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Tops Supermarked Cm.. $$$


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I seem to remember reading that plants were able to absorb more nitrates and nitrites from 'natural' fertilizers than from chemical ones, raising the levels of those significantly. I don't know if it's really true, nor if that 'significant' number really means anything in the long run. But I did find it amusing that people might be spending more money to buy Organic foods thinking the 'chemical levels' would be lower!

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Chortle chortle. I can't remember what Desperate Dan used to say. Dandy was so down-market; I was always a Beano girl myself tongue.png

It's the new editing feature - I didn't want to quote massive slabs of text unnecessarily and thought that there may be too many people who wouldn't understand the >> at the beginning of each line of quoted text, so changing the colour of the text seemed best way to have text I was quoting go in-line rather than at the top. I much prefer it that way, then the part of the original I'm referring to in my response is in do doubt so there is less chance that I will be taken out of context by careless reading (or mischievous malevolence). I thought making it red was a little bit too forward so decided on a lighter shade of black.

I did experiment with various shades of grey (although not 50, I hear it's a very badly written book). giggle.gif

My reply was ready with lightening speed wit but my internet dropped out blink.png
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Chortle chortle. I can't remember what Desperate Dan used to say. Dandy was so down-market; I was always a Beano girl myself tongue.png

Down-market is my style, never was a Lord Snooty fan.

Dan said nothing, he was too busy eating cow pie. biggrin.png

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Chortle chortle. I can't remember what Desperate Dan used to say. Dandy was so down-market; I was always a Beano girl myself tongue.png

Down-market is my style, never was a Lord Snooty fan.

Dan said nothing, he was too busy eating cow pie. biggrin.png

I think it was Haw Haw or something. Anyway, was having a look for it (as you do) and found this. I really am lost for words.

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Chortle chortle. I can't remember what Desperate Dan used to say. Dandy was so down-market; I was always a Beano girl myself tongue.png

Down-market is my style, never was a Lord Snooty fan.

Dan said nothing, he was too busy eating cow pie. biggrin.png

I think it was Haw Haw or something. Anyway, was having a look for it (as you do) and found this. I really am lost for words.

Yeah, you see, can't tell a book by looking at the cover. Portrays himself to the world as a hard, mean guy, but a philanthropist to the core. I suppose you're Minnie the Minx? laugh.png

Was in Rimping today looking for something, seems to be lots of young staff hanging around. Not quite sure for what because they had no idea what it was I asked for........and no, I didn't know the Thai name, but Rimping prides itself on supplying the ex-pat community, so they might start by providing their staff with some very basic language skills first.

Edited by uptheos
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