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Bird Flu: W H O Alerts Globe On Flu Spread In China


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WHO alerts globe on flu spread in China

The Nation

World Health Organisation has closely monitored the spreading of influenza A(H7N9) virus in China.

In the global alert, WHO said that it is in contact with national authorities and is following the event closely. The WHO-coordinated international response is also focusing on work with WHO Collaborating Centres for Reference and Research on Influenza and other partners to ensure that information is available and that materials are developed for diagnosis and treatment and vaccine development.

"No vaccine is currently available for this subtype of the influenza virus. Preliminary test results provided by the WHO Collaborating Centre in China suggest that the virus is susceptible to the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir)," it said.

Saying that there is no evidence of ongoing human-to-human transmission at this time, WHO does not advise special screening at points of entry with regard to this event, nor does it recommend that any travel or trade restrictions be applied.

To date, a total of 16 patients have been laboratory confirmed with influenza A(H7N9) virus in China; of these, six people have died.

China has killed chickens, ducks, geese and pigeons in Shanghai to contain the flu spread.

More than 520 close contacts of the confirmed cases are being closely monitored. In Jiangsu, investigation is ongoing into a contact of an earlier confirmed case who developed symptoms of illness.

The China Post reported today that six suspicious cases of influenza were reported in Taiwan and tested for the H7N9 strain. Four of the cases were not H7N9 and two are still to be confirmed.

-- The Nation 2013-04-06

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Why can't greatest country in the World China with the smartest people solve this problem? I notice they always have the same flu BS. Do you think the Chinese are doing this them selves to make money?

Maybe this is Germ Warfare? Started by the Free Tibetan Movement and the Dali Lama?

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I believe its a combination of chance, large agricultural sector, and close contact with farm animals and love of chickens.

!.3 billion people, most in the agricultural sector, gives them lots of chances for contact with birds.

the number of patients at 16 seems to be holding. if the patient count starts to go up, then its time to keep an eye on whats happening.

keep your fingers crossed and my thought to the families of those in contact :(

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

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Many flu strains start in China, particularly in southern China where pigs, chickens and other animals are raised in close quarters with people. The different strains of viruses have a good chance of recombining and jumping the species barrier.

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

Wanna bet

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

I will add to that. Today i read that WHO has acknowledged that China is doing it right this time with its transparency and response. The delayed notification was probably to devise a concerted response, understandably so to prevent a panic.

I was in Shanghai at the peak of SARS, and it is very clear and acknowledged by public health officials that the Chinese have learnt from the SARS debacle and are trying to do the right thing this time.

Just for the record before the

China bashers infect this thread.:P

Edited by doggie888888
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At least this is happening in a country that can and is dealing with it the right way this time around. Could you even imagine how they would or should I say would not deal with it in some othe Asian country like India or even Thailand for that matter.

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At least this is happening in a country that can and is dealing with it the right way this time around. Could you even imagine how they would or should I say would not deal with it in some othe Asian country like India or even Thailand for that matter.

what you talking about?

Problems with Thailand or India?

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Another nonsense headline - stating some 16 people (from more than 1 billion) got flu? Gee, bet snotty nose kids in Harlem or Sydney or Capetown can do better than that without the WHO getting a write up. What a crock of crap and then saying they have not found a vaccine at this time. Bloody hell, give me strength to deal with such sheer stupidity.

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Another nonsense headline - stating some 16 people (from more than 1 billion) got flu? Gee, bet snotty nose kids in Harlem or Sydney or Capetown can do better than that without the WHO getting a write up. What a crock of crap and then saying they have not found a vaccine at this time. Bloody hell, give me strength to deal with such sheer stupidity.

This is not any old flu this is what's termed the bird or avian flu which so far has only been transmitted from birds to humans if it starts to be transmitted from human to human we are all in big trouble as at this point about 60% die who get infected. That is why they are so concerned about it and WHO is involved even though so far only 16 people that they know of are infected. So what they are doing is not sheer stupidity it would be if they did not do anything about it.

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

I will add to that. Today i read that WHO has acknowledged that China is doing it right this time with its transparency and response. The delayed notification was probably to devise a concerted response, understandably so to prevent a panic.

I was in Shanghai at the peak of SARS, and it is very clear and acknowledged by public health officials that the Chinese have learnt from the SARS debacle and are trying to do the right thing this time.

Just for the record before the

China bashers infect this thread.tongue.png

I am in China right now and this is correct what your saying, they are taking this very seriously and are doing what is needed to deal with it.

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I do hope they learn the first time, like so many of you we deep down have our doubts because China has a history of hiding things from the world. Maybe it a lose face issue but like another poster wrote this has been going on for a month now and I believe there are a few case reported in Vietnam?

They are just now killing chickens etc...and such I wonder like last time how many have already been sold before they started. Only time will tell if they learn anything from the last time?

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There is a lot of information which needs to gathered about this strain of the flu. How many people have caught it, but have either had a very mild case or no symptoms at all? It may be quite dangerous or it might not...but always better to err on the side of caution.

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Why can't greatest country in the World China with the smartest people solve this problem? I notice they always have the same flu BS. Do you think the Chinese are doing this them selves to make money?

Maybe this is Germ Warfare? Started by the Free Tibetan Movement and the Dali Lama?

Because if you scratch the surface of 'modern' China you'll find many of the problems of 'old' China, an impoverished 3rd world country beset by inadequate infrastructure, poor sanitation, dubious hygiene, and ill health.

Plus, the sheer mass of humanity means if anything goes wrong, it goes wrong 'big time.Remember no individual, no country, no organisation is greater than their weak part.

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I saw a television news report in HK a few days ago saying a young girl returning from Shanghai is ill in hospital with H7N9 . The authorities in HK are taking this outbreak of a flu strain with no vaccine seriously with daily updates and advice on what preventive precautions to take .

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

That's unfair. Even ex-PM Thaksin admitted mistakes over bird flu

"Thailand's prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, today admitted to "mistakes and human errors" amid international accusations that his government covered up an outbreak of bird flu. "The current situation has reminded us that even when we were so mindful of those past lessons, mistakes and human errors could always be possible," he told a regional emergency bird flu summit, alluding to last year's battle against Sars."


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China in its efforts to catch up economically with the West has in affect poisoned its water, air, land, and people. Worse outcomes are expected as the Chinese don't seem to have the ability to scale back what has become an Ecological Nightmare there. I reference Thousands of dead Pigs, and Ducks in the Rivers . Did they all decide to commit suicide by drowning?

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China in its efforts to catch up economically with the West has in affect poisoned its water, air, land, and people. Worse outcomes are expected as the Chinese don't seem to have the ability to scale back what has become an Ecological Nightmare there. I reference Thousands of dead Pigs, and Ducks in the Rivers . Did they all decide to commit suicide by drowning?

Now In China's Rivers: Decomposing Humans


There's plenty on film of what you reference above, however, it is just beginning to come to the attention of outsiders (devils) that human corpses populate the rivers and waterways of the PRChina. Locals along the river make a living as "Body Fishermen" getting the human corpses out of the water because the authorities won't do the messy job; they instead pay the 'body fishermen' to bring in the constant presence of human corpses in the rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs.

The dead pigs and dead ducks in the waterways, ponds and reserviors of the PRChina are reappearing. Farmers used to sell livestock killed by disease to gangsters who then sold the cuttings as food to populations in other villages. The police finally were forced by Chinese public opinion to crack down on the practice, which then largely ceased.

However, the livestock farmers now haven't any place to quickly dispose of animal carcasses killed by disease, so the livestock farmers are dumping the carcasses into any nearby waterway, to include reservoirs. Check it out if you can hack it, i.e., photo observer discretion is advised (referring of course to all CCP's and their fellow travellers).



Then there's the gross pollution of the waterways, ponds, reservoirs, lakes, streams:


If you press the button that's behind the ear of every CCP they will recite to you that the United States is the cause of all of the ills of the PRChina, from Falun Gong to inflation to infectious diseases to earthquakes - you name it. The CCP's PRC is closed to information from the world, so the Boyz in Beijing can teach anything they want in the schools and on state owned operated media, such as Central China Television (CCTV) or in print media.

There's a lot more in the PRChina that the mortal menace of bird flu.

Edited by Publicus
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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know ZhouZhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

I will add to that. Today i read that WHO has acknowledged that China is doing it right this time with its transparency and response. The delayed notification was probably to devise a concerted response, understandably so to prevent a panic.

I was in Shanghai at the peak of SARS, and it is very clear and acknowledged by public health officials that the Chinese have learnt from the SARS debacle and are trying to do the right thing this time.

Just for the record before the

China bashers infect this thread.tongue.png

I am in China right now and this is correct what your saying, they are taking this very seriously and are doing what is needed to deal with it.

Yes, this is a very serious matter. Sorry people like locationinthailand do nit think so. The kill or death rate is very alarming and comparable to say eboli. The fear with flu strains is the ability to mutate or suddenly spread rapidly. With that kill rate, stuff like this has the potential of being about as bad as it gets with no cure or way to stop.

If China is going to WHO and treating thus seriously, you can damn well bet it us a big deal and there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

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Exactly F40. A very serious fatality rate.

Needs to be addressed properly and it looks like the PRC is doing that. By last account, no human to human transmission has been confirmed, 16 known cases, and 500+ known to have been in contact under close observation. That is taking this situation in a serious manor.

lets cross our fingers and a quick prayer to those presently infected.

If human to human transmission occurs, we're in some deep kimchee. :(

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Good to see the Chinese authorities working on it to get it under control.

Yes its very good to see the Chinese working on the problem , they waited a month to let the rest of the world know about it, as the first out break happened first week of March, as you know Zhou Zhou most families have poultry around the house, I think the chinese authorities are sh!!t scared of the peoples reactions if they are asked to destroy them, like riots

Yes, the Chinese let the world know.

From the others who don't you will never hear about it.

I will add to that. Today i read that WHO has acknowledged that China is doing it right this time with its transparency and response. The delayed notification was probably to devise a concerted response, understandably so to prevent a panic.

I was in Shanghai at the peak of SARS, and it is very clear and acknowledged by public health officials that the Chinese have learnt from the SARS debacle and are trying to do the right thing this time.

Just for the record before the

China bashers infect this thread.tongue.png

I am in China right now and this is correct what your saying, they are taking this very seriously and are doing what is needed to deal with it.

The only reason, is the WHO are looking over the chinese shoulders , all the way, after that debacle a decade ago , i don't blame them

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