, walking to my hotel on a foot path through an open field, I passed the same guy and said Hello! and he walked past me as if I were a power pole. I asked the guys one day (all Brits) at the local bar why that was so. The answer:

Why should he say hello to you? He doesn't know what school you went to.

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I have to agree with Beetlejuice, most of the farang ex pats I encountered in Pattaya last month would not make eye contact and just seemed to pretend they didn't see me. I had the distinct impression they were wary of me.

On the other hand I was introduced to one or two ex pats in bars by the girls and they were fairly friendly but still a little stand offish.

Seems like they are a little afraid of new faces in town, though they weren't to know that me and my Thai Gf were just on holiday.

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Why should people be friendly just because you're the same race, speak the same language or come from the same country?

Especially if you're just passing through and they'll never see you again, most people can't be bothered.

Their loss I agree but that's their right isn't it.

If you offer to shout some drinks then you're more likely to get conversation if you really want it.

Edited by FunFon
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I visited vientienne about 4 years ago and again last week. There are now bar girls, the hotel rule of no Laos girls in the room has gone, tuk tuk drivers offerered me pot and ice. But the city has changed ten fold, big companies are actually setting up there like pizza hut and swensens.

Three girls approached me for P4P so maybe it's embarrasment that their country is evolving into a place where they have to feel a little embarassed when asked where they live.

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I can't tell you how little I care about what some expats in Laos think about me. They're welcome to think whatever they would like, and if they want to pre-judge me because I chose Thailand instead of Laos as a home, then that says much more about them than anything.

But if you must know, more than likely many of them are unsatisfied with their lives for one reason or another. This allows them to think to themselves, "well, my life might suck, but at least I'm not one of those Thai expats". If you're happy and content with your life, you're generally not going to be looking down on total strangers for ridiculous reasons.

Edited by Nautilus05
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To place everything in perspective here, it is not only Lao expats who display a low esteem towards Thai expats, because Thai expats themselves often have little regard for their own peers and have a sort of disdain for each other.

Firstly, including myself, many do not consider the forever tourists or visa runners as the OP describes them, as expats at all, but more rather as drifter foreigners of little wealth who are considered as the lower forms of life in the evolutionary scale of Thailand long term stayers.

There is also an extreme of mistrust between expats and it is difficult to get up close and befriend them, plus those of dubious nature, into some form of illegal activities or other, con men, the dodgy bar, business and property owners.

The problem is that expats cover a whole spectrum of characters; personalities, ages, persuasions and some are just simply oddballs who do not fit into any particular category. These various types do not always gel well together, therefore they intend to either keep a low profile and keep to themselves, only socialising among their own circles or within their own cliques or stay low doing a little bit or this and a little bit of that or whatever it is they do.

In my experience of working in Europe for over 25 years, I found that the expats living or working in any specific European country were as a whole much more hospitable, inclined to befriend and support each other more and in some areas could be described as real expat communities, the Brits, Germans, Americans, French and so on.

Those settling in Thailand for the first time and perhaps in some of the neighboring countries, will maybe as surprised as I was when they discover how remote many expats can be from each other and their attitudes here.

Many seem to bare an intolerance towards other expats. Perhaps because they feel that the chances are that these people will not be socially hospitable, they are encroaching on their territory or could be several reasons for which I do not understand.

Spot on I have myself been about a bit and working in other countries on contract construction and found most of us can get on OK .

I think part of that is because we are working together and are kept busy here is different as a lot of expats maybe because they don't have have much to do it can be boring and not to happy so makes them miserable and antisocial.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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