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Dating Thai Girls (First Trip)


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I find the OP more than a little naive but he is a kid with little experience after all. No doubt she will be the first of many but he can’t see that yet. I loved the line about earning trust and then jumping the girl the first time they were alone. Misplaced trust?

Then again at his age, I seem to remember waiting more than a couple of days for sex felt like an eternity, so I devised a three date rule. If I didn’t get it by halfway through the third date, I would use reverse psychology and back off. Acknowledging I was probably not what they were looking for and they were too good for me, surprisingly seemed to work more often than it didn’t.

I also found it advisable to spend my evenings in the presence of less reserved female company. It helped to take the edge off. The angst of young love is so moving and at the same time so fleeting, I suggest we sit back and allow this story to follow its normal progression. Besides how many of you guys actually have experience being 21 in Thailand?

I did,

I was here as a 19 year old seaman many many years ago.

Man the girl was good, I had 4 happy endings and was pretty sore the next couple of days, lol.

Ahh that was good times.


Your girl sounds to be a nice one, good luck but take your time and don't rust things, you have time on your side.

I have a lovely wife, a caring mother and after her sister borrowed 5000 bath and asked my wife for more she told her when the 5000 bath is paid back then you can borrow again if needed.

She never asked since (I am still 5000 short).

If you got the right Thai woman, life is good.

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also you state relationships take time to build, 9 days was it. bahahaha

No muythai2013, the relationship was built online - the nine days was just to cement it.

Possible, but then I read this... sad.png

>>>>After 6 months (skyping 1 time per month), we agreed to meet in Bangkok airport.

I read in a postmodern novel that young people often talk via text-based chats which they sometimes complement with audio chats. I was fascinated by these possibilities that I learnt about through this work of fiction.

Edited by Morakot
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OP- you will fit in very well around here- we are all experts also! biggrin.png

I think your writing style is clear and enjoyable to read.

enjoy your Thai experiences but take it slow, because you don't yet understand what you are experiencing. I nearly made a huge mistake with my first year in Thailand and reading your post brings it all back rushing into mind. It was a great year with a great girl, but I simply didn't have the experience to judge what was going on and nearly got married to the wrong person.

And, have fun!

Edited by OxfordWill
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Ahh... the wonders of young puppy love.... wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

I just hope the OP will get along well with his new GF's Thai husband and the several children she likely has lurking at some relative's home. tongue.png

BTW, just what exactly are the odds of an 18-19-year-old girl from a small village 250 KM upcountry and presumably of part Laos background having a family with the substantial financial resources and property holdings typically required to get a student visa to the U.S.??? whistling.gif

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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To the OP :

There's a simple solution to all this,you have her facebook that she mysteriously 'appeared' on,all you have to do is check her friends list now.If she has lots of young,foreign boys like you on it then you know you are being played and it's time to run a mile!
I must admit it's a bit disturbing the whole being met at the airport with her Mother,sounds very much like a well-practised scam to me!blink.png

Hope this helps.

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A lovely little fantasy story, well done, I enjoyed reading it.

May I ask

Where she learned English (age 19)?

Where did she get the money and the VISA to spend a year in America (age 19)?

When making up a story, best to allow some room for credibility.

There are exchange student programs for high school kids. If you pass the exam, you can fly to country you picked without any expense because it's sort of scholarship. My friend spent 1 year in US at the age of 16. Don't worry about visa since host families abroad arrange it all.

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Aren't there many distant freelance programmer OPs falling in love with thai girls already, who then propose that they can work from anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection?

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This is by far my favorite piece of "advice":

"Do not cheat and do not lie. Her friends were finding me attractive and I could have hooked up with them, which I didn't do."

First of all, what nice friends she has. Assuming all this is true, people usually emulate the company they keep.

Again, assuming that entire 2 sentences is true, trust me, you will be WISHING you did hook up with those friends every few nights for years to come man, just believe me on this one.

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how many of you guys actually have experience being 21 in Thailand?

I do. And at 19 and 20...do I get a prize?

You actually make a valid point, I think and one I've thought of before when people comments about Thai women - a very young guy can often times have a rather different experience here than those even a mere 8 to 10 years older. This is not a crack at the old guys - I'm one - or a suggestion that having the experience of being young in Thailand is better in every way than what most people have, because in some ways it's not. But it is different.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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as well as making comparisons with western women.

yeah, just fyi, that wont work so well on this forum so best just relate your story without dragging other women down, m'kay.

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Its (very old) Thai tradition to have a parent present during dates

More often these days, she will just bring a good friend.

Who would show up at an airport alone, when all you had was a small amount of contact online with someone? Girl has to protect herself.

Its also an easy 'excuse' or buffer to keep any (potentially) unwanted physical contact.

I do feel sorry for all the people making comments in the thread lol. One's experience can be greatly different here when you are the same age and meeting a middle class girl who was taught to be a good girl

Sure, be smart and aware (like the FB comment). You do have to trust people at some point, or you will never find someone who is trustworthy.

.. and who said this was advice from him. 90% of the trolling relies on that to be fact. Dumbasses lol

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nice friends she has, trying to hook up with you behind her back.

you can judge a girl by the company she keeps


In fact, I like the quote "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future".

It has served me well in judging people.

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I have to say I liked this story. As far as I can see it is a success story, two people who have really found each other and may, in fact, stay together. There are not many success stories like this, Congratulations. A couple of questions though which remain unanswered. The most pressing one, really, is that every such budding relationship is of necessity a holiday one. This is in essence a degrading aspect for a Thai girl in the prudish Thai society. How do we make this palatable to her? And how do we keep such a relationship fresh if the togetherness is limited, at least for the time being, to holidays? I am not talking here about the down-and-outs from Isaan who just grab any prospect of getting away from their hole, although, luckily, there too things are slowly changing. No, I am talking about a Thai girl of stature, probably from Bangkok, a student etc. How to make this work? I appreciate the advice given here although admittedly the experience from one single relationship is a bit thin...

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