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Opinion Of "normal" People About Thaksin


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I invite you to come in my office and discuss with the southeners, if they are really neutral.

Alone mention Thaksin and they run crazy.....

All of these Thais the farangs claim are anti-Thaksin are really NEUTRAL.

If you had an election with Thaksin against anyone else, these people would not vote against Thaksin and for the other candidate. Instead, they would simply NOT VOTE AT ALL.

A classic example is Bush versus Kerry. Regardless of all the people and polls and protests that said they hated Bush, when it came to election time, these people ultimately did not even bother to vote at all because they didn't like Kerry and his HATE-MONGERING campaign (like the opposition is doing) either. Hence, Bush won.

Hence Thaksin would still win any election. He's not perfect, but he's the BEST CANDIDATE OUT THERE. And DEMOCRACY BEATS ANARCHY (when mobs attempt an overthrow everytime they don't like an elected candidate).

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I invite you to come in my office and discuss with the southeners, if they are really neutral.

Alone mention Thaksin and they run crazy.....

All of these Thais the farangs claim are anti-Thaksin are really NEUTRAL.

If you had an election with Thaksin against anyone else, these people would not vote against Thaksin and for the other candidate. Instead, they would simply NOT VOTE AT ALL.

A classic example is Bush versus Kerry. Regardless of all the people and polls and protests that said they hated Bush, when it came to election time, these people ultimately did not even bother to vote at all because they didn't like Kerry and his HATE-MONGERING campaign (like the opposition is doing) either. Hence, Bush won.

Hence Thaksin would still win any election. He's not perfect, but he's the BEST CANDIDATE OUT THERE. And DEMOCRACY BEATS ANARCHY (when mobs attempt an overthrow everytime they don't like an elected candidate).

I agree, they probably hate him in the South. But I think they would have hated anyone who happened to be PM at the time of the Muslim unrest. However, this Muslim extremism is happening all over the world at the same time with no country having found a solution.

Otherwise, I think most people are either pro-Thaksin or neutral (will complain but wouldn't bother voting either way).

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they tell he made the unrest of the muslims together with the USA.

I don't know much about the muslim unrest but I was in the south when taksin fight against the drugs and that was scary. I heared guns every night.....

My wife tells almost all their vote for the democrates, even if the democrates would put a dog as their canditate they would vote for it.

I invite you to come in my office and discuss with the southeners, if they are really neutral.

Alone mention Thaksin and they run crazy.....

All of these Thais the farangs claim are anti-Thaksin are really NEUTRAL.

If you had an election with Thaksin against anyone else, these people would not vote against Thaksin and for the other candidate. Instead, they would simply NOT VOTE AT ALL.

A classic example is Bush versus Kerry. Regardless of all the people and polls and protests that said they hated Bush, when it came to election time, these people ultimately did not even bother to vote at all because they didn't like Kerry and his HATE-MONGERING campaign (like the opposition is doing) either. Hence, Bush won.

Hence Thaksin would still win any election. He's not perfect, but he's the BEST CANDIDATE OUT THERE. And DEMOCRACY BEATS ANARCHY (when mobs attempt an overthrow everytime they don't like an elected candidate).

I agree, they probably hate him in the South. But I think they would have hated anyone who happened to be PM at the time of the Muslim unrest. However, this Muslim extremism is happening all over the world at the same time with no country having found a solution.

Otherwise, I think most people are either pro-Thaksin or neutral (will complain but wouldn't bother voting either way).

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I think sex tourists don't like him because he's shortening the closing hours of the nightlife venues.

ya just gotta get your little crusade message into every post, eh? that's so funny:o

It's amazing that the farangs here mostly supposedly seem to know Thai people who are anti-Thaksin.

Not so amazing, really. If you read people's responses, it includes a whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. I think you'll also find many people's responses including knowing people that are both pro and anti-Thaksin.

Every single Thai person I know is either pro-Thaksin or neutral.

I'd encourage you to get out more than so that you might meet and get to know this whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. They are everywhere and so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Some relatives are on the fence but can't think of a better alternative. They say Abhisit is less corrupt, but I ask how do you know, and they agree - all Thai politicians are at least a little corrupt.

Khunying Jaruwan said it best when she remarked that Thaksin has taken corruption to unprecedented levels.

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It's amazing that the farangs here mostly supposedly seem to know Thai people who are anti-Thaksin.

Not so amazing, really. If you read people's responses, it includes a whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. I think you'll also find many people's responses including knowing people that are both pro and anti-Thaksin.

Every single Thai person I know is either pro-Thaksin or neutral.

I'd encourage you to get out more than so that you might meet and get to know this whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. They are everywhere and so it shouldn't be too difficult.

An election will ultimately determine who is right and who is wrong, not polls whether formal or informal.

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It's amazing that the farangs here mostly supposedly seem to know Thai people who are anti-Thaksin.

Not so amazing, really. If you read people's responses, it includes a whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. I think you'll also find many people's responses including knowing people that are both pro and anti-Thaksin.

Every single Thai person I know is either pro-Thaksin or neutral.

I'd encourage you to get out more than so that you might meet and get to know this whole cross-section of Thai society that currently dislike Thaksin. They are everywhere and so it shouldn't be too difficult.

An election will ultimately determine who is right and who is wrong, not polls whether formal or informal.

The election, no matter how many months and months it will take to finalize, will have precious little to do with "right" and "wrong"...

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The election is BS. If you think thsi election shows anything, you really need to wake up.

Thaksin choosing to run this elction on April 2 is totally a selfish act.

First it's two weeks before the songkran holiday so many people will not go home to the countryside to vote. They would rather use their precious little vacation time for their families. (Thaksin is a selfish pig)

Second should the election be later, Thai people actually might have time to think about Thaksin. Thaksin is rushing this so the Thai people have no time to think about this. Most Thai people don't even know why there is an election now anyways. (Thaksin is a selfish pig)

Third having the election before families get together to talk about life etc keeps information that is available to people in the cities away from the the country people and so their vote again involves no consideration of the issues. The people need information to make decisions but Thaksin won't let them have it. ( Thaksin is a selfish pig)

Thaksin is using the uneducated people as his sheep. They are blind.

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In today's Nation someone wrote:

A number of well educated, intelligent and mature individuals from many walks of life recently signed and presented a petition to His Majesty the King.

They are the elite. The real elite, not the bunch of ageing kunyings with massive hairdos clutching LV bags.

Also "elite special forces" seems positive.

how many educated elite are there in thailand? hint : a lot more than 100.

you shouldn't be hanging on to every word the Nation chooses to publish. having their opinion put in print doesn't make it anymore real.

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An election will ultimately determine who is right and who is wrong, not polls whether formal or informal.

Apart from John's comment, it increasingly looks like the elections won't bring any result at all for a long time. What will that prove?

That is was wrong to call them in the first place.

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Most of you asked friends/colleagues and relatives bwout their opinion about Thaksin or should he go. I did so to and than I asked them who they would vote for......you'll be suprised 80% will still vote for him;

no alternative at hand.....he is not a good person but good for Thailand...

that were the reasons.......

So it looks he will be back and I might say, well deserved....

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how many educated elite are there in thailand? hint : a lot more than 100.

you shouldn't be hanging on to every word the Nation chooses to publish. having their opinion put in print doesn't make it anymore real.

Dude, that was about the connotations of the word "elite" in response to Brtimaveric. I just gave an example of a positive connotation. No need to jump on me for that.

You brought up an interesting idea though - could you find us any "elite" Thai who defends Taksin with reasonable arguments, and not on the government's payroll, like Suranand and Surapong, however nice and clever blokes they are.

That would be interesting. Taksin must have some support somewhere outside uneducated public circles.

We might compare their arguments and enrich our own little discussion here.

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Sounds like a lot of the anti-PM folks have thrown in the towel before the game has even started. What happened to all the "Thaksin has lost most of his support" type posts?


He has lost tremendous amounts of his support, unless you honestly believe he'll get 19 million votes on April 2nd. Personally, I believe the "No Candidate Party" will get a lot of those votes. That ever-growing party, along with the vast numbers who will support the "No Show Party" by not voting at all will show this "election" for the sham that it is. As per usual, your misintepretation of many people's points doesn't do you justice, but that's ok.


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Sounds like a lot of the anti-PM folks have thrown in the towel before the game has even started. What happened to all the "Thaksin has lost most of his support" type posts?


He has lost tremendous amounts of his support, unless you honestly believe he'll get 19 million votes on April 2nd. Personally, I believe the "No Candidate Party" will get a lot of those votes. That ever-growing party, along with the vast numbers who will support the "No Show Party" by not voting at all will show this "election" for the sham that it is. As per usual, your misintepretation of many people's points doesn't do you justice, but that's ok.


An excellent capitulation speech John. Short and to the point. Nice conversion from the "most" theme to a very vague "tremendous" as well. It's okay!


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Sounds like a lot of the anti-PM folks have thrown in the towel before the game has even started. What happened to all the "Thaksin has lost most of his support" type posts?


He has lost tremendous amounts of his support, unless you honestly believe he'll get 19 million votes on April 2nd. Personally, I believe the "No Candidate Party" will get a lot of those votes. That ever-growing party, along with the vast numbers who will support the "No Show Party" by not voting at all will show this "election" for the sham that it is. As per usual, your misintepretation of many people's points doesn't do you justice, but that's ok.


An excellent capitulation speech John. Short and to the point. Nice conversion from the "most" theme to a very vague "tremendous" as well. It's okay!

Less of a misrepresentation than your own insertion of the word "most" when no one has been saying that. But that's ok as well... it's just in keeping with your normal "style".... the only thing missing from your typical post was some back-handed slap at impoverished Thai people.


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What happened to all the "Thaksin has lost most of his support" type posts?

Yeah, what happened? I haven't even seen those.

People have been saying that he has lost support in Bangkok, or among middle classes, or among intellectuals, or among Thai elite, but not exactly your wording.

BTW, what exactly were the conditions for resignation Taksin set during his Sanam Luang rally. Less than half of 19 mil votes he got last time, or less than votes against him?

It might just happen. According to polls estimates his support is at around 10 mil now.

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10 mil are arround half of 19 mil

somehow unbelivable that he lost that many.....

What happened to all the "Thaksin has lost most of his support" type posts?

Yeah, what happened? I haven't even seen those.

People have been saying that he has lost support in Bangkok, or among middle classes, or among intellectuals, or among Thai elite, but not exactly your wording.

BTW, what exactly were the conditions for resignation Taksin set during his Sanam Luang rally. Less than half of 19 mil votes he got last time, or less than votes against him?

It might just happen. According to polls estimates his support is at around 10 mil now.

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They made projections comparing last year and this year poll results.

I've found it, it's even less than 10 mil:

Meanwhile, a Rangsit University poll conducted on March 8-9 shows that the popularity of a "major" political party has plunged from about 10 million supporters to about seven million.

Of the 724 respondents in Bangkok and 1,539 in other provinces, about 32 per cent also said they would tick the "no vote" box in the April 2 election.

The university said the popularity plunge of this "major" party was based on comparison with a poll conducted about a year ago, when the party won 53 per cent of the vote in the last general election.

However, only 22 per cent of respondents said in the latest poll that they would still vote for the No-1 party, which got a total of bout 19 million votes in the last general election.


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I have the stong felling that the polls are all fake....

My wife is reporting that Thaksin bashing is getting famous.

If you come from Isaan, don't know anything, but you want to show how smart you are and that you know whats going on, than you tell some bad things about Thaksin.

But maybe thats a minority, but I can not tell how people feeling....

They made projections comparing last year and this year poll results.

I've found it, it's even less than 10 mil:

Meanwhile, a Rangsit University poll conducted on March 8-9 shows that the popularity of a "major" political party has plunged from about 10 million supporters to about seven million.

Of the 724 respondents in Bangkok and 1,539 in other provinces, about 32 per cent also said they would tick the "no vote" box in the April 2 election.

The university said the popularity plunge of this "major" party was based on comparison with a poll conducted about a year ago, when the party won 53 per cent of the vote in the last general election.

However, only 22 per cent of respondents said in the latest poll that they would still vote for the No-1 party, which got a total of bout 19 million votes in the last general election.


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I have the stong felling that the polls are all fake....

My wife is reporting that Thaksin bashing is getting famous.

If you come from Isaan, don't know anything, but you want to show how smart you are and that you know whats going on, than you tell some bad things about Thaksin.

But maybe thats a minority, but I can not tell how people feeling....

Wife: Isaan, several years of college and many years work experience in America, now working on bachelor's degree at Ram.

Strongly pro-Thaksin. Often yells at TV.

As you say, Thai bashing might be becoming fashionable.

Back home in Seattle (USA), if people from New York got on television and said people from Seattle voted for ______ because we were from Seattle and were ignorant and stupid, we would react by continuing to be proud to be Seattlites and be even more determined to vote for _____. However, I don't know if people here think that way. They might want to change their vote just to show that they are "educated". I hope only a minority would do so. If they are anti-Thaksin, I hope it is based on the issues.

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4 sisters in law, wife, all uni grads, anti-Thaksin.

Pa, 73 years old, retired renowned fisherman,decided the government controled news was all cr@p and decided to get cable tv. Now watches Sondhi religiously. Pa also has Sondhi's VCD's.

Ma used to like Thaksin but probably was given a political crash course by Pa. Ma cares too much about her family but not politics.

Thai friend, owns business, now anti-Thaksin and still wonders how I knew he wouldn't finish his term.

Local bar plays ASTV near the food shops for all to see.

Most neighbours don't have cable but I guess they get the audio from my wife constantly watching ASTV wit the volume at 10. :o

I caught my Issan neighbour saying "Thaaaksin" yesterday while doing her laundry.

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The wife hates Thaksin with a passion (hates Sondhi and Chamlong nearly as much).

Her brothers go with her opinion, they always do to stay out of harm... :o

Two villages up north, the one where she was born, the other she moved when we bought land there, are both very pro Thaksin.

Most of my Thai friends from Bangkok are anti Thaksin, but they are the sort of gangsters that Thaksin always mentions to be against him anyhow. So, i guess they don't really count. :D

My neighbors are pro Thaksin.

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