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Baby Doesn't Want To Eat After Moving To Bangkok

Mrs Jones

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As a father of 5 I am utterly astounded that you have a child that has a dry nappy 3 days in and you have not booked him into a decent hospital. Dehydration can be fatal. A forum is NOT the place to seek medical advice. Please take your child to hospital. As for the utterly idiotic advice that "A mother will always know when something is wrong' - Sure that is why people go through 6 years of medical school right?

Get your child to hospital!

His nappy was dry or dryer than usually not after 3 days but on the next day after arrival. I have seen a doctor.

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Electolyte?----I use "O-lyte". Do not know if good for babies. You can check ingredients. I settled on this because it seems to have less sugar than the others.

Vaccinations? I would not do it---ever for me or my childfren More harm than good (if any), but you may have a different opinion, might think, as some doctors do, that big pharma is your friend.

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Electolyte?----I use "O-lyte". Do not know if good for babies. You can check ingredients. I settled on this because it seems to have less sugar than the others.

Vaccinations? I would not do it---ever for me or my childfren More harm than good (if any), but you may have a different opinion, might think, as some doctors do, that big pharma is your friend.

Not vaccinating children borders child abuse.
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Electolyte?----I use "O-lyte". Do not know if good for babies. You can check ingredients. I settled on this because it seems to have less sugar than the others.

Vaccinations? I would not do it---ever for me or my childfren More harm than good (if any), but you may have a different opinion, might think, as some doctors do, that big pharma is your friend.

Not vaccinating children borders child abuse.

It's worse than that, because it abuses other people's children as well by putting them in danger of catching infectious diseases that have been to all purposes eliminated (are you old enough to remember polio?) but are now coming back, because of the mistaken notion that vaccinations are harmful.

The major source of the idea that vaccinations are harmful came from a fraudulent scientific paper (that is where the data was made up, to give a false conclusion, on purpose, in order to deceive). The doctor responsible was struck off (forbidden to practice medicine ever again) in the UK, and the paper was retracted (admitted to be wrong and withdrawn) by the journal - the Lancet.

Read about it here http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/01/british-medical-journal-charges.html Most important gist below:

'A 1998 paper linking autism to vaccines, which set off a panic about childhood vaccination that continues today, was based on data falsification, according to an investigation by a journalist at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) who has spent years examining the original research. In a harsh editorial that calls the paper "fraudulent," BMJ editors recommend that other publications by the senior author, gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, be scrutinized because "past experience tells us that research misconduct is rarely isolated behaviour."

" A 2002 studyfailed to replicate the findings; the British General Medical Council spent 2.5 years investigating and a year agoconcluded that Wakefield's conduct was "dishonest" and "misleading." The Lancet retracted the paper, and Wakefield lost his license to practice medicine in the United Kingdom."

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how many children do you have?

Talking to me?...We have 1.

Sorry op for swaying off topic. It just peeves me when some think they know more than the medical/scientific worldwide community who have spent billions of dollars and millions of hours studying, and they're all wrong according to some.

Edited by krisb
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I moved to Bangkok 3 days ago with my 1 year old and he refuses to eat anything. He accepts apple juice and nothing else, no formula, no fruit, no bread, ready made food, anything he liked. He gets dehydrated, his nappies are dry after whole day of having them on, He is really irritable and cries very often. I saw a doctor because he had fever at night, and he got him paracetamol, but nothing else. Did anyone else had similar experience? Any advuce?

Settled down now ? Hope so ?

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sounds like things are on the improve.

You might want to check our BAMBI Bangkok, which is a expat focused mothers organisation, and a good way of meeting other new mums in Bangkok. All the best for your stay.

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