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Sonkran (Sense Of Humour A Must)


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...I have devised a secret devise which I have almost completed building. It comprises of a battery operated pump (all water sealed to prevent suicide), whereby I can can turn my moped in to a water canon, blasting water through pressure outlets on my moped...

What plans if any have you to protect yourself

My plan is to stay out of your way.


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Why can't people just let thais enjoy themselves in thier own country (home) instead of gatecrashing and getting in a huff about the way they live thier lives. When in Rome....

I don't mind Thais or anyone else enjoying themselves and throwing water at each other. it's the ignorant morons who throw water at travelling motor bikes etc.Nobody should be forced to do anything they don't want to, whether it's to do with Songcran or anything else.

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There are videos of large crowds of Thais going crazy throwing water back in the 1950s. Don't blame foreigners.


"Sonkran is basically where the Thai chuck freezing cold water at each other" That's what it has turned into and foreigners have promulgated it into the water chucking melee that it is !

here's another one, maybe from the fifties also

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There are videos of large crowds of Thais going crazy throwing water back in the 1950s. Don't blame foreigners.


"Sonkran is basically where the Thai chuck freezing cold water at each other" That's what it has turned into and foreigners have promulgated it into the water chucking melee that it is !

here's another one, maybe from the fifties also

Uhm.....Mountain Bikes and Japanese Pickups...In the fifties...Methinks nineties :)

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Sorry but I am not going to search for hours on end to find the video, but it has been posted on Thai Visa before and it is full of Thai adults pelting each other with water back in the 1950s - no Westerners - no tourists.

My guess is that this photo is even older.


Given the Willy's Jeep being driven by Thais in the picture, the chances are rather slim that the picture was taken before the 1960's, let alone the 1950's.

Pardon me, but the poster of the image was drawing you attention to the Thais throwing water at each other, I realise that this is hard to see, when your looking at the the age of the jeep.


Calm down old boy,

I was addressing the comment that the photo may be even older than the 1950's. The Jeep may have begun production in the early 40's but US military build-up in Thailand (and therefore Thai access to large quantities of US military hardware) didn't begin until the 60's.

Whether water throwing during Songkran was invented by Thais or Farangs is a silly question as far as I'm concerned. It's a hot country, Thais like to have fun and be silly, especially when drunk.

Adults in Thailand were probably finding excuses to give each other wet shirts whilst drinking alcohol long before Songkran was ever invented.

Edited by Trembly
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my plan is to find you and test your stupid idea

I will post the time and date of my expected location as well as a pic, so you can recognise me.

i will know you because you are so stupid in your thinking

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I'm sure the OP would be happy if a bunch of Thais moved to his home country and belittled the public holidays that his countrymen hold dear.

Your right, the Thais that come to England, are most savvy at hunting for bargains on Boxing Day, along with others. Boxing day used to be so relaxing now it has descended into chaotic shopping.

BTW, I didnt mean offence by my post and apologise if you do feel offended.

Theres that sense of humour were talking about.

The Thais that I know in the UK celebrate Christmas Day, New Years Eve, Songkran and all the Bank Holidays. They use any chance they're offered to have a good time rather than whining about things that they're not accustomed to.

We both agree that I am not accustomed to having a bucket of freezing cold water thrown at me, while minding my own business on a Chiang Mai street, regardless of what holiday is being celebrated. As for whining, I have already said, not much of that this year, just pay back if attacked.

just keep off the road and stop your stupid thinking , as usual you talk shit

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Fact: I will not be hunting Yai and Dar down with a water canon and soaking them into hyperthermia.

Little chance of that in Thai summer and you're not intending on warming them up. There's a big difference between:

Hyperthermia - defined as elevated body temperature

Hypothermia - defined as a body temperature of less than 35°C

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