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Dating Thai Girls (First Trip)


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Alex 3948. A lovely story. I hope you will be very happy. You may have a good Thai girl there but just don't commit too many of your resources if you have them. It is not clear what your financial position is ? Presumably you have to return home to work and then how will that figure in the relationship. If you take her to your country it could be a mistake, too early. All the best.

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In fact I am not speaking by expertise, but rather by the first experience I had in this country and giving points that some travelers might find useful, as well as making comparisons with western women.

Your only mistake was posting on here,there are quite a few nobheads mate,and very direspectful too.

Agree who needs a baby to give advice totsl bull shit.

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nice friends she has, trying to hook up with you behind her back.

you can judge a girl by the company she keeps


In fact, I like the quote "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future".

It has served me well in judging people.


"Show me your friends, and i'll show you your future " NICE

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Your 10 points appear cut and pasted from some old internet article.

Perhaps they apply if you are seeking to date a Thai girl in her village in Nakon Nowhere.

But I can tell you the girls in the dating scene in Phuket are now rather liberated.

They are well groomed, smart and educated. And at least half of the ones I have dated have paid for their meal.

Why didn't you post a point about the importance of making sure you hand bath the feet of your girlfriends mother?

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It must feel like being the zookeeper with the welly boots who feeds fish to the penguins, being a troll on TV. All those upturned heads crowding around begging for more.

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Is that some kind of a joke ? .....as a westerm woman I had to comment!

rule 1 : Relations ships take time to build...same with western women

rule 4 : When you accept a Thai girl in your life, you accept her family and friends.......heuheu same with western women

Rule 5 : learn to speak any language your partner and family speaks...it works everywhere

rule 6 : Don t be greedy.....we, also don t like greedy men! trust me

Rule 7 : Thai girls will tell you exactly what you what you want to hear, and do what you want them to do...and she will only care about you (at least will make you think that), you are so happy since she didn't bother you with her sadness over her grandma s death...how convenient is that, you only had to worry about yourself..... but she cries when you left, that s so nice....crap....This is where thai girls are very smart....she ll let you think you rule...but she does

Rule 8 : men are expected to do the first move..sorry for being old school, but we also like it

and the best is number 9 : do not cheat and or lie....yep yep, it is world famous that western women love to be lied to and cheated

My gosh!! Sometimes I wish I couldn t read!

So what you are saying is that Thai women and Western women are the same except for Rule 7 - where thai women are bs artists?

wow you are very insightful- thanks smile.png

Dear Chonabot,

If you knew women as well as our OP, you would know we love bashing about other girls ;)

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Is that some kind of a joke ? .....as a westerm woman I had to comment!

rule 1 : Relations ships take time to build...same with western women

rule 4 : When you accept a Thai girl in your life, you accept her family and friends.......heuheu same with western women

Rule 5 : learn to speak any language your partner and family speaks...it works everywhere

rule 6 : Don t be greedy.....we, also don t like greedy men! trust me

Rule 7 : Thai girls will tell you exactly what you what you want to hear, and do what you want them to do...and she will only care about you (at least will make you think that), you are so happy since she didn't bother you with her sadness over her grandma s death...how convenient is that, you only had to worry about yourself..... but she cries when you left, that s so nice....crap....This is where thai girls are very smart....she ll let you think you rule...but she does

Rule 8 : men are expected to do the first move..sorry for being old school, but we also like it

and the best is number 9 : do not cheat and or lie....yep yep, it is world famous that western women love to be lied to and cheated

My gosh!! Sometimes I wish I couldn t read!

So what you are saying is that Thai women and Western women are the same except for Rule 7 - where thai women are bs artists?

wow you are very insightful- thanks smile.png

Dear Chonabot,

If you knew women as well as our OP, you would know we love bashing about other girls wink.png

I think I know them somewhat better..but bash away :)

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1) Relationships take time to build. If your girl is a genuine girl (not the kind of Pattaya bar girl), it will take time to build a relationship and feelings to appear for her. But it is worth the wait.

How do you know anything about Pattaya bar girls? You didn't mention being there in your report

She spent a year in America on a foreign exchange student program. What did she study and what does she work at now ? How come she had so many holidays.

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yay im post 100!!!!

edit.. Crap mist it by that much!!!

when i was 21 i was on a date and then i stood up form the seat we where sitting to stretched my legs and my then out of nowhere my gf came and sat down next to her with this strange grin on her face.

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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Give it a rest gentlemen and ladies or lady boys, homosexuals, lesbians, hermaphrodites, bisexuals, non gender specific or aliens... if he is truly being honest...good for him. If he's not shame on you for being sucked in and behaving like a pack of sharks...who really cares? He's not asking for your opinion or advice.

Take it as a little entertainment in your boring pointless lives.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Did the op attend the cremation?I find it very hard to believe the gf stayed on for the trip after her grandmother passed away!

Will never happen in a good family in Thailand or anywhere else in the world.

Has her friend also been an exchange student?

Sorry for being so distrustful ,must have been here too long?

My wife's grandmother was cremated months after her death - seems that this is the traditional style, at least according to this website - http://www.catandnat.com/pages/content/thai-funerals-checklist#.UWRS6asd5Gg

The body is traditionally kept for another 50 days or more before cremation but this practice is dying out. Prayers are usually chanted every 50 days until the body is cremated.

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<deleted> ...

a most enlightening and intelligent comment, are you a Ph.D in philosophy by any chance?

Yes, I got my Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Life in Thailand

you got a doctorate in philosophy IN philosophy? Interesting

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My advice having been 21 before!

Treat this young lady as you would an Italian man dating an Italian girl. Similar moral issues and chaperon.

You go on a date with her/friends/mother etc. then take her home. After the date you go out on the town, drinking and dancing etc. with party girls/women.

This releases all the sexual tension and you will be able to separate lust from love.

So you are advocating being a man who screws around but expects the little wife to stay at home? A recipe for disaster in my opinion.

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Is that some kind of a joke ? .....as a westerm woman I had to comment!

rule 1 : Relations ships take time to build...same with western women

rule 4 : When you accept a Thai girl in your life, you accept her family and friends.......heuheu same with western women

Rule 5 : learn to speak any language your partner and family speaks...it works everywhere

rule 6 : Don t be greedy.....we, also don t like greedy men! trust me

Rule 7 : Thai girls will tell you exactly what you what you want to hear, and do what you want them to do...and she will only care about you (at least will make you think that), you are so happy since she didn't bother you with her sadness over her grandma s death...how convenient is that, you only had to worry about yourself..... but she cries when you left, that s so nice....crap....This is where thai girls are very smart....she ll let you think you rule...but she does

Rule 8 : men are expected to do the first move..sorry for being old school, but we also like it

and the best is number 9 : do not cheat and or lie....yep yep, it is world famous that western women love to be lied to and cheated

My gosh!! Sometimes I wish I couldn t read!

you have agreed with every point as far as I can see. So what is the point you are making?

Have I missed something from a previous post?

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also you state relationships take time to build, 9 days was it. bahahaha

No muythai2013, the relationship was built online - the nine days was just to cement it.

I will say this however, good luck with the relationship and i hope you both find happiness together.

with a thai girl you must structure your arguments in such away that she thinks she has won but is still learning her lesson, they are never wrong and you need to let her believe that whilst sneakily getting your way.

dont fight with them, they just resort to tantrums until they win.

Are you my wife's first husband?

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dont fight with them, they just resort to tantrums until they win.

Perhaps rather than "they" you meant to say "my wife" or "the Thai women I have been in relationships with"...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

mine does not do it, thats why i married her and not the others,settle down tiger i was not refering to your wife so take a few deep breaths

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  • You wrote :

As a freelancer programmer, I can work from anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection, so this is no big deal for me. We spoke everyday since when, and I am burning of envy to go back there. Can't wait, and when I saw how things were going there, I will hold my promise.

To me, money and stability are keys in a fruitfull life! I went there, been freelance programmer in Bangkok (even helped a bit Thaivisa 10 years ago), and allow me to tell you it is indeed a very difficult experience. Unless you do have your own pool of customers already, you will find it is almost impossible to get some decent customers locally.

Another problem with that being freelancer in Thailand is a grey area, because you can NOT get a workpermit (you are not an employee), you have to rely on the tourist visa (at best a non-B, but it can be denied), and it imply you must NOT be to much open about your customers. The other solution around being to work for reputable freelancer websites (I would suggest rentacoder.com, as I got good experience there) but you will hit 2 problems : 1) Pricing, you will be in concurence with indian team able to do more for less 2) retrieve your money safely, legally and without too much cost.

While in my case it was survive with that or die by starvation (I will never beg, prefer to starve) and so it was okie; I would suggest to think hard and long; speak with reliable old hands about that. From my experience, and from experience from other people, it will take years for a reputable, seasoned and well know programmer to land a decent job in Thailand (it took me almost 5 years for my first job, and 8 years from the moment I landed in Bkk to get the one I do have, with an indecent salary. In my case, I do own 3 master degrees, I am preparing a fourth one, I am a member of the IETF since 1996 and did collaborate to many RFC ... and still it took me years).

So while I am not negative (I did suceed), I would suggest you to be cautious in your choices because love can not pay bills, feeling will not feed you, and babies need more than castles in the sky.

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<deleted> ...

a most enlightening and intelligent comment, are you a Ph.D in philosophy by any chance?

Yes, I got my Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Life in Thailand

you got a doctorate in philosophy IN philosophy? Interesting

Thailand's University of Life doesn't go as far as giving out doctorates - it's a never-ending on-going course ...

Edited by esbkk
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Is that some kind of a joke ? .....as a westerm woman I had to comment!

rule 1 : Relations ships take time to build...same with western women

rule 4 : When you accept a Thai girl in your life, you accept her family and friends.......heuheu same with western women

Rule 5 : learn to speak any language your partner and family speaks...it works everywhere

rule 6 : Don t be greedy.....we, also don t like greedy men! trust me

Rule 7 : Thai girls will tell you exactly what you what you want to hear, and do what you want them to do...and she will only care about you (at least will make you think that), you are so happy since she didn't bother you with her sadness over her grandma s death...how convenient is that, you only had to worry about yourself..... but she cries when you left, that s so nice....crap....This is where thai girls are very smart....she ll let you think you rule...but she does

Rule 8 : men are expected to do the first move..sorry for being old school, but we also like it

and the best is number 9 : do not cheat and or lie....yep yep, it is world famous that western women love to be lied to and cheated

My gosh!! Sometimes I wish I couldn t read!

you have agreed with every point as far as I can see. So what is the point you are making?

Have I missed something from a previous post?

Mr Mudcrab....Are you sure I need to make my point? or you were too tired too understand?...Read again this morning, you should get it.

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In fact I am not speaking by expertise, but rather by the first experience I had in this country and giving points that some travelers might find useful, as well as making comparisons with western women.

your 3rd point is a not quite correct.

many good girls are not escorted, I have also seen very bad girls escorted on dates by their stupid brothers on dates who have no idea their sisters a bar girl.

are you sure that they are her brothers? some are the husbands who are pimping out their wives! see it all the time at nana plaza.

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I havent bothered with my online profile (AFF) for several years, but I will offer this : women across SE Asia are increasingly wary of 'time wasters' and 'liars'. Its clear from their profiles and from various forum threads that they are fed up with the 'sex tourist masquerading as Mr Right'. Nothing wrong with two people getting together for a good time, but bullshitting women who are looking for a husband just to get them into the sack really hardens attitudes in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Much better for those of us who want 'cheap sex' to stick to the bars, IMO - we can both get what we want without the bullshit. I'm not naive enough to think that it doesnt go both ways, but some of the women on online dating sites arent thinking with their genitals : I don't know if the can be said for 99.99% of guys. In addition to 'Friendship', 'Relationship' etc, we need an additional 'Roll in the Hay' tickbox

Just my two bahts worth.


I completely agree that using deception, promising/implying the desire for a long-term relationship just to land a girl in the sack is morally abhorrent and counter-productive to positive international relations.

However this phenomenon has gone on almost as long as the oldest profession hasn't it, and girls all over the world are wise to the scam, they might complain about it but that's the status quo for Thai-on-Thai as much as with foreigners.

I see a parallel problem from the other side in their inflated expectations of just what is required for a man to fit the "Mr Right" definition. Those suckers that have let their retirement savings get sucked away to upcountry house improvements, cars etc, compounded by the face-gaining exaggerations they all engage in bragging of their victories have set very high (IMO unreasonably so) expectations.

The fact is that wrt long term relationships most pretty young Thai girls with a decent education and income prospects are now priced right out of reach of most of the farang coming here. When they're searching for the wheat among the chaffe, they've got to kiss a lot of frogs in order to find their prince.

So it goes, do you really feel sorry for them?

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