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Why Do Farang And Thai Split Up


Did your marriage or long-term relationship with a Thai fail?  

75 members have voted

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse. I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse. I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

You are gong to be popular with the women here mate :o

I like your post - funny, but probably true - if thats what makes you happy mate... well done, I think all us blokes "deep" down want the same thing :D

I love the line - The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.


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Just had our 4th anniversary in November. No dowery, small wedding no fuss.

My wife is from a fairly well to do family in Samutsakorn. She was a sales exec. with Mececedes in Bangkok.

After some initial culture friction/shock years ago to date my wife appears to be devoted to me works very hard here and on projects we have in Bangkok.

I tell her that some day when I'm older I will go to live with the monks in India near Buddha's birth place and she can have everything.

She doesn't like that idea and said she want's to take care of me when I get old.

I tell her taking care of an old man is a waste of time. When I'm old I just want to see Buddha's face.

The more detached I get the more attached she seems to get.

I allways loved playing hard to get. HEHEHE... :o

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and could easlly be in Penthouse.
This, I cannot judge without picture, and also how big is your trash bin?
I am the boss, my word is law.

I believe you, but can you ask your Penthouse-lady, to confirm it, in writing or like a pink-slip?

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I am currently married since Sep 1995 to a Thai wife who has been the most possitive thing to ever happen in my life.

I think the number one cause of failed marriages between any two people is that one or both of them is unwilling to compromise and fully respect their partners needs and wants.

Number two would be infidelity by either or both. I know that is the 30+ years that I have been visiting Thailand, most of the failures have been due to the farang not wanting to give up his skirt chasing and to be fully faithful to the woman he asked to be his lifetime partner. I'd say 60% of the failures would fall into this catagory and perhaps most of the other 40% would be that the Thai partner would continue to be unfaithful while the farang/expat was in his home country and away from her. Many of those infidelities occur because of non financial or inadequate support for the wife.

From my personal experience few of the Thai wives have been unfaithful after they were legally married unless provoked by their husbands infidelity or non-support.

Just my opinion. Please do not pay much heed to my opinion; I never do. Just trying to voice my opinion of what I have personally experienced.

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas USA

Visiting Pattaya Beach since 1971

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It is now 70/30

Total 35 votes.Not really representative I would say.

During my 30 years of visiting Thailand and having contact with Western/Thai communities in many countries, I am convinced that the reality is the other way around.

Nice to hear that I do have collegues in happiness.

For the ones who married/gf a maid,sorry for you.

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse. I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

Rather like training a puppy...and get one from a reasonable pet shop. :o

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I am currently married since Sep 1995  to a Thai wife who has been the most possitive thing to ever happen in my life.

I think the number one cause of failed marriages between any two people is that one or both of them is unwilling to compromise and fully respect their partners needs and wants.

Number two would be infidelity by either or both.  I know that is the 30+ years that I have been visiting Thailand, most of the failures have been due to the farang not wanting to give up his skirt chasing and to be fully faithful to the woman he asked to be his lifetime partner.  I'd say 60% of the failures would fall into this catagory and perhaps most of the other 40% would be that the Thai partner would continue to be unfaithful while the farang/expat was in his home country and away from her.  Many of those infidelities occur because of non financial or inadequate support for the wife. 

From my personal experience few of the Thai wives have been unfaithful after they were legally married unless provoked by their husbands infidelity or non-support.

Just my opinion.  Please do not pay much heed to my opinion; I never do.  Just trying to voice my opinion of what I have personally experienced.

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas USA

Visiting Pattaya Beach since 1971

Agree. Agree.

I also think most men are comparatively more selfish irrespective of whatever race.

From my personal experience few of the Thai wives have been unfaithful after they were legally married unless provoked by their husbands infidelity or non-support.
This is what I see too.
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IT, this kind of post makes me unhappy.

My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse. I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

Especially this line, :o

The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

I strongly believe that the idea of being married is more than just serving your partner but companionship.

The one I would get married to would be one who could inspired me and fullfill my missing piece as a humanity.

One who I can share love ,life , interest and passion with. One who would laught together and cry together.

One who you go home for a big hug on your bad days and a big kiss for your big night ( Jerry Mcquire -- you completed me!) :D

Back to topic, why do farang and thai spit up?

The factors of couple breaking up are universal; bad sex, grow apart, dont get along, unfaithful etc. Trying to make relationship works is not easy particularly cross cultural relationship ones which need more efforts on communication, cultural and ethic backgrounds differences.

Although the differences might be causing the break up,I personally think love is something between two people. If they are happy together, they stay if no, they spit up.

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse.  I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

  The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

Rather like training a puppy...and get one from a reasonable pet shop. :o

Perhaps he would prefer one spayed as well? :D

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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse.  I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

  The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

Rather like training a puppy...and get one from a reasonable pet shop. :o

Perhaps he would prefer one spayed as well? :D

I think being spayed wouldn't be included in his job specification for her... he might want puppies to sell. :D

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No need to be serious, Candyflip.

There are lots, lots & lots of men who like to dream and to boast about how a boss they are in the family. Mostly in reality it's a different story.

I guess (maybe I'm wrong) that Nam Kao here is just trying to express how perfect his Thai wife is.

So please don't be unhappy. OK na kup? :o

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My parents have been married 30 something years. My (Thai) mum can be as mad as a cut snake (as only Thai women seem to know how). My (Australian) dad can be clueless with the Thai cultural side of things, which drives my mum and me up the wall. I often wondered when I was younger how they held things together.

But then as I grew up I noticed a few things. My mum is smart, a good business woman and is outgoing and flexible. My dad is good at his job too and is a smart man. He is also flexible. Dad loves mum, and mum loves dad. They do stuff together and Together they make a great team. For me, thats what it is all about. Finding someone to take on all the challenges of life together.

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I guess (maybe I'm wrong) that Nam Kao here is just trying to express how perfect his Thai wife is.
I wonder if his loyal, obedient wife feels the same way about him.
Together they make a great team. For me, thats what it is all about.

That's more like it.

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Why does anyone split up / There is always a problem that is not being communicated to the other...or sometimes is and is not being heard. Maybe the guy who's wife could be a penthouse pet, has not told him yet how pissed off she is that he is a lazy arse who cant even take out the garbage. Mate, watch your self, she will be out of there in an instant if you are not careful. Thai women are not stupid as you make them out to be.

Candyflip......what can I say ?

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My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) Is older than me and we have been married for 6 years now, very happily. We spent 4 years in Oman and the last 2 years in our own home in England. I go to work daily for 10 hours with Saturday & Sunday off. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) does not work but in return keeps house and cooks. At the weekend we shop together and she meets with her friends. Sure we have our ups and downs and we look after each other when one of us gets sick. The thing is, we LOVE each other and because of this we will be together till the Grim Reaper calls. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) saw the movie 'SHE' yesterday - blimey she can't half hit hard!!!



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My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) Is older than me and we have been married for 6 years now, very happily. We spent 4 years in Oman and the last 2 years in our own home in England. I go to work daily for 10 hours with Saturday & Sunday off. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) does not work but in return keeps house and cooks. At the weekend we shop together and she meets with her friends. Sure we have our ups and downs and we look after each other when one of us gets sick. The thing is, we LOVE each other and because of this we will be together till the Grim Reaper calls. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) saw the movie 'SHE' yesterday - blimey she can't half hit hard!!!



They all hit hard :o

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My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) Is older than me and we have been married for 6 years now, very happily. We spent 4 years in Oman and the last 2 years in our own home in England. I go to work daily for 10 hours with Saturday & Sunday off. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) does not work but in return keeps house and cooks. At the weekend we shop together and she meets with her friends. Sure we have our ups and downs and we look after each other when one of us gets sick. The thing is, we LOVE each other and because of this we will be together till the Grim Reaper calls. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) saw the movie 'SHE' yesterday - blimey she can't half hit hard!!!




Maybe it's time for a newer model?

Rgrds and good luck

Mr Vietnam :o

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As with everything in any relationship in Thailand its about money

as long as you pay for everything for the wife, children, girlfriend, relatives, friends, hangers on, beggers on the street, bar tips, restaurant tips, taxes, police fines, corrupt officials, all food, repairs, brother dead, mother sick, friend of friend has emergency etc etc


If you believe this not to be true then stop paying - see what happens next


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My Thai wife is awesome, stays home, cooks, cleans, takes out the trash and

could easlly be in Penthouse.  I am the boss, my word is law.

What more could a man want?

  The key here is to get one from the countryside, nothing westernized - ex. from the city or tourist areas.

Rather like training a puppy...and get one from a reasonable pet shop. :o

Perhaps he would prefer one spayed as well? :D

Believe what Nam Kao is talking about here is one with traditional values - not a "Material Girl". In this I fully agree. As my grandmother used to say: "There's a pot for every lid" and what is "do-able" for some men does not turn on another.

My personal opinion is men who have successful relationships with Asian women & especially Thai are somewhat pre-disposed to the Orient in one way or another. If some dude comes to Thailand and spends his entire vacation/R&R in Pattaya etc. and takes home a Thai bride after only a short time the marriage will most likely fail.

Another key element in a successful relationship is interest in Thailand. Whether cultural, political, food or whatever. For example, if the farang does not like garlic-laced food he's doomed. If the farang does not accept the two-tiered price structure that exists in LOS, he's doomed. :D

Boon Mee

p.s. I too enjoy threads like this ######. W/O GP & the Gent over in the Bear Pit it's no fun anymore!

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One of my very good Thai Friends split up with her BF, American just weeks ago after having a 1 yr relationship.

We were very close family friends and shared many good times together.

She is 42 and he is around 55, I guess.

He is a nice guy and we never thought this will end up like this.

My Thai friend is the 3 rd GF of this American guy here in Thailand. He was having contacts with the 1st GF without telling my Thai friend and then all stores came up when things get heated up.

Basically the reason for them to split up is the hunger of my American friend towards physical relationships. Obviously, if you are 50 + yrs old and if your GF is in her 40?s, you can not expect a Mega Sex extravaganza with all 20 odd positions like with a 20+ Yrs old woman... I understood that my friend has expected like that and when things did not work out he has moved to his 1st love. (I am not sure how old she is?) :o

Well..This is the one and only ?Farang-Thai? relationship known to us that did not work out. We have many other friends and they are having a wonderful time together.

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Funny, there have been 1540 views on this forum and only 50 votes,...

Is it that most of the people viewing it have no relationship with Thai people, do not want to say whether it went sour or not (I thought it was anonymous, so do not be shy,...) or, beats me,...

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