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Is My Wife Joking ?


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The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

Is this really possible ? Often during discussion with Thais it seems many are not aware of events, current or historical, which are common knowledge amongst foreigners.

Have others experienced the same ? Is this unique amongst Thais ? What explains this lack of information ? Is it simply disinterest ? I'm at a loss to find a reason ?

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Considering Thailand sent forces to Iraq....I find it very surprising that she doesnt know about it...especially as she is educated.....even the thickest of BG's know about 9/11 and subsequent attacks....somebody is pulling somebody's leg methinks.

Edited by gburns57au
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hhmmm.....I've considered that feigning ignorance could be a way of avoiding a particular topic which they either a) don't want to talk about, or :o don't feel qualified to talk about. If it was an isolated incident I'd think she was joking, but it's not the first time for her or others.

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Hitler, who is that? :o

I ask my wife about Hitler, and she says who :D

Like Brit says i have found alot(not all) Thais dont care or worry what goes on outside Thailand. I wish i could be like this :D

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Recently we had family come to visit from Australia. I took them to the Burma-Thai railway, Hellfire pass etc. My wife said to me "Tuky, why Japan win the war? Farang big size but Japan man small size?"


Even though those horrors took place in Thailand I think Britmaveric summed it up.

Thailand is the center of the universe for most Thai(s). smile.gif
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Recently we had family come to visit from Australia. I took them to the Burma-Thai railway, Hellfire pass etc. My wife said to me "Tuky, why Japan win the war? Farang big size but Japan man small size?"


Even though those horrors took place in Thailand I think Britmaveric summed it up.

Thailand is the center of the universe for most Thai(s). smile.gif

I'm glad your missus agrees with mine "size counts". :o

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same same

hitler great army leader, did many good things :D

But belive he was german :D

good luck for me austrian :D

Shall I tell her he was from Austria??

"Ooh Hitler is from Australia, did not know that!"

"No no Austri.... Aehm I mean yes he is from Australia, he loved Kangeroos :o "

Just asked the missus:


The ami want the oil :D


Heil Hitler! :D

My wife told me that they killed so many Japanese in the south, that the Japanese Army was so weak that the chinese could win easily.

That must be the lastest knowlege, because I learned it a little bit different in school.....

Recently we had family come to visit from Australia. I took them to the Burma-Thai railway, Hellfire pass etc. My wife said to me "Tuky, why Japan win the war? Farang big size but Japan man small size?"


Even though those horrors took place in Thailand I think Britmaveric summed it up.

Thailand is the center of the universe for most Thai(s). smile.gif

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Recently we had family come to visit from Australia. I took them to the Burma-Thai railway, Hellfire pass etc. My wife said to me "Tuky, why Japan win the war? Farang big size but Japan man small size?"


Even though those horrors took place in Thailand I think Britmaveric summed it up.

Thailand is the center of the universe for most Thai(s). smile.gif

I think you will find there were far more Thai and other Asian (coolies) people killed cutting that land and building that railway than there were British, Australian etc.

I dont find it hard to believe that people here in Thailand choose not to educate themselves on the facts of modern or ancient history but you will find that many Thai people know alot about such events and historic figures (good and bad).

Dont generalize it as a Thai state of thinking because it is not. ie. Thailand centre of the universe etc. I find that very condosending towards the Thai people in general.

Cheers Noodles.

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not suprised in the slightest

Thai seems to have a total disinterest for affairs not concerning Thailand. I know this is a complete stereoptype but i feel it is the general trend. On the news too. There will be a short burst of intrnational coverage in no great depth (after the Thai coverage naturally) but the main emphasis is usually on some truck driver getting caught with someting or an explosion in the south or something other crap like a woman jumping off a roof.

This seems the way for the west too, I spoke to my dad back in the UK. Knew noting of any political unrest in Thailand. He is getting on a bit though:) I guess contries in general have their own interests best at heart. (did the Thais fight against hitler/japan?)

When the south starts bombing Bangkokyour wife will know about terror and it will all make sense (with a little (or lot) explanation regarding religion, the American's giving Jew's what the palestinians considered their homeland after the 2nd world war.........and the general hatred that has bred an era of terror. not just recent either......)

(PS Thai sent forces to iraq to appease bush - not to let the the Thai people know how great they are (!?!?!?!?!?!?) _I might be wrong but i think their army isn't up to much and it was a purely token gesture. Bush is Sith lord and leader of the fourth reich who will probably be assassinated to establish martial law in the US, all possible IMHO but i don't think the majority see it that way! Try telling your wife they blew up their own world trade towers and explain that, now that will really confuse her. My next worry is iran. China diagree and only need to step in and things could get ugly

Just looked on yahoo today and 51 UK firms in iraq. The UK and US have made a serious and i mean SERIOUS amount of money ie billions/ not millions......no idea about Thailand though.


PS got some great avi videos on conspiracy - looks like they worked on me! :o

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Recently we had family come to visit from Australia. I took them to the Burma-Thai railway, Hellfire pass etc. My wife said to me "Tuky, why Japan win the war? Farang big size but Japan man small size?"


Even though those horrors took place in Thailand I think Britmaveric summed it up.

Thailand is the center of the universe for most Thai(s). smile.gif

I think you will find there were far more Thai and other Asian (coolies) people killed cutting that land and building that railway than there were British, Australian etc.

I dont find it hard to believe that people here in Thailand choose not to educate themselves on the facts of modern or ancient history but you will find that many Thai people know alot about such events and historic figures (good and bad).

Dont generalize it as a Thai state of thinking because it is not. ie. Thailand centre of the universe etc. I find that very condosending towards the Thai people in general.

Cheers Noodles.

Although I hate to generalize, but its bloody true. History/Geography and current world events really isn't that important to them. The teaching is lacking I'm afraid. :D Any consolation I don't have a clue myself what is going on when I'm in country, don't use computer, read paper or even watch the news.

Edited by britmaveric
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The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

Is this really possible ?

One more thing, I think this is a fine example of why the "can't fail" system in Thai university should be changed.

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The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

Is this really possible ?

One more thing, I think this is a fine example of why the "can't fail" system in Thai university should be changed.

It says more about how they see themselves and primary school than a tertiary education.

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not suprised in the slightest

Thai seems to have a total disinterest for affairs not concerning Thailand. I know this is a complete stereoptype but i feel it is the general trend. On the news too. There will be a short burst of intrnational coverage in no great depth (after the Thai coverage naturally) but the main emphasis is usually on some truck driver getting caught with someting or an explosion in the south or something other crap like a woman jumping off a roof.

This seems the way for the west too, I spoke to my dad back in the UK. Knew noting of any political unrest in Thailand. He is getting on a bit though:) I guess contries in general have their own interests best at heart. (did the Thais fight against hitler/japan?)

When the south starts bombing Bangkokyour wife will know about terror and it will all make sense (with a little (or lot) explanation regarding religion, the American's giving Jew's what the palestinians considered their homeland after the 2nd world war.........and the general hatred that has bred an era of terror. not just recent either......)

(PS Thai sent forces to iraq to appease bush - not to let the the Thai people know how great they are (!?!?!?!?!?!?) _I might be wrong but i think their army isn't up to much and it was a purely token gesture. Bush is Sith lord and leader of the fourth reich who will probably be assassinated to establish martial law in the US, all possible IMHO but i don't think the majority see it that way! Try telling your wife they blew up their own world trade towers and explain that, now that will really confuse her. My next worry is iran. China diagree and only need to step in and things could get ugly

Just looked on yahoo today and 51 UK firms in iraq. The UK and US have made a serious and i mean SERIOUS amount of money ie billions/ not millions......no idea about Thailand though.


PS got some great avi videos on conspiracy - looks like they worked on me! :o

Aren't you a racist beotch check your facts jack. The British were in charge of Palestine after the war. What color is the sky in your world.

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fully agree with you, but writing such things about USA, and very soon the mod deletes it, because not thailand related or because he is an ami, or maybe bush also controls the mods here :o

not suprised in the slightest

Thai seems to have a total disinterest for affairs not concerning Thailand. I know this is a complete stereoptype but i feel it is the general trend. On the news too. There will be a short burst of intrnational coverage in no great depth (after the Thai coverage naturally) but the main emphasis is usually on some truck driver getting caught with someting or an explosion in the south or something other crap like a woman jumping off a roof.

This seems the way for the west too, I spoke to my dad back in the UK. Knew noting of any political unrest in Thailand. He is getting on a bit though:) I guess contries in general have their own interests best at heart. (did the Thais fight against hitler/japan?)

When the south starts bombing Bangkokyour wife will know about terror and it will all make sense (with a little (or lot) explanation regarding religion, the American's giving Jew's what the palestinians considered their homeland after the 2nd world war.........and the general hatred that has bred an era of terror. not just recent either......)

(PS Thai sent forces to iraq to appease bush - not to let the the Thai people know how great they are (!?!?!?!?!?!?) _I might be wrong but i think their army isn't up to much and it was a purely token gesture. Bush is Sith lord and leader of the fourth reich who will probably be assassinated to establish martial law in the US, all possible IMHO but i don't think the majority see it that way! Try telling your wife they blew up their own world trade towers and explain that, now that will really confuse her. My next worry is iran. China diagree and only need to step in and things could get ugly

Just looked on yahoo today and 51 UK firms in iraq. The UK and US have made a serious and i mean SERIOUS amount of money ie billions/ not millions......no idea about Thailand though.


PS got some great avi videos on conspiracy - looks like they worked on me! :D

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The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

Is this really possible ? Often during discussion with Thais it seems many are not aware of events, current or historical, which are common knowledge amongst foreigners.

Have others experienced the same ? Is this unique amongst Thais ? What explains this lack of information ? Is it simply disinterest ? I'm at a loss to find a reason ?

When my wife & I were first dating, I mentioned something about Neil Armstrong and the Moon landing. She was only dimly aware of the event and a Bonn Univ. grad.

Go figure... :o

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Neil Armstrong, I thought he was a famous Jazz musican, did not know that he was on the Moon as well


The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

Is this really possible ? Often during discussion with Thais it seems many are not aware of events, current or historical, which are common knowledge amongst foreigners.

Have others experienced the same ? Is this unique amongst Thais ? What explains this lack of information ? Is it simply disinterest ? I'm at a loss to find a reason ?

When my wife & I were first dating, I mentioned something about Neil Armstrong and the Moon landing. She was only dimly aware of the event and a Bonn Univ. grad.

Go figure... :o

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I've spent twelve years working in an office of over three hundred Thais, nearly all graduates and a number with higher degrees. I'm currently working with three Thais (all with masters degrees).

It never ceases to surprise me when gaps in their education and general knowledge show-up.

I also work with Malaysians, Singaporeans and Japanese. What is clear is they have a far broader education than the Thais.

I agree with those above who say we should not judge all Thais by these observations, but I think we can make an assessment of Thailand's educational system.

Thailand's newspapers have a remarkably low readership. Book reading in Thailand is practically non existent (in comparison with Singapore, Japan, the Philippines) and way way behind Europe.

I do not believe this is any racial/cultural trait, nor do I believe it is an accident.

Thailand's educational system has been manipulated by the Thai military who have opposed at ever level any changes to bring critical thought into the education system.

Years of learning by rote, produces people who don't question and who are bored to death of education.

Of course we can all find Thais who read and are open minded, capable of clear critical thought. But take a ride on any Thai bus, any Thai train - virtually nobody has their head in a book or a newspaper. Perhaps a comic or more likely texting on their mobile.

Edited by GuestHouse
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one of my staff who studied something technical explained me that he know that ball bearings can be also calculated but it is so difficult that noone is doing it. He wanted to show that he is smart because he know that it is possible.

I think there are some universities where you have only to sit and pay to get your degree....

I guess there is a bigger variety, because I know some people with excellent knowlege.

Or many earned their degree in the copy-shop, that would be also an option.......

I've spent twelve years working in an office of over three hundred Thais, nearly all graduates and a number with higher degrees. I'm currently working with three Thais (all with masters degrees).

It never ceases to surprise me when gaps in their education and general knowledge show-up.

I also work with Malaysians, Singaporeans and Japanese. What is clear is they have a far broader education than the Thais.

I agree with those above who say we should not judge all Thais by these observations, but I think we can make an assessment of Thailand's educational system.

Thailand's newspapers have a remarkably low readership. Book reading in Thailand is practically non existent (in comparison with Singapore, Japan, the Philippines) and way way behind Europe.

I do not believe this is any racial/cultural trait, nor do I believe it is an accident.

Thailand's educational system has been manipulated by the Thai military who have opposed at ever level any changes to bring critical thought into the education system.

Years of learning by rote, produces people who don't question and who are bored to death of education.

Of course we can all find Thais who read and are open minded, capable of clear critical thought. But take a ride on any Thai bus, any Thai train - virtually nobody has their head in a book or a newspaper. Perhaps a comic or more likely texting on their mobile.

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Actually i think Thai news is far more international than a lot of news served up in the USA. International news there means something that happened outside their particular state!

But why would women who basically had a subsistence farming existence before 'escaping' to BKK or Pattaya know or be expected to know about world events? Many can barely read in their own language. Ask people of similar educational backgrounds in England or the USA and I doubt they could tell you very much about the war in Iraq or the so called 'war on terror' either!

Most Thai people I know of university education seem reasonably informed of world events and very well informed of current and historical affairs in SE Asia. Thailand is a developing country so most people get an education of a level below that of the west. this is true of all developing countries - although countries where international politics is relevant to their locality tend to have a far more politicised and aware population (i.e the middle east!). Thailand is relatively conflict free (at the moment!) so these issues generally don't resonate with the wider population.

Edited by mittheimp
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Has it occurred to anyone that a large part of the reason "us" Westerners know about all these things is because we did either them or that our Govt's TOLD us they were important events and that our knowledege relates mainly to the "West".........and in the cases of the World Wars we started them :o.

Not to say that the Thai Educational system is up to much of course..............

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Has it occurred to anyone that a large part of the reason "us" Westerners know about all these things is because we did either them or that our Govt's TOLD us they were important events and that our knowledege relates mainly to the "West".........and in the cases of the World Wars we started them :D.

Not to say that the Thai Educational system is up to much of course..............

Guess I should ignore all of the Asian History (unrelated to west I might add) I was taught at Uni! :o

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My gf and her friends all know about Iraq and they told me what they think of bush to hehehehe

This sounds like more of a Thai bashing thread, Yeah there education standards arent the best in the world, there media doesnt shove things down there throats like what we get. So what, does that mean there all stupid? (like some of you are trying to say)

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Has it occurred to anyone that a large part of the reason "us" Westerners know about all these things is because we did either them or that our Govt's TOLD us they were important events and that our knowledege relates mainly to the "West".........and in the cases of the World Wars we started them :D.

Not to say that the Thai Educational system is up to much of course..............

Guess I should ignore all of the Asian History (unrelated to west I might add) I was taught at Uni! :o

So you did a degree with an asian history module - thats hardly typical! What's your point?

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Here in Australia, I never miss the evening news on television, she sits alongside me cleaning her fingernails or sewing. She's just not interested.

When travel programs come on, she becomes interested but wouldn't have a clue where in the world these countries are. She has trouble finding Thailand on the world map.

In Thailand, she never reads the daily newspapers except for the lottery results.

When the Thai news comes on television, she is only interested in what province is flooded or which movie star is divorcing her husband.

She knows very little about politics and world events but she amazes me with the depth of her knowledge on other things.

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My gf and her friends all know about Iraq and they told me what they think of bush to hehehehe

This sounds like more of a Thai bashing thread, Yeah there education standards arent the best in the world, there media doesnt shove things down there throats like what we get. So what, does that mean there all stupid? (like some of you are trying to say)

I highlighted the mistakes in red. Corrections are as follows:

1st mistake: "Too" not "to"

2nd mistake: "their" not "there"

3rd mistake: "their" not "there"

4th mistake: "their" not "there"

5th mistake: "they're" not "there"

I am just having a laugh man, no harm intended. Just joking! :D:o

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My gf and her friends all know about Iraq and they told me what they think of bush to hehehehe

This sounds like more of a Thai bashing thread, Yeah there education standards arent the best in the world, there media doesnt shove things down there throats like what we get. So what, does that mean there all stupid? (like some of you are trying to say)

I highlighted the mistakes in red. Corrections are as follows:

1st mistake: "Too" not "to"

2nd mistake: "their" not "there"

3rd mistake: "their" not "there"

4th mistake: "their" not "there"

5th mistake: "they're" not "there"

I am just having a laugh man, no harm intended. Just joking! :D:o

Their, there, they're is all the same to me, i only use there.

Are you a english teacher???

i bet you are :D

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